What party courses did Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and Zhu De give? What podium politics did Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, and Zhu De give in Yan'an? Theory | Yan'an

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:32 PM

Leading cadres take the lead in attending party classes, promoting Marxism, and introducing current affairs and policies is a glorious tradition of our party. During the Yan'an period, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, and others went to the podium and gave party lectures in the classrooms of the Anti Japanese University, on the Shaanbei Public School Square, and in the Luyi Courtyard. They used easy to understand language, easy to understand examples, profound explanations, and insightful judgments to cultivate a large number of backbone forces for our party's cause, effectively improving the organizational, cohesion, and combat effectiveness of the entire party, and promoting the deepening of the revolutionary movement and liberation cause.

"Expand knowledge and work perspective"

In order to improve the political and theoretical level of party members, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Zhang Wentian, Chen Yun, and others often give lectures or give political presentations in government agencies, troops, and schools. Among them, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhang Wentian, and others taught courses such as "Marxist Philosophy," "Strategic Issues in Chinese Revolutionary War," "Party Building," "Chinese Issues," and "History of Modern Chinese Revolutionary Movements," to students from the Chinese People's Anti Japanese Military and Political University, Shaanbei Public School, and Lu Xun Academy of Art.

Founder General Fu Chongbi recalled, "Chairman Mao of the Party Central Committee, Commander in Chief Zhu, and other leading comrades often came to teach us. Without a blackboard, we used coal ash to make a blackboard on the wall; without a chair, we picked up a stone to make a chair. Chairman Mao personally gave us a lecture on military dialectics. When Chairman Mao didn't have a chair, we went to his hometown to borrow a rocking armchair temporarily. We asked him to talk about the situation, and he talked. Chairman Mao's lecture went from shallow to deep, and everyone loved to listen."

In 1941, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China passed the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Yan'an Cadre School", which clearly stipulated that "the responsible comrades of the Party's leadership organs in the location of the school must regularly report to the school in a planned manner, and those who can teach must serve as teachers". "The education of cadres at or above the level of local committees and regiments should be personally guided by central committee members and leaders of various central organs.".

During this period, the content taught by party leaders was very extensive, including Marxist theory, new democratic revolution theory, organizational management, economic development, culture and art, military strategy, etc., enabling party members and cadres to continuously expand their knowledge and work perspectives.

1. Marxist theory, mainly including Marxist philosophy, political economy, scientific socialism, proletarian revolution and other theories, plays an important role in strengthening the revolutionary belief and political consciousness of party members and cadres.

When Mao Zedong taught Marxist Philosophy to the students of the Anti-Communist University, he also wrote an outline of the lecture, Dialectical Materialism. The contents of the later "Theory of Practice" and "Theory of Contradiction" are taken from the main part of this lecture.

Comrade Chen Yun recalled, "During the Yan'an Rectification Movement, Comrade Mao Zedong advocated the study of Marxist Leninist works, especially philosophy, which played a significant role in improving the ideological level and unifying understanding of the entire Party."

2. party building issues involve institutional settings, leadership work, cadre elections, cadre assessment, and ideological and political construction.

After the Central Party School resumed school in Wayaobao, Li Weihan lectures on "Party Building" and Dong Biwu lectures on "Soviet Construction"; Chen Yun lectures on "On Cadre Policy" in the Anti-Kangdar University, emphasizing that cadre policy is "the way to employ people": First, understand People; second, great spirit; third, good use; fourth, love people.

In 1939, Liu Shaoqi conducted party education at Yan'an Marxist Leninist College and systematically explained the issue of party spirit training and cultivation through "On the Cultivation of Communist Party Members", emphasizing that "the party spirit training and cultivation of Communist Party members is the transformation of the essence of party members.".

3. the issue of economic development, including a large number of discussions on economic issues after the Chinese revolution, and putting forward new economic ideas, theories, principles and policies, as well as the development situation of various industries in the national economy, readjusting the economic structure, strengthening the utilization of resources, and so on.

4. social governance issues, including the development of literature and art, education, health, science and technology.

For example, Mao Zedong and Dong Biwu respectively taught "China's Constitutional Movement", "The Orthodox View and the Criticism of the Six Laws" at the Northern Shaanxi Public School, Zhang Wentian taught "China Issues" at the Kangda University, and Deng Yingchao taught "Women's Movement View" at China Women's University.

"Improving political literacy and professional skills"

From the actual situation of leading cadres taking the lead in attending party classes during the Yan'an period, the following experiences and rules can be extracted:

Firstly, adhere to the integration of theory with practice.

At that time, our party strongly advocated the integration of theory with practice, emphasizing the combination of theoretical learning and concrete struggle, so that students could better understand and master theoretical knowledge, and then push theory to higher levels of practical application.

For example, in his report titled "The Situation and Future of the Third Anti Japanese War", Zhou Enlai introduced the situation of negotiations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and talked about the expectations and aspirations of the general public in the Kuomintang ruled areas for the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, and the Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region.

The Anti Japanese University also took advantage of the meeting held in Yan'an to invite officials from various regions such as Xiang Ying, Peng Dehuai, He Long, Luo Ronghuan, and Peng Zhen to give party lectures on campus, providing students with vivid and practical education on struggle experience.

Mao Zedong once vividly recalled the situation of giving a party lecture at the Anti Japanese University: "We cannot simply follow the textbook. Those who listen should doze off. We should prepare ourselves, combine our practical experience with our lectures, summarize our revolutionary experience, and those who listen will have energy."

Secondly, advocating criticism and self-criticism.

During this period, the teaching of party courses often adopted methods of criticism and self-criticism, encouraging students to constantly reflect and examine their own ideological and work shortcomings, in order to better prepare for war and improve their political literacy and work skills.

Comrade Chen Yun said, "Our Communist Party is a serious party. One of the signs of a strong Communist Party member is to see what attitude he adopts towards his own shortcomings and mistakes. If he dares to face his own shortcomings and mistakes, dares to study and correct them, then he is a good Communist Party member."

An American journalist who conducted in-depth interviews in Yan'an gave a touching evaluation: there is nothing more original, practical, dogmatic, and narrow-minded than the Communist Party Cadre School.

Thirdly, it should be easy to understand and easy to understand.

When Mao Zedong was talking about "concentrating superior forces to fight the war of annihilation," he extended a finger and poked a wooden board, but the board remained unchanged; Take out another awl to prick the wooden board, and it will pierce through in a moment. He said: In war, the same goes for us. The greater our strength, the better, and the smaller our contact with the enemy, the better. This is the concentration of superior forces to fight a war of annihilation.

Writer Xiao San recalled that Chairman Mao's reports, speeches, and speeches were "so clear, simple, popular, moving, full of humor and wit, yet so meaningful and profound.".

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