If the conflict between China and the United States will maintain neutrality, how do European people view China? Poll: Most people see China as a partner, most Europeans hope for neutrality | China and the United States are in conflict | European poll

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:09 PM

The mainstream attitude among European citizens on how to view potential conflicts between China and the United States has surprised some American media. A poll released by the European Commission on Foreign Relations on the 7th showed that more Europeans see China as a necessary strategic partner rather than a competitor.

How do Europeans view China and the United States?

In April this year, the European Commission on Foreign Relations conducted a public opinion survey of 16168 respondents from 11 EU countries, covering France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, and Bulgaria.

The survey results show that 43% of respondents believe that China is a "necessary partner" and requires strategic cooperation with China. This is higher than the proportion of respondents who position China as a "competitor", "enemy", and "ally". Some people also expressed confusion about how to define it.

The report suggests that compared to the 2021 poll results, Europeans have had little change in their views on China, which is surprising. Viewing China as a "necessary partner" has become the mainstream view in almost all surveyed countries.

In terms of economic and trade relations with China, the report also shows that only 22% of respondents believe that the risks brought by economic relations with China outweigh the benefits. The mainstream view in almost all surveyed countries is that the trade and investment relationship between Europe and China involves both risks and benefits.

However, the report also pointed out that the majority of respondents showed a cautious attitude towards specific issues such as whether Chinese companies should be allowed to build and own infrastructure in Europe, or acquire media, technology companies, and football clubs.

In terms of relations with the United States, the attitude of European respondents is also thought-provoking.

When asked about the prospect of potential conflict between China and the United States over the Taiwan issue, a whopping 62 percent of respondents chose to remain neutral, with only 23 percent saying they would support the United States.

According to the Deutsche Welle website, even in countries like Sweden, Poland, and others where the most people express support for the United States, nearly half of the respondents choose to remain neutral.

In addition, the report also stated that the majority of respondents hope that the European Union will be more independent in foreign policy and establish its own defense capabilities. The Russia-Ukraine conflict and the increasingly tense relations between China and the United States are making these voices more acute.

The poll results show that 74% of respondents believe that Europe should reduce its military dependence on the United States and develop its own defense capabilities. Only 8% of respondents believe that the United States will always protect Europe, so there is no need to strengthen defense capabilities.

European people more agree with Macron's viewpoint

Many American media outlets were surprised by this survey report.

Time magazine in the United States stated that although the leaders of the United States and Europe seem to be in sync on the issue of China, this is not the case for their respective citizens. According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, more Americans see China as a competitor and enemy, but the attitude of Europeans towards China is clearly vastly different from that of the United States.

Some analysts believe that there may be a disconnect between some EU leaders and the public on the issue of China.

At the end of March this year, when expounding the policy towards China, the President of the European Commission, von der Leyen, for the first time put forward the "risk elimination" strategy towards China and advocated a strong hard policy towards China.

French President Macron has recently repeatedly stated that Europe cannot become a follower of the United States and should reduce its dependence on the United States and strive to achieve strategic autonomy. Macron also proposed that Europe should not be involved in the Taiwan Strait dispute and opposed NATO's plan to establish a liaison office in Tokyo, Japan.

Although Macron's remarks have been criticized by some EU leaders and US officials, his views coincide with mainstream views among the public.

The researchers of the European Council on Foreign Relations pointed out that the poll results showed that European people were more inclined to stand in the line of Makron than to support von der Leyen. "They don't think that China wants to challenge and weaken Europe, nor do they agree with the" democracy vs. autocracy "framework proposed by the Biden government".

The public opinion has noticed that while this poll is being released, the EU is engaged in fierce debate on how to deal with China.

According to the South China Morning Post, the European Union is currently formulating an economic security strategy, which will be officially announced on June 20th. It is reported that the strategy will suggest ways to break free from the dependence of the European economy on China in certain areas, and may push the EU to take measures to review corporate investments in China. Some companies and member states have expressed opposition to this.

Analysis suggests that when European leaders adjust their diplomatic strategies, they not only need to reach agreements with each other, but also need to reach consensus with the public. Otherwise, the public's distrust of the elite and the EU may deepen, and this rebound will also be reflected in the general election.

Former French Ambassador to the United States, Gerald Arrow, said that while most European leaders and think tank experts are on par with the United States, the number of voters doing so is much lower.

Charles Kupchan, a researcher at the American Institute of Foreign Relations and former European Director of the US National Security Council, said that Europeans may want more strategic autonomy and less dependence on the United States in terms of security, but this may take several years or even decades to achieve.

However, he believes that the poll results indicate that the consensus on China related issues on both sides of the Atlantic will be more difficult to maintain. In terms of business dealings with China and geopolitical issues in the Asia Pacific region, Washington may find it difficult to maintain unity on both sides of the Atlantic.

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