Is IS the mastermind behind the scenes? Attacks targeting the general election?, A political party rally in Pakistan has exploded with a suicide bombing | Pakistan

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:11 PM

On the 30th, a bomb exploded at a political party rally in northwestern Pakistan, causing at least 44 deaths and around 200 injuries. This is one of the most serious attacks in the northwest region of the country since 2014.

At present, there are no organizations or individuals claiming responsibility for the incident, but preliminary police investigations suggest that ISIS may be the mastermind behind it. Some analysts believe that the attack may not be motivated by sectarianism, but rather related to the upcoming general election.

Use 10 kilograms of explosives

The explosion occurred in the Khyber Pashtun province in northwestern Pakistan, bordering Afghanistan. On the afternoon of the 30th local time, the Islamic Sages of the Palestinian political party organized a rally in the Bajaur region of the province.

The Guardian quoted police as saying that a suicide bomber detonated a vest during a rally, and the explosion occurred near the stage where several senior leaders of the Islamic Jesuit were located. The Pakistani newspaper Dawn quoted Ahmad Hayat Khan, the police chief of Burr Pashtun Province, as saying that the attackers used 10 kilograms of explosives in the explosion.

A witness said that more than 500 people were attending the conference when the explosion occurred. Another eyewitness reported that hundreds of supporters of the Islamic Saga gathered under a tent.

Abdullah Khan, who attempted to help the victims after the explosion, said, "One side of the tent collapsed, trapping those who were desperately trying to escape."

Adam Khan, 45, said, "There was dust and smoke all around, and I was pressed down by some injured people. I could hardly stand up, only to see a mess and some scattered limbs."

24-year-old Sabin Ulan suffered a broken arm in the explosion, and he said the tragedy of the injured in the explosion was shocking. The Bajaur Regional Hospital and adjacent areas have declared a state of health emergency, with some injured individuals being transferred by helicopter to hospitals in Peshawar.

Pakistani Prime Minister Shabaz Sharif and President Arif Alvi condemned the attack and demanded that officials provide all possible assistance to the families of the injured and deceased.

The Guardian reported that the explosion was one of the most serious attacks in the northwest region of Pakistan since 2014. In 2014, the Taliban attacked a military school in Peshawar, resulting in 147 deaths.

Attacks targeting the general election?

Currently, no one claims responsibility for the attack. But preliminary police investigation shows that ISIS may be behind the scenes.

Previously, IS regarded leaders of the Islamic Philosophers as apostates and targets of attacks. Last year, IS claimed responsibility for the violent attacks on religious scholars of the party.

IS also accuses the political party of hypocrisy because as an Islamic conservative party, it supports the government and military. The Islamic Sage is a hardline Islamic political party and a major ally of the coalition government led by Shabaz. The coalition government is currently preparing for the upcoming national elections.

France's 24 television station said that Islamic sages have the ability to mobilize thousands of Islamic school students. Although the political party has never garnered sufficient support for itself, it usually plays a key role in any coalition government.

A security analyst said that the explosion on the 30th is more likely to be related to the election rather than sectarian motives.

"This is part of terrorist violence that seems to have intensified before the Pakistani elections, with the aim of creating a sense of instability that could ultimately lead to election delays," said Gul, Executive Director of the "Security Research Center" in Islamabad, Pakistan

Islamic Saga member and Senator Kamran Mutaza said that the militants are creating fear and starting to target political rallies. "If we are worried about more attacks on political rallies, our party will not be able to fully participate in this year's elections."

Abdul Rashid, a regional political party leader in Pakistan, believes that the attack is an attempt to oust Islamic sages before the elections, but this strategy will not be effective.

The security situation is worrying

Many media outlets believe that the current security situation in Pakistan is severe and complex. Not only has the terrorist threat of IS intensified, but the activities of the Pakistani Taliban are also on the rise.

The Guardian pointed out that the Taliban's acquisition of power in Afghanistan in 2021 has made Bata and other armed militants more bold. Last November, Bata unilaterally terminated the ceasefire agreement with the Pakistani government and intensified attacks throughout the country. In January of this year, Bata launched a suicide attack inside a mosque in a police compound in Peshawar, resulting in the death of over 80 police officers.

However, the outside world has noticed that although Bata has planned multiple events in recent months, it has kept a distance from Sunday's attack. A spokesperson for Bata condemned the attack, stating that it was aimed at putting Islamists in opposition to each other.

The Financial Times quoted analysts as saying that the continuous attacks could ruin Pakistan's hard-earned achievements in public safety over the years. Pakistani opposition leader Imran Khan said on Sunday that Pakistan cannot afford another wave of terrorist attacks and called on the country to increase security investment. The outside world is concerned that political instability in Pakistan may exacerbate security issues.

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