Three essential elements are indispensable: Party school experts: requirements for the occurrence of corrupt behavior | strict governance of the Party | occurrence

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:56 PM

Corruption is the biggest cancer that endangers the vitality and combat effectiveness of our party.

"No restricted areas"

The key to comprehensively and strictly governing the Party lies in governance. To manage and govern the entire Party, it is required that there are no special Party members, no blind spots or gaps in the management and governance of the Party.

If there is no object in the restricted area, the key is to focus on the "key few" and manage party members and leading cadres, especially senior cadres. The results of the 2022 Social Opinion Survey conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that 98.2% were satisfied with the Party Central Committee taking the lead in implementing the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation, and 95.7% were positive for the overall effectiveness.

If there is no restricted space, turn the so-called "heaven" of avoiding sin into a magnificent "heavenly net" of the law. As of June 2023, the "Skynet Operation" has recovered 10688 fugitives, including 62 "100 Red Cross personnel", and recovered 42.942 billion yuan in stolen funds.

If there is no time limit, for those who have a serious nature of dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty, regardless of whether the responsible person is transferred, promoted or retired, lifelong accountability shall be implemented.

Full coverage

The comprehensive and strict governance of the Party is based on comprehensiveness. Wherever public power operates, the supervision of public power must be covered, and the responsibility of governing the Party must be implemented.

If the dispatched supervision covers all areas, the dispatched institutions are responsible for reviewing cases of suspected violations of party discipline by relevant party organizations and party members of the stationed units, and investigating cases of suspected violations of duty and crimes by the supervised objects of the stationed units in accordance with the law.

If national supervision is fully covered, the National Supervision Commission and local supervision committees have been established successively, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Officials has been promulgated and implemented to supervise all public officials who exercise public power, and impose administrative penalties on those who violate the law.

If political inspections are fully covered, conduct a "political examination" of the Party's body. The Regulations on Patrol Work of the CPC clearly states that the full-time patrol organizations of the Party's central and provincial, autonomous region, and municipal committees make a comprehensive tour of the Party organizations in the places, departments, enterprises, and institutions under their management within a term of office, focusing on the weak leadership of the Party, the lack of Party building, the failure to comprehensively govern the Party strictly, the indifference of the Party's concept, the laxity of organization, and the laxity of discipline.

The inspection team may, in accordance with regulations, transfer specific problem clues of suspected violations of discipline and law by cadres under the management of the inspected party organization to relevant disciplinary inspection agencies and political and legal organs for handling. It may form special reports on common and biased issues in party conduct and clean governance construction, analyze the reasons, and provide suggestions.

If the political responsibility is fully covered, we will implement the main responsibility of the Party Committee to comprehensively enforce strict governance of the Party, the supervisory responsibility of the disciplinary inspection organs to comprehensively enforce strict governance of the Party, the primary responsibility of the Party Secretary to comprehensively enforce strict governance of the Party in the local area and unit, the dual responsibilities of other members of the leadership team, and the relevant obligations that Party members must fulfill, and promote Party organizations, Party cadres, and Party members to shoulder the political responsibility of comprehensively enforcing strict governance of the Party.

"Zero tolerance"

The key to comprehensively and strictly governing the Party lies in strictness. Our party is incompatible with corruption, and we must not tolerate or tolerate any corrupt phenomenon to prevent the emergence of a broken window effect.

For example, zero tolerance towards corrupt elements. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has always maintained a high-pressure situation of punishing corruption, and has taken multiple measures to investigate and investigate violations of discipline, violations of official duties, and crimes related to official duties. On the new journey, we must persist in the strict main tone for a long time. We must resolutely punish corrupt elements who do not converge or stop, as well as catch small problems early and prevent them from gradually spreading. We should not tolerate small problems and prevent corruption from breeding and spreading.

For example, zero tolerance for corrupt behavior. The occurrence of corrupt behavior cannot be separated from three elements, namely the motivation of corrupt behavior, the opportunity of corrupt behavior, and the driving force of corrupt behavior. Without any of these elements, corrupt behavior is difficult to occur. A clear attitude of zero tolerance towards corrupt behavior is to not dare to be corrupt, not to be corrupt, and not to want to be corrupt.

Not wanting to be corrupt is to curb the ideological motivation of corrupt elements in their corrupt behavior; Not being corrupt means curbing the opportunities for corrupt behavior by corrupt elements; Daring not to be corrupt is the driving force behind curbing the corrupt behavior of corrupt elements. By promoting the unity of not daring to corrupt, not being able to corrupt, and not wanting to corrupt, corrupt elements will lose their motivation for corrupt behavior, lose opportunities for corruption, and eliminate their motivation for corruption.

Anti corruption is the most thorough self revolution. On the new journey, the soil and conditions that breed corruption still exist, and the task of curbing the increase of corruption and eliminating the stock of corruption remains arduous. Only by firmly adhering to the principle of no forbidden zone, full coverage, and zero tolerance in the fight against corruption can we win the protracted battle against corruption, and ensure that it never deteriorates, changes color, or loses its flavor through the most thorough self revolution.

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