The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:47 PM

The video of imitating the "Golden Mask" of Sanxingdui went viral, while the video of silently showcasing the production process of the Phoenix Crown without speaking throughout was highly acclaimed

Craftsmanship based online video authors can rely on their skills to make a living and gain a large number of fans.

From time to time, netizens on the video barrage ask: Where can I learn if I want to?

Handicrafts are no longer just a superficial display of tourist attractions, but also break free from the stereotypical impression of "soil". What exactly needs to be done right in between?

Using 500 grams of gold to replicate cultural relics

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

In the video, the background is pitch black, and the 500 grams of gold in the focus sparkles with a gentle halo. I saw a young man wielding a hammer weighing about 2 kilograms, pounding 500 grams of gold blocks tens of thousands of times. Time and time again, sparks splattered and the sound was crisp. The gold nuggets gradually became thinner and eventually became 0.3 millimeters thick gold pieces.

Netizens watched with great interest, and the barrage occasionally exclaimed in admiration. He then rubbed the patterns onto gold pieces and used small tools to finely grind out the three-dimensional shape of the mask, gradually restoring the "Golden Mask" of Sanxingdui.

This person is a Bilibili UP host with shallow talent and knowledge. After the video of the golden mask became a hit, he used a gold bar to replicate a 142 centimeter long Sanxingdui golden staff. Zhu Yarong, the deputy director of the Sanxingdui Museum, shouted, "Talents! Come and work at our restoration museum!"

The process of restoring the golden staff was not without setbacks. The gold nugget cannot be made into the length of a golden staff, and the first attempt failed. He is willing to mix other metals to increase toughness.

Netizens were stunned. Ordinary people pursue the purity of gold, but in the video, they are only superficial and operate in the opposite direction for a work.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

The difficulty is still ahead. When carving patterns on the golden staff, it was only then that the original pattern appeared as double lines, rather than just a single line. How did the ancients carve such a narrow double line on a thin piece of gold? The ancient people were too strong, and upon seeing this, the barrage expressed surprise and admiration.

The carving process was too difficult, and Cai Qian initially wanted to give up, but ultimately succeeded in restoring it. This golden stick video is no less than a "golden mask", with nearly 1 million views on Bilibili.

The comment interaction under the video is very interesting. A netizen conducted a science popularization: "The double hook Yin line, also known as the double yin squeezing Yang line, is composed of two closely spaced and almost parallel Yin lines. The decoration has a strong sense of relief, but in reality, the part between the two lines does not exceed the plane, but rather a visual error, giving people the illusion that the middle part seems to be squeezed out by the two Yin lines. Therefore, the double hook Yin line is also known as the 'false Yang line'." Immediately, a netizen replied, "Is there a video of this craft that can be watched?"

A professional also left a message saying, "Carving is an ancient technique, usually using copper. If copper is used in the video, it is not possible to make it after half a year of continuous refining. It is made of gold, so there is no need to race against time, and it can be polished bit by bit. However, the difficulty is still not something that can be done casually." "How can carving create a double line? After drawing a line on the front, another line is drawn from the side of the line just made on the back, and then the line drawn from the back is drawn from the other side to restore the pattern." Carving not only allows carving lines, but also allows for relief carving. "A very magical craft, I'm interested in learning about it because of its characteristic of racing against time. It may seem boring, but you will unconsciously keep playing

Under the shallow video, there are also comments and interactions from some official organizations. "Henan Museum" wrote: "Next stop, Henan Museum?" "Henan Communist Youth League" replied: "Show him our cloud patterned bronze ban." "Suzhou Museum" left a message: "Are you considering visiting the Su Su family's warehouse? My warehouse is quite large." "Chinese Architecture" also wrote: "You can go to the Sanxingdui Museum we built to see these unearthed cultural relics."

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

Creating a model of China's space station using floral inlay technology

When I was a child, my parents were not around and there were no toys, which made me think of making toys myself. He watched CCTV's Craftsman program, followed suit, and for the first time successfully wove a kettle out of bamboo. He was delighted for a long time.

When doing handicrafts, the whole person is extremely focused, forgetting all worries, and the finished product is praised by the people around them. The dual satisfaction of process and result gradually fascinated him with handicrafts.

