After 90 minutes of overtime talks, Wang Yi and Antony Blinken meet again every January and again every other month | Antony Blinken | Wang Yi

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:26 AM

On the 13th local time, Wang Yi, Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at request in Jakarta. This is the second meeting between the two in less than a month, which is seen as the latest progress in a series of high-level contacts between China and the United States in recent days. During the approximately 90 minute "overtime meeting," Wang Yi raised "three needs" to the US side, believing that the key to the next step is to take practical actions and strive for the relationship between the two countries to return to normal.

"Honesty, pragmatism, and constructiveness" is the evaluation of this meeting by both China and the United States. The Washington Post quoted American diplomats attending the talks as saying that the talks were more in-depth and substantive than those held in Beijing in June. However, at the same time, public opinion also believes that there are still structural issues between China and the United States. To promote the stability and improvement of China US relations, the primary prerequisite is for the US to change its perception of China, rationally view China's development, and take practical actions to align with China.

The latest progress in diplomatic efforts

Recently, high-level exchanges between China and the United States have kept pace - after Antony Blinken's trip to Beijing in the middle of last month, US Treasury Secretary Yellen visited China early this month, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng visited the Pentagon recently "rarely" to meet with the Assistant Defense Minister of the United States, and US President's Special Envoy for Climate Issues Kerry will also visit China this Sunday... The "Indonesia pact" between Wang Yi and Antony Blinken is widely regarded as the latest progress in a series of diplomatic dialogue efforts between China and the United States.

The outside world has noticed that Wang Yi met with Antony Blinken "at request" this time, which reflects the initiative of the US side. Agence France Presse said that this was the second meeting between Wang Yi and Antony Blinken when the two countries recently sought to control tensions.

Previously, Brinken met with Wang Yi during his visit to China from June 18 to 19. At that time, Wang Yi said to Antony Blinken that China US relations were at a critical juncture and needed to make a choice between dialogue or confrontation, cooperation or conflict. To reverse the spiral decline of China US relations and jointly find the correct way for China US to coexist in the new era.

Less than a month later, two heavyweight officials gathered again at an international event. What both sides said, what signals were released, once again affecting the global vision.

In China's reports on Wang Yi's meeting, the outside world has noticed several points.

The key to the next step is to take practical actions and strive for the relationship between the two countries to return to the right track.

Wang Yi proposed "three needs": the US needs to reflect on the crux that has led to serious difficulties in China US relations, to truly translate the consensus reached at the Bali meeting between the two heads of state into concrete actions, and more importantly, to effectively implement the series of commitments made by President Biden multiple times.

Secondly, he pointed out that both sides should start from specific matters, resolutely prevent "gray rhinoceroses", properly handle "black swans", completely remove "roadblocks", accumulate conditions for the stability of China US relations, and eliminate interference. The United States should adopt a rational and pragmatic attitude, and work towards China.

Third, he expounded China's solemn position on the Taiwan issue, demanding that the United States side should not wantonly interfere in China's internal affairs, damage China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, stop its economic, trade and scientific and technological suppression of China, and lift its unreasonable sanctions against China.

Analysis suggests that Wang Yi's speech is highly targeted. Although the United States has mentioned the "Four Nos and One Intentions", it has not stopped its technological blockade and military provocation against China, which adds obstacles to the substantial improvement of Sino US relations. Whether China and the United States can seize the "precious window of opportunity" to stabilize their relations depends on whether the United States can achieve mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs, and move towards China.

As for the report of Antony Blinken's participation in the meeting, the website of the US State Department wrote——

The meeting aims to clarify the interests of the United States on a wide range of issues, reduce the risk of misunderstandings and misjudgments, and responsibly manage competition. Antony Blinken and Wang Yi had frank and constructive discussions on a series of bilateral, regional and global issues, covering both areas of disagreement and potential areas of cooperation. Both parties agree to maintain open communication channels in the coming weeks and months.

The Washington Post quoted American diplomats who participated in the talks as saying that their meeting was more in-depth and substantive than the one held in Beijing in June. This is precisely the key to easing the relationship between the two sides through continuous communication. Bloomberg cited US officials as saying that the talks lasted for about 90 minutes, exceeding the originally scheduled duration.

The process is by no means smooth sailing

The Lianhe Zaobao quoted analysts' comments that the top diplomatic officials of China and the United States could meet twice within a month, indicating that although the basic trend of strategic competition is difficult to reverse, there is still the most basic consensus to maintain dialogue and promote high-level communication, which can ease the tension between the two countries to a certain extent and help increase the probability of face-to-face meetings between the two heads of state this year.

The Washington Post wrote that officials in the Biden administration said they saw a brief window in shaping US China relations. I hope that current exchanges can enhance trust and hedge against potential fluctuations in the relationship between the two countries during the US presidential election.

A senior US official told US media that the Biden team is studying potential areas of cooperation where progress may be made: "I believe the next step is to work hard to find ways for China and the US to work in certain areas, such as achieving common goals in climate, health, and other areas."

Bloomberg said that there were many differences between Wang Yi and Antony Blinken during their meeting, but the two governments were also seeking to establish a sense of order while expressing their dissatisfaction. "The Biden administration intends to repair its relationship with the United States' major geopolitical opponents, partly to reassure allies that the United States will not drag them into a conflict. China also has reason to reduce friction, which will provide space for its focus on economic recovery."

On the other hand, public opinion generally believes that there are still many key issues that lie between China and the United States.

Just this week, the United States began spreading rumors of Chinese hackers attacking Western Europe and US government agencies. The communique passed by NATO leaders is also full of content regarding China as a security threat - which was unimaginable in the past. If the Biden administration announces a new order restricting US investment in Chinese companies involved in quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and semiconductors, the relationship between the two countries may become increasingly tense again.

"Although Antony Blinken's action in Beijing in June laid the foundation for further dialogue, the relationship between the two countries almost immediately appeared a deceleration belt." The Washington Post said that the two sides still had differences on a series of trade, security and geopolitical issues.

Sun Yun, the director of the Stimson Center's China project, said when discussing the issue of hacking, "I don't think it will disrupt the process, but it does indicate that this process is by no means smooth sailing or without problems."

Ge Laiyi, head of the Indo-Pacific program of the German Marshall Fund, a Washington think tank, said that the weak progress made in Sino-US relations may be hindered by upcoming events, such as the executive order on investment in China, the election in Taiwan, and the United States. The political agenda.

Analysts believe that China and the United States have recently entered into an interactive mode, where both sides have made progress and reached consensus on certain issues, sending a positive signal to the world to ease tensions in relations. But the "frozen three feet" of bilateral relations cannot be resolved through a few visits and talks. The crux of the current dilemma in China US relations is that the US holds a wrong understanding of China, leading to incorrect policies towards China. The primary prerequisite for stabilizing and improving relations with China is for the US to change its perception of China and approach China's development rationally.

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