Biden falls, McConnell's speech freezes... The aging of American politicians triggers discussions across the United States | McConnell freezes | Biden falls

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:13 PM

Recently, the scene of 81 year old US Congressman Mitch McConnell suddenly froze during his speech became a hot topic. At that time, he was stunned for 20 seconds and asked by his colleagues, "Are you okay?" Then he was helped to leave.

From the brief "shutdown" of McConnell, to frequent falls and slip of the tongue by US President Biden, coupled with the possibility of a "two old man" showdown in the US election, the issue of aging American politicians has once again sparked public opinion and discussion.

Not an isolated event

According to CNN, Senate Minority Leader McConnell's brief silence at a press conference last Wednesday was not an isolated event. He has fallen at least three times in the past year. Especially after a fall in March this year caused a concussion, McConnell had to be hospitalized for treatment.

Coincidentally, less than 24 hours after McConnell's situation, 90 year old California Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein was exposed to have been disconnected at a Senate meeting.

At that time, just as the voting was taking place, she suddenly started reading a statement loudly. When asked to vote, she looked bewildered and finally said "agree" only after being urged by others.

It is reported that Fan Stan is the oldest senator, and his health has been deteriorating since being diagnosed with shingles this year.

The age issue is also plagued by the current 80 year old, the oldest US President in history, Biden.

The New York Times reported that since tripping over a sandbag at the graduation ceremony of the US Air Force Academy in June, although doctors have stated that Biden's health is good, any insinuation about the president's physical weakness has made the White House more sensitive.

The Politician News Network provides a series of observations. To prevent Biden from frequently falling on the Air Force One escalator, the White House replaced him with a shorter ladder.

However, when faced with media speculation that the President may have difficulty moving, Biden's aides sent 13 photos of escalators of similar length that he had previously used to clarify the situation.

In addition, since early May, Biden has not gone out to buy his beloved ice cream, nor has he visited voters elsewhere. The White House stated that it was due to the president's tight schedule.

Congress is getting older

Stubborn McConnell, bewildered Feinstein, repeatedly falling Biden, repeatedly refreshing the attention to the issue of aging American leaders.

The New York Times reported that after the McConnell "stagnation" incident, it became a topic of discussion across the United States for a while. Voters, strategists, and even politicians are all pondering: at what age can one not hold public office?

On Google, the search volume for the term "senior politics" skyrocketed.

If viewed from the most important legislative body in the United States, it is undeniable that Congress is indeed aging.

According to data from The Washington Post, the median age of this Congress is 59 years old. The median age of senators is as high as 65 years old, the highest in history.

Since 2000, although younger members have also been elected, the older generation still holds a dominant position in Congress.

On Capitol Hill, almost half of the "baby boomer generation" legislators make up.

CNN reported that in the past few decades, the number of legislators under 50 has sharply decreased, while the number of legislators over 70 has increased significantly. In the Senate, the number of members over the age of 70 and the number of members under the age of 50 is a historic record.

For the United States, which has always been known for its youth, "senior politics" is quite prevalent and puzzling.

A previous analysis article by the Financial Times pointed out that one explanation is that Americans are getting older, and voters over 65 are usually more enthusiastic about voting than young voters. Voters usually prefer candidates who are close in age to themselves. In other words, aging countries are prone to producing elderly politicians.

On the other hand, legislators are also unwilling to leave their positions.

"The Senate is such a warm and comfortable place where you can live in this greenhouse," said Jim Manley, 62. "The staff are on call and they can open the door for you at any time.". Manley has worked for some senior senators.

The New York Times quoted a former aide to a legislator as saying that there is a interdependence between politicians and staff. If a senator retires, dozens of employees in his or her entire office may become unemployed. So, compared to the impact of retirement, it may be more realistic and easier to have assistants formulate policies, limit media exposure, and avoid scriptless speeches to cover up the issue of advanced age.

A public opinion poll last year showed that the majority of Americans support age restrictions on elected officials, but there are differences in the specific age limit. According to public opinion analysis, if the age limit is set to 60 years old, 71% of senators will be unable to serve, and if it is set to 70 years old, 30% of senators will be disqualified.

In addition, James Curry, a political scientist at the University of Utah in the United States, pointed out that the overall aging population, rising costs of running for public office, and declining competitiveness in congressional districts and Senate seats are the three main reasons that hinder the younger generation from being elected to Congress.

This can also explain a phenomenon of "inversion": although the "millennial generation" is the most populous generation in the United States, it is one of the smallest groups that make up Congress.

What do Americans think?

As the US presidential election intensifies, the issue of aging leaders is also being magnified.

The New York Times pointed out that the upcoming 2024 election may be a showdown between the two oldest candidates in US history: 81 year old Biden versus 78 year old Trump.

The focus of political debate in the United States has been on issues such as term restrictions, age discrimination, and the suitability of older leaders to lead the country.

McConnell's 20 second pause at the press conference naturally became a target of partisan struggle, creating opportunities for young competitors.

As a Republican presidential candidate, 44 year old Florida Governor Ron de Santis fiercely criticized America's "senior politics.".

Another Republican presidential candidate, former Governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley, suggested that McConnell resign for health reasons.

Larry Sabato, founder of the Political Center at the University of Virginia, believes that voters will undoubtedly consider "age" when choosing who to vote for in 2024.

This month, a survey conducted by the Harvard Center for American Political Studies and Harris Poll on approximately 2000 registered voters showed that 68% of people believed that Biden "appeared too old to serve as president," which is higher than the 66% in June.

Democratic strategist Rick Reed said that leaders may not mind their age, but voters will mind, "convincing voters with Biden's body that he can bring stability to the country after re-election is a complex task because it is difficult for anyone to maintain physical stability by the age of 80."

However, it can be observed from media reports in the United States that the American public does not always reject older politicians.

According to CNN, so far no relatively young Republican presidential candidate has caused a sensation enough to challenge Trump, indicating that voters seem to be indifferent to age.

For example, the most shocking outcome of the 2022 midterm elections was not the Democratic Party occupying the Senate, nor was it the Republican Party narrowly recapturing the House of Representatives. But every current senator who ran successfully won re-election.

"Voters prefer what they know rather than caring about older candidates... The most powerful force in American politics is not age or ideology, but the incumbent," CNN wrote.

Biden's senior advisor seems to have already figured out the way. They suggest that Biden should consider age as a political asset during his campaign, rather than avoiding this issue.

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