My junior college major is electronic information, completely unrelated to handicrafts. At first, it was just love. He made a wooden comb and made a video to share on Bilibili. "Pure records, don't expect many people to read." I just said briefly.

Sure enough, there were not many people watching the wooden comb video, which could not arouse the interest of young netizens, causing him to want to give up sharing at one point. However, every episode of the video enthusiasts encouraged him to continue doing so.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

The breakthrough in traffic lies in the changes in topic selection and filming.

Cai Qian usually likes anime games and has a creative idea: it's better to imitate the character weapons in anime games. Making game props has increased the difficulty several steps. The required materials and tools are not common, and the production cycle is long. Sometimes halfway through, one still needs to stop thinking, repeatedly experiment, and buy additional materials. At that time, it took an average of four to five hours per day, which lasted for more than a week, to produce a finished game.

When the electronic data that reposes young people's cultural feelings gradually become tangible and perceptible real objects in the real world, the video traffic is rising, attracting many anime fans to watch.

The filming and editing of videos have also become more complex. How to be more fun? Do you want to add special effects to the video? How to reflect the characteristics of the process? Caiqian is no longer a simple process of recording works.

In the shallow video, details such as selecting the right materials, the process of failure, and finding ways to overcome difficulties are vividly displayed, with twists and turns until success.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

When watching, there is a strong sense of personal immersion. The audience seems to be craftsmen, focusing on handicrafts together with him, experiencing the ups and downs of the process, and empathizing with him. At the moment of success, the audience's sense of satisfaction and excitement resonates with the video.

For example, I went to the Forbidden City to watch an exhibition and was attracted by the flower silk inlay works. How to reflect this unique and charming traditional craftsmanship? His topic planning is very bold, challenging the use of floral inlay technology to create a unique piece of work - a model of the Chinese space station.

The difficulty of flower silk inlay is very high, including drawing, rubbing, measuring and dividing, and pinching into different shapes of patterns. The most difficult part is wire filling welding, which tests the control of temperature. A lower spot welding cannot be achieved, while a higher wire may melt.

The language of close-up and close-up shots is mainly used to present the difficulty of floral inlay in a meticulous manner, which makes people hold their breath and their emotions fluctuate.

When the work is completed, the audience and Cai Qian feel a sense of satisfaction and pride when it is completed.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

When shooting, panoramic shots are rarely used, and people prefer to have a handmade close-up or close-up of the center of the picture in a pitch black background. This kind of camera language is immersive and can highly showcase the elegance, delicacy, and beauty of handmade works.

When asked why traditional silk inlay techniques were used to make space station models, he replied, "I was very shocked after watching the craftsmanship. It's very fun to think of using the peak of ancient Chinese handicrafts, combined with the peak of modern Chinese industry." This sentence almost summarizes a certain mentality of young people who like handicrafts.

Starting from creating game props to attract a large number of fans, using gold to replicate cultural relics and becoming a hot topic, and then learning the technique of flower silk inlay to create a model of the Chinese space station... The unique perspective of topic selection is an important factor in achieving good dissemination effects.

These topics are often combined with current hot topics and daily life, using ancient techniques to restore contemporary objects, which is "fun" and arouses the interest of young people.

Unlike their parents, contemporary young people admire and admire traditional culture, but they do not view it with a lofty, uninteresting, and admiring attitude. While admiring, they will actively enjoy, desire to participate, and immerse themselves in it, bringing these elements to combine, integrate, and innovate with daily life, which is a "play" mentality.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

Learning everywhere, like creating dungeons in a game

Another popular UP host on Bilibili, "Little Master of Wanchai Pavilion," has a different style of handicraft videos.

In the quaint living room, the sound of the qin resounds through the beams. The camera slowly moves from the panoramic view to the close-up, crossing the bamboo curtain to reveal a young man doing handicrafts. The audience seems to follow the footsteps of the camera, slowly approaching.

The young master slowly showcases the entire process of making ancient jewelry with delicate movements. The video of replicating the phoenix crown, from drawing design drawings, inlaying flower threads, coloring to embellishing jade, amazed at the exquisite ancient jewelry and praised the craftsmanship of the young master at the moment when the beautiful phoenix crown was formed.

