How can Shanghai transform its regional advantages into opening advantages and jointly build the "the Belt and Road"

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 02:13 AM

In the past 10 years, based on its urban functional advantages, Shanghai has made positive achievements in participating in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", especially in promoting policy communication, facilities connectivity, smooth trade, financial integration, and people to people connectivity. On the new journey, it is necessary to strengthen the leading and driving function of the "bridgehead" through a number of measures, promote the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" high-quality development to go deep and solid, and strive to build a "the Belt and Road" high-quality development demonstration area in the growth triangle and even in the country.

Build a solid support platform and strengthen service guarantee functions——

On the new journey, Shanghai can rely on the coordinated development of major strategic platforms such as the "the Belt and Road", the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the Yangtze River Delta integrated development, the China International Import Expo, and the construction of the "five centers". Through optimizing resource integration, Shanghai can strengthen platform support, improve platform energy levels, and actively play the role of the "the Belt and Road" bridgehead in service radiation and demonstration.

First, optimize the comprehensive service platform to provide service support for enterprises to carry out economic, trade and investment cooperation in countries along the "the Belt and Road". The the Belt and Road Comprehensive Service Center in Shanghai should focus on the service functions of two-way docking of investment and trade, market information, enterprise training, commercial law, overseas response, docking of financial and professional services, support for major activities, and bridges between government and enterprises, coordinate the resources of all parties, exert comprehensive advantages, open communication channels with enterprises, and help high-level "going global".

At the same time, we can rely on the Yangtze River Delta regional outbound investment cooperation alliance to carry out the pilot construction of the Yangtze River Delta regional "the Belt and Road" comprehensive service platform. By strengthening information sharing and resource integration among the three provinces and one city, we provide comprehensive services for enterprises.

The second is to strengthen the professional public platform, build a multi-level cross-border service system of the "the Belt and Road", and develop more products and services for enterprises. The professional platform matrix being built in Shanghai to serve the construction of the "the Belt and Road" includes professional service institutions such as the Overseas Investment Promotion Center and the Overseas Rescue Service Center, as well as public service platforms such as "going out to the service port", "starting on the Silk Road E" and "cross-border access". Next, we can focus on planning and building an investment and financing center that meets the financial needs of the "the Belt and Road" and integrates onshore and offshore, so as to provide comprehensive cross-border financial support for enterprises to "go global".

The third is to strengthen the service guarantee mechanisms such as risk prevention and overseas rights and interests protection, and improve the risk prevention and control capability of projects related to the "the Belt and Road". For example, set up intellectual property service workstations for countries along the "the Belt and Road" and expand overseas dispute response service networks; Build the "the Belt and Road" risk management center, and improve the service capacity of overseas security risk assessment, early warning and prevention, and emergency response and coordination; Strengthening the international reinsurance center and enhancing the Shanghai reinsurance market's ability to undertake global risks.

Focus on opening up hubs and strengthening connectivity functions——

On the new journey, Shanghai is positioned as an "international open hub gateway" and can make efforts in high-quality development areas such as creating a "Silk Road e-commerce" cooperation pilot zone, consolidating and improving infrastructure connectivity, and building an international green finance hub, enhancing its ability to serve the local market and radiate globally.

First, take the creation of the "Silk Road E-commerce" cooperation pilot area as a starting point, promote the smooth, incremental and quality improvement of the "the Belt and Road" trade, and expand the international trade hub. For example, cultivate a number of internationally competitive "Silk Road E-commerce" cross-border e-commerce platforms and enterprises, give full play to the positive role of foreign-funded enterprises in "being in Shanghai and for the world", and build a multi-level economic and trade cooperation network connecting cities, parks and enterprises related to the "the Belt and Road".

The second is to accelerate the construction of international airports and seaports, promote the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" facilities connectivity, and strengthen the international shipping hub. Shanghai is located on the main channel of land sea air intermodal transportation and is actively building a world-class route network and intercontinental transfer center. The next step is to enhance the attractiveness and international competitiveness of the two ports, Yangshan Port and Waigaoqiao, through supply chain resilience, and continuously amplify the brand effect of Shanghai's shipping services.

Third, take the development of "transformation finance" and its professional services as the starting point, promote the joint construction of high-quality green development of the "the Belt and Road", and make the international green financial hub real. We can take accelerating the development of transformation finance as an important direction, attract high-quality green assets from the Belt and Road related countries to list in Shanghai, and provide professional services for green transformation development.

