[CCTV Quick Review] Closely follow the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization and further comprehensively deepen reforms

Release time:May 24, 2024 08:33 AM

"To further comprehensively deepen reforms, we must closely adhere to the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization, highlight the key points of reform, hold firmly to the value orientation, and pay attention to methods and methods, so as to add impetus to completing the central tasks and achieving strategic goals." On May 23, General Secretary Xi Jinping was in Shandong Jinan hosted a symposium with enterprises and experts and delivered an important speech.

This symposium hosted by General Secretary Xi Jinping had a wide range of participants and was extremely representative. For example, among the corporate representatives, people saw many representatives of private and foreign companies. The important speech delivered by the General Secretary deeply analyzed the current development situation of our country, deeply analyzed the pain points and difficulties of reform, systematically elaborated on the goals and tasks, main themes, methods and methods of comprehensively deepening reform, and profoundly answered a series of major theories on development and reform. and practical issues, pointing out the way forward and providing fundamental guidance for further comprehensively deepening reforms on the new journey.

[CCTV Quick Review] Closely follow the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization and further comprehensively deepen reforms

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is full of the people's leaders' deep feelings of constantly satisfying the people's yearning for a better life. It will surely inspire us to plan and implement major measures to comprehensively deepen reforms and use the power of reform to solve development problems.

Reform and opening up is the most significant feature and the most magnificent event in contemporary China. Since entering the new era, reform and opening up have been advanced in depth, overcoming difficulties and achieving fruitful results. The current and future period is a critical period for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization. Faced with the complicated international and domestic situation, the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and the new expectations of the people, all regions and departments must more firmly put reform in a more prominent position and anchor, improve and develop Chinese characteristics. The overall goal of modernizing the socialist system and promoting the national governance system and governance capabilities is closely linked to the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization, and continues to deepen the reform.

[CCTV Quick Review] Closely follow the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization and further comprehensively deepen reforms

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that “to further comprehensively deepen reforms, we must grasp the principal contradictions and main aspects of contradictions.” We must closely focus on the top priority of development to deploy reforms in all aspects. It is necessary to focus on economic construction, give play to the leading role of economic system reform, start from the most urgent matters, build a high-level socialist market economic system, improve the macroeconomic governance system and promote high-quality development systems and mechanisms, and improve support for comprehensive innovation, Institutions and mechanisms such as the integrated development of urban and rural areas must also strengthen overall planning and enhance the relevance, systematicness and synergy of various reforms from the perspective of liberating and developing productivity and enhancing social vitality.

Chinese-style modernization is a modernization that brings prosperity to all people. The ultimate goal of pursuing reform and promoting development is to make the people live a better life. We must take meeting the people's growing needs for a better life as the starting point and goal of comprehensively deepening reforms, and pay more attention to finding ways to solve the urgent needs and worries of the people such as employment, income increase, enrollment, medical treatment, housing, services, child care and elderly care, and the safety of life and property. It is the driving force and breakthrough point of quasi-reform, so that the reform can give the people a greater sense of gain, happiness, and security.

[CCTV Quick Review] Closely follow the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization and further comprehensively deepen reforms

There has to be a way, and then it can be done. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech profoundly clarified the methodology for promoting reform in the new journey, guiding us to master scientific methods, improve reform efficiency, and achieve practical results. We must persist in upholding integrity and innovating, improve what should be changed and what can be changed, and make the changes in place, and we will unswervingly grasp them when we are right. We should pay more attention to the system integration of reforms to prevent and overcome the phenomenon of each doing his own thing and constraining each other. We must grasp the implementation of reforms with a nailing spirit. We must not only be proactive, but also be solid and steady, and do our best and within our capabilities.

There is no end to practical development, there is no end to emancipating the mind, and there is no end to reform and opening up. We must thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches on comprehensively deepening reforms, deeply grasp the essential characteristics, rich connotations, and practical requirements of Chinese modernization, adhere to the combination of goal orientation and problem orientation, run towards problems, and focus on problems. Problem reform, resolutely eliminate the ideological concepts and institutional shortcomings that hinder the advancement of Chinese-style modernization, focus on breaking down deep-seated institutional obstacles and structural contradictions, reform the past, make steady and long-term progress, overcome obstacles and move forward indomitably, and meet the third session of the 20th Party Congress with practical actions The successful convening of the Central Plenary Session has continuously injected strong impetus and provided strong institutional guarantee for Chinese-style modernization.

[CCTV Quick Review] Closely follow the theme of promoting Chinese-style modernization and further comprehensively deepen reforms
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