It is interesting that his video has no narration, twists, or plot throughout. Accompanied by elegant piano sounds and exquisite decorations, we go through the entire journey from scratch.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

Many netizens express that they can watch quietly for a long time without getting bored. Instead, they are pulled into a calm and tranquil state by the atmosphere, culture, comfort, and beauty in the video, savoring the classical and traditional beauty, as if nourishing their soul.

Similar to Cai Qian, the young master believes that video topic selection must first be related to current life in order to be interested. For example, a phoenix crown is a wedding item. How did ancient people dress up for weddings? Netizens who are curious will take a look.

Secondly, traditional culture has a calming power. "That's why there's no voice in my video," said the young master. "There are too many products in the market, and in modern society, quiet, soothing, and stress relieving products are actually scarce.". He hopes that the 3 minutes of his video will make people feel free from waste and appreciate the charm of traditional craftsmanship. This is a contemporary expression of the beauty of Chinese style.

The young master doesn't come from a handicraft department either. He loved handicrafts since he was young. In high school, he saw the rope weaving skills in Tieba, so he self-taught Chinese knots. During his college years, he bought books about the Forbidden City and was amazed by the beauty of the royal ornaments in the books. He tried to make them based on the patterns in the books. The book used Jingmi beads, which were almost impossible to buy on the market. He replaced them with glass beads online, but the difficulty was even higher. He studied this for three years until his senior year when he faced an internship.

The young master's major is graphic design. After interning at a design company for a period of time, he felt that he didn't like this major and didn't look for a job again. After graduation, he used his self-taught knotting skills to tie necklaces and sell them, earning a monthly income of 20000 to 30000 yuan online. At that time, Hanfu was on the rise, and ancient jewelry sold well online, earning him the "first bucket of gold".

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

With this money, he repurchased materials and honed his pearl catching skills to perfection. However, in order to replicate more Palace Museum decorations, mastering the art of catching pearls alone is far from enough. You also need to learn techniques such as flower silk inlay, jade carving, and so on.

From then on, the young master began his journey of studying all over the country.

When he first saw a craftsman from Suzhou making floral inlays, he let out a sigh and said, "Oh, there really are people who do it." However, the skill is not something that can be learned just by wanting to learn.

After inquiring from multiple sources, he found out that his hometown in Shanxi was a village where gold and silver craftsmanship flourished during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Nowadays, every household in the village is skilled in gold and silver craftsmanship.

The young master came to the village in Shanxi and found that the local villagers not only know how to inlay flowers, but also how to carve and wax, with diverse skills.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

How can we make the other party agree to teach him? The young master used a lot of brainpower. He met an old master and promised to help him draw design drawings, so that the jewelry he made would look better and sell at a higher price. After gradually maturing, he made a request to study. This study took three months.

"In fact, it only took me three months to learn. I practiced flower silk inlay and used it for a whole two years," sighed the young master.

The next year, he went to Xi'an. A customer came to him to buy pearl jewelry and accidentally discovered that this customer actually knows how to decorate jade. The young master immediately sought advice and spent 6800 yuan on tuition, studying for a week. Within a week, one can only learn basic methods and understand how to handle them. In fact, I still have to use feathers to practice my skills when I go back, and I have been practicing the Diancui skill for half a year.

After mastering these skills, most of the patterns in the books of the Forbidden City can be replicated. When encountering some difficult details, he occasionally goes back to the village in Shanxi to seek advice from local craftsmen.

"I seem to play games to create dungeons, unlock a craft, level up my skills, and then unlock new dungeons." He didn't feel that the road to learning was hard. When the object that one desires to create is finally learned and made, there is a dual satisfaction of spiritual and material satisfaction.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

Afterwards, he went to Shanxi, Jiangsu, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other places to study. In Shanghai, he found a master and learned the national intangible cultural heritage skill: enamel firing.

I live quite well by my skills

Wang Yin, a teacher in the jewelry major at Shanghai Vocational College of Arts and Crafts, is also one of the inheritors of the national intangible cultural heritage of gold and silver craftsmanship.

Enamel is rich in color and has many uses for watches, clocks, jewelry, and more. There are companies in Shanghai that specialize in selling enamel products, and even hotels that use enamel to pave the floors of the lobby.

"There are very few places in the country where you can learn the art of enamel," said Wang Yin, and there are only about 10 studios that can make enamel. It is too niche and traditional handicrafts have been valued for nearly a decade.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

Wang Yin clearly felt that in 2016, traditional culture began to flourish among young people. "There are four young people who came to my door to learn from me," he said.

