China and Russia will hold joint sea and air exercises in the Sea of Japan

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 06:44 AM

According to the website of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense on July 15th, according to the annual cooperation plan between the Chinese and Russian militaries, the Russian military will soon dispatch sea and air forces to participate in the "Northern Joint 2023" exercise organized by the Northern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army in the central Sea of Japan.

The topic of this exercise is "Maintaining Maritime Strategic Channel Security", aiming to enhance the level of strategic cooperation between the Chinese and Russian militaries, enhance the ability to jointly maintain regional peace and stability, and respond to various security challenges. The Chinese troops participating in this exercise departed on July 15th.

Sea Air Joint Exercise

According to the People's Liberation Army Daily on July 15th, the Chinese maritime formation participating in the "Northern United 2023" exercise has set sail from a military port in Qingdao on the same day and set sail for the designated sea area to carry out the exercise mission.

The Chinese maritime formation consists of five ships, including the missile destroyer Qiqihar, Guiyang, the missile frigate Zaozhuang, Rizhao, and the comprehensive supply ship the Taihu Lake, carrying four shipborne helicopters. All five ships have carried out major missions multiple times.

According to the plan, after the Chinese maritime formation arrives in the designated sea area, it will conduct a joint military exercise with the Russian participating forces on the topic of "maintaining the security of maritime strategic channels", enhance the level of strategic cooperation between the Chinese and Russian armies, and enhance the ability to jointly maintain regional peace and stability and respond to various security challenges.

At the same time, the first batch of Chinese Air Force participating units in the "Northern Joint 2023" exercise also flew to the Far East region of Russia on July 15th by Y-20.

It is reported that the Chinese air force participating in this exercise consists of multiple types of fixed wing aircraft and helicopters, including Y-20, Airborne Police 500, J-16, Z-20, etc.

According to Reuters, the Russian Navy's Pacific Fleet's frigates "Kazuma" and "Perfect" will participate in exercises held in the Sea of Japan. Recently, a fleet of ships consisting of the "Louliang" and "Perfect" made a friendly visit to Shanghai from July 5th to 11th.

Multiple backgrounds

The public opinion has noticed that the joint sea and air exercise between China and Russia takes place in multiple contexts. Firstly, in recent years, China and Russia have continued to engage in military exchanges and cooperation.

At sea, the Chinese and Russian navies formed a joint formation in October 2021, starting from the Peter the Great Bay area, crossing the Sea of Japan, entering the Western Pacific through the Tsugaru Strait, crossing the Otsu Strait, and arriving in the East China Sea, completing the first joint maritime cruise.

Afterwards, after the "Dongfang-2022" exercise organized by Russia in September 2022, the Chinese and Russian armies organized a second joint maritime cruise in the relevant waters of the Western Pacific.

In the air, the air forces of China and Russia organized the first joint air strategic cruise in Northeast Asia in July 2019. On the 6th of last month, the Chinese and Russian armies organized the 6th joint air strategic cruise in the relevant airspace of the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea.

Therefore, it is highly concerned whether the Chinese and Russian armies will hold their third joint sea and air cruise, or even a joint sea and air cruise, on the occasion of the "Northern Joint 2023" exercise.

Recently, high-level military exchanges between China and Russia have also received attention. On June 9th, Liu Zhenli, a member of the Central Military Commission and Chief of Staff of the Joint Staff Department of the Central Military Commission, held a video call with Grasimov, the First Deputy Minister of Defense and Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, to exchange views on implementing the consensus of the two heads of state and deepening cooperation between the two armies. Both sides jointly confirm that the Russian side will be invited to participate in the "Northern United 2023" exercise organized by the Chinese side.

On July 3rd, Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu met with Russian Navy Commander in Chief Yevmenov in Beijing.Both sides should continue to promote the deepening and consolidation of military relations between the two countries. The navies of the two countries should strengthen communication at all levels, expand practical cooperation in professional fields, and make positive contributions to maintaining regional peace and stability.

Yevmenov said that Russia attaches great importance to strengthening practical cooperation between the Russian and Chinese militaries in various fields, and is willing to maintain close coordination with China to continuously push the bilateral military relations to new heights.

The public opinion also noticed that the "Northern United 2023" exercise was taking place at a time when the situation in Europe and the Asia Pacific region was constantly changing. Currently, NATO, led by the United States, is expanding its sphere of influence in Europe, causing concern from the Russian side. Meanwhile, NATO is attempting to extend its tentacles to Asia. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently stated that NATO's eastward expansion into the Asia Pacific region will only stir up regional tensions, trigger factional confrontation, and even lead to a "new cold war".

Bloomberg noted that the joint military exercise between China and Russia coincides with a tense situation in the Taiwan Strait, as the United States expands its military presence in Asia. Recently, the United States has continued to increase its cooperation with regional countries, including signing a defense cooperation agreement with the Philippines, opening a new base in Guam, and promoting cooperation between Japan and South Korea.

In April of this year, the Philippine and US military also launched an 18 day "shoulder to shoulder" joint military exercise for the year 2023 in the Philippine capital Manila. According to the Philippine military, over 17000 military personnel participated in this military exercise, including 5400 Filipino and 12200 American personnel, making it the largest "shoulder to shoulder" joint military exercise. In addition, approximately 100 Australian military personnel participated in the military exercises, and Japan also sent military observers.

From the 1st to the 12th of this month, the United States, Japan, South Korea, and Australia held a joint naval exercise in the western Pacific Ocean, codenamed "Pacific Pioneer".

Bloomberg noted that compared to exercises between the United States and its allies, the scale of Sino Russian joint exercises is usually smaller.

Reuters also stated that the joint military exercise between China and Russia occurred at a time of difficulties in military exchanges between China and the United States. However, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense has previously stated that the responsibility for the current difficulties in military exchanges lies entirely with the United States. In addition, on July 12th local time, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng met with US Assistant Secretary of Defense Ratner at an invitation, and the two sides exchanged views on issues of common concern.

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