How to Guide the Armed Struggle and Military Construction of the Eighth Route Army in Various Regions during the Period of the Central Military Commission in Shanghai | Anti Japanese | Armed Struggle

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:06 PM

Since 1921, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has been leading the nationwide struggle and practice in Shanghai for a long time. After the relocation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Central Soviet Area in 1933, due to Shanghai's special status, functions, and conditions, this "glorious city" still played an important role in leading armed struggle and building the people's army.

"This is the earliest military commission of the Party Central Committee"

After the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was officially formed in 1924, the Shanghai Party organization called on party members and members to teach or study at the Huangpu Military Academy. Party members and cadres from Shanghai have become an important source of teachers and students at the Huangpu Military Academy.

Mao Zedong later concluded that at the beginning of the founding of the CPC, it did not know enough about "the importance of directly preparing for war and organizing the army", but since joining the Whampoa Military School in 1924, "it has entered a new stage and begun to understand the importance of military".

In October 1925, the Central Military Department of the Communist Party of China was established in Shanghai. Ren Bishi, Wang Yifei, and others jointly participated in the work of the department. Nie Rongzhen recalled, "This was the earliest military commission of our Party Central Committee.".

In October 1926, our party led the Shanghai workers to launch the first armed uprising. In February and March 1927, our party led Shanghai workers to launch armed uprisings twice, accumulating experience for conducting military struggles in big cities.

After the failure of the Great Revolution, our party realized from the cruel reality that without revolutionary armed forces, we cannot defeat armed counter revolutionaries, cannot win the victory of the Chinese revolution, and cannot change the fate of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. We must oppose armed counter revolutionaries with armed revolution.

The Nanchang Uprising fired the first shot of armed resistance against the reactionary Kuomintang, officially marking the great beginning of the establishment of the People's Army. As Mao Zedong pointed out, with the Nanchang Uprising, Autumn Harvest Uprising, and Guangzhou Uprising, our party "entered a new era of creating the Red Army.".

In 1928, the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China decided to rebuild the Central Military Department and established the Central Military Commission under it. In January 1929, the Military Commission under the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was established. By February 1930, the Central Military Department and the Military Commission merged to form the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, with Zhou Enlai serving as its secretary.

During the stay of the Central Military Commission in Shanghai, it was shrouded in white terror for a long time. Yang Yin, Peng Pai, Yan Changyi, and Xing Shizhen, who held a joint meeting of the Central Military Commission and the Jiangsu Provincial Military Commission in Yuanli on Xinzha Road, bravely died in Longhua due to betrayal by traitors, and are known as the "Four Martyrs of the Military Commission" in history.

During the period when the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Military Commission were stationed in Shanghai, they dispatched military cadres such as He Long, Xu Xiangqian, Nie Rongzhen, Zhang Aiping, Chen Gong, etc. to the central revolutionary base areas as well as the base areas of Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Hunan, and Hubei to develop the Red Army and guide military warfare.

In September 1929, a letter of instruction from the Central Committee to the Front Committee of the Red Fourth Army, drafted in Shanghai and approved by Zhou Enlai, was brought back by Chen Yi and became the precursor to the convening of the Gutian Conference. Under the guidance of the "September Letter", the 9th Party Congress of the Red Fourth Army was held in Gutian, Fujian, and the resolution was made to "establish the principles of ideological and political building of the Party and the military.".

It can be said that the fundamental principle and system of our party's absolute leadership over the military originated from the Nanchang Uprising, was based on the Three Bay Reorganization, and was finalized in the Gutian Conference.

"Carry out the suburban anti aggression struggle"

After the outbreak of the Comprehensive Anti Japanese War, Shanghai became an important battlefield for the entire nation's resistance and the world's anti fascist war.

In order to achieve a united anti Japanese situation in the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army was renamed as the Eighth Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has decided to establish the Eighth Route Army's Shanghai Office on the basis of the former Red Army's Shanghai Office, with Li Kenong and others as the public activity organization for our party to lead the anti Japanese national united front in Shanghai.