All four of them are born in the 2000s, with strong professional and learning abilities. Some are studying jewelry in Italy, while others are studying sculpture in Gome. They have a solid foundation in art and can draw their own design drawings. A studio consisting of five people, including Wang Yin, is currently incubating a brand.

So, can craftsmen survive on the strength of one skill?

Wang Yin candidly stated that gold and silver have always had a great market, and compared to other intangible cultural heritage crafts, "living is not difficult.". The young master also started a studio and embarked on a path of entrepreneurship.

When I first graduated, the young master relied on Chinese knot skills to make and sell necklaces. Subsequently, he sold the semi-finished products of the pearl hunting to those in need. Later on, after completing the study of floral inlay and embellishment, he designed a wider variety of jewelry with more complex styles. At its peak, there was a monthly turnover of 70000 to 80000 yuan. Afterwards, feeling that one's energy was limited, the young master invited 13 post-95s who liked traditional handicrafts to open a studio together.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

His customer base is generally young, and many of the jewelry he sells is used for daily wear. Realizing the importance of dissemination, in order to capture the beauty of traditional objects and Chinese culture, he plans to stay in Yunnan for a long time recently.

So, how to solve the dilemma of some intangible cultural heritage handicraft artists lacking attention?

Little master has a brilliant idea.

He believes that there is no need to demand innovation from the older generation, as it is not something they are good at. Some elderly people do not know how to use WeChat to activate and promote, which is actually a bit difficult for them. The young master hopes that one day, he can gather all the teachers and masters who have studied under him, and let the experienced craftsmen teach, in order to make a living.

And young students who are interested can easily learn these excellent traditional skills without having to travel around like he did before. Young people who have learned, with a contemporary perspective, can design, innovate, and produce products together with their peers, continuously promoting the inheritance and development of excellent culture.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

Expert pulse]

Wang Yin: Any traditional skill should have become more popular as one gets older. It is important to attract young people for two reasons: design and playfulness.

Without design, the form of expression lacks aesthetics. For example, young people do not have a strong desire to purchase handicrafts made by rural elderly people they see during tourism. Being able to design and draw makes things more popular.

Craftsmanship must be playful in order to attract viewers. In contemporary times, where everything can be mass-produced by machines, there is no shortage of materials. The essence of handicrafts is to appreciate them, not to be a necessity for daily life. People only think about beauty when they are full of food and drink. Therefore, the skill itself is not a problem, the key lies in how the handicraft is expressed and related to life; How to showcase beauty and resonate with the emotional needs of contemporary people.

Wang Yin: When everything becomes faster, the unique value of tranquility and distance in traditional culture is highlighted. Compared to modern people who watch computers and play with their phones every day, handmade handicrafts have a unique charm.

The barrage is full of admiration! Why do young people's intangible cultural heritage crafts such as golden masks, golden sticks, phoenix crowns have a high flow of craftsmanship | Video | Phoenix Crown

In the highly tense and anxious pace of modern life, people in turn seek a more stable, calm, focused, and focused state. Traditional culture is full of such power.

Wang Yin: Speaking of accessories, I used to not accept alloy accessories very much, but now I am gradually accepting them. I have found that young people sometimes do not buy jewelry for the purpose of passing on the family or preserving value, as long as it looks good and is easy to match. They don't even care about brand names when buying things, they just want to express their attitude and aesthetics. Alloy jewelry can have more complex designs, reflecting cultural beauty. Why not?

Wang Yin: There are more and more now, such as the rural revitalization plan. Young people go to the village to transform traditional skills into modern products and promote them. There are also open classes, team building classes, and so on. I think the key is to showcase the process.

Traditional skills or that skill. The key lies in how to present it. For example, a lacquerware that young people do not understand and are not interested in. But when they see the production process, experience and understand some of the tricks, they will be amazed. Posting the process diagram of the handicraft on social media and directly posting the product on social media will definitely earn several times more likes than the latter. The process is more attractive.

Some scenic spots now understand this, such as combining homestays with DIY handicraft courses. Tourists relax and experience the process of handicrafts to alleviate anxiety. When it is linked to high technology and high emotions, it has enormous potential for dissemination.

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