After the fall of Shanghai, the Eighth Route Army's Shanghai office led by Liu Shaowen was transferred underground. Its main tasks included implementing united front work, anti Japanese propaganda, providing logistical assistance to the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, and conducting intelligence reconnaissance.

During the War of Resistance Against Japan, the relationship between Shanghai, the New Fourth Army, and the anti Japanese base in Central China became closer. Shanghai, as a special logistics base, transported and transferred a large number of talents and materials to various parts of the country, effectively supporting the long-term resistance against Japan.

In 1937, the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China was established in Shanghai. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has issued a clear request to appoint some capable cadres to the places where the New Fourth Army is fighting, and to systematically mobilize students, workers, activists, revolutionaries, and party members from Shanghai to work there.

The Southeast Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has also put forward requirements for the Shanghai Party organization, "to do a good job in the propaganda work of the New Fourth Army, to send cadres as much as possible to the New Fourth Army, to provide economic assistance, and to cover up the procurement of logistics department comrades in Shanghai to help the New Fourth Army develop and grow.".

According to incomplete statistics, during the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Shanghai transported about 20000 people to the New Fourth Army, including soldiers, workers, as well as a group of experts, scholars, technicians, doctors, nurses, etc. As for financial and material assistance, it is even more difficult to count.

At the same time, the New Fourth Army provided long-term support for the anti Japanese operations in the suburbs of Shanghai and the underground front within Shanghai, keeping the anti Japanese armed forces on a "wartime island".

After the establishment of the New Fourth Army, local armed anti Japanese forces were established in the surrounding areas of Shanghai and suburban counties within its jurisdiction. The existence of the New Fourth Army guerrilla forces not only effectively dealt a blow to the Japanese puppet army in Shanghai and surrounding areas, but also provided important assistance for the transfer and concealment of underground party members.

In June 1941, according to the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the headquarters of the New Fourth Army, the New Fourth Army Pudong Guerrilla Detachment went south to establish a new base in eastern Zhejiang. By October, nearly 1000 members of the Pudong Guerrilla Detachment had rushed to eastern Zhejiang and successfully opened up a base in the following years.

During the Anti Japanese War, the enemy's rear battlefield played an irreplaceable role in attacking and restraining the Japanese army. The struggle on the battlefield behind the enemy lines in Shanghai lasted for a long time and the situation was complex and intense. The content of the struggle covered activities such as guerrilla warfare, intelligence warfare, assassinations, explosions, and rebellion, as well as armed struggles between suburban counties and base areas.

Our party's leadership in the anti Japanese armed struggle in the suburbs of Shanghai is not only an important component of the anti Japanese war in the enemy's rear of East China, but also a model of the anti aggression struggle in the suburbs of international metropolises during the World Anti Fascist War.

On April 20, 1949, the Third Field Army of the People's Liberation Army of China advanced south of the Yangtze River. On April 23rd, Nanjing was liberated. Afterwards, the People's Liberation Army concentrated various corps and quickly advanced towards Shanghai. On May 11th, various troops from Sano arrived in Shanghai.

In order to minimize the damage to cities while annihilating the enemy, the People's Liberation Army carefully studied the Ten Rules of the Three Great Conventions on Entering Cities before the war. At the same time, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China instructed the Shanghai Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Shanghai Municipal Committee to comprehensively adjust the party organizations in the city, develop party members on various fronts such as workers, students, and intellectuals, and establish peripheral organizations to prepare for the liberation of Greater Shanghai.

On May 25th, the People's Liberation Army launched an attack on the remnants of the Kuomintang trapped in the urban area of Shanghai. To welcome the arrival of the People's Liberation Army, four young people raised the first red flag on Nanjing Road on the top floor of Yong'an Department Store. On May 27th, Shanghai was completely liberated. The People's Liberation Army successfully liberated this industrial and commercial city in just half a month.

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