Innovate industrial forms and strengthen the function of factor agglomeration——

On the new journey, Shanghai can actively give play to the advantages of a perfect factor market system and perfect functions, accelerate the innovation of industrial formats, establish industrial markets for science and technology, talents, data, bulk commodities and other industries oriented to countries along the "the Belt and Road", and promote the smooth flow of various factors in a larger range.

First, promote the construction of a science and technology innovation center with global influence, further attract and gather knowledge, technology, talents and other innovation elements on the "the Belt and Road", and accelerate the formation of a high-energy innovation ecosystem.

The second is to promote the development of rules and standards in emerging industries such as digital trade and financial digitalization, and actively connect with the standards of relevant countries along the "the Belt and Road", so as to facilitate the convenient, efficient and safe flow of cross-border data.

The third is to promote innovation in commodity formats such as agricultural products and energy, and enrich the function of factor aggregation. In particular, it is necessary to deepen the industrial chain supply chain cooperation with major energy supply countries on the "the Belt and Road".

Expand cooperation space and strengthen the leading function of openness——

On the new journey, Shanghai can further transform its regional advantages into opening advantages by accelerating institutional opening, taking the lead, cooperating to build a high-quality development demonstration area of the "the Belt and Road", strengthening the linkage with international organizations in Shanghai, exploring new multilateral cooperation and other measures.

One is to use institutional openness as a new lever to lead communication and cooperation. We need to expand the scope and level of institutional reform and innovation pilot projects to support foreign investment access, trade facilitation, cross-border service trade, rules, regulations and standards management, and carry out exchanges and cooperation with countries related to the "the Belt and Road Initiative" in a broader range, broader fields, and deeper levels, so as to improve the level of "soft connectivity".

The second is to build a high-quality development demonstration area of the "the Belt and Road" as a new measure for Shanghai to work with the Yangtze River Delta to promote high-quality co construction of the "the Belt and Road" and deepen high-level opening up and cooperation. On the one hand, we should make greater efforts to promote the open, innovative and ecological reform, work together to build a "the Belt and Road" scientific and technological innovation community, and deepen the joint construction of the green silk road, the healthy silk road, and the digital silk road; On the other hand, further leveraging the geographical advantages of the Yangtze River Delta, making it a cooperative base that attracts key international enterprises, international versatile talents, and high-end service teams to participate in the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta region.

The third is to strengthen the multi linkage with international organizations in Shanghai as a new space for exploring the new type of multilateral cooperation of the "the Belt and Road". For example, promote the cooperation between the New Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and the Eurasian Development Bank in the "the Belt and Road" project, and focus on the docking and cooperation between international organizations in Shanghai and regional international organizations or mechanisms related to the "the Belt and Road".

Building a highlight brand and strengthening the window display function——

On the new journey, Shanghai can strengthen the brand influence of cultural exchanges, focus on typical cases of high-quality local cooperation, plan new cultural brands of cities, etc., and strive to improve exchanges with countries and cities related to the "the Belt and Road", so as to further shorten the distance of "heart to heart connectivity".

First, we should give further play to Shanghai's open advantages in education, culture, tourism, health, think tank cooperation and exchanges, and deepen people to people and cultural exchanges and cooperation with countries and cities along the the Belt and Road. On the one hand, consolidate the international influence of permanent cultural exchange activity brands that highlight distinctive Shanghai characteristics, such as "Charming Shanghai", "Shanghai Day", "Shanghai Week", "Shanghai Night", and "Shanghai Living Room", and vigorously enhance the influence of new cultural exchange mechanisms such as the "the Belt and Road" Film Festival Week and the Silk Road International Art Festival Alliance; On the other hand, by jointly carrying out overseas cultural exchange activities with characteristic cities in the Yangtze River Delta region, we can promote the "going out" of excellent culture, literary works, and film and television products, promote the organic integration of cultural brand resources and industrial resources, deepen industrial linkage, form industrial clusters, and strengthen the "soft power".

The second is to sort out and refine high-quality urban cooperation demonstration cases of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, and help tell the local cooperation story of the "the Belt and Road" initiative. For example, the "Shanghai Singapore Comprehensive Cooperation Council", which operates steadily between Shanghai and Singapore, provides a useful example for strengthening comprehensive, pragmatic and effective bilateral cooperation and expanding new cooperative relations with third parties, and also sets a model for Shanghai to deepen practical cooperation with countries and cities related to the "the Belt and Road".

Next, with Shanghai and Singapore as the dual fulcrums, we can actively build a Shanghai Singapore connectivity brand. This is of great benefit for Shanghai to participate in international competition, improve the level of urban governance, learn from the leading experience of developed cities, attract overseas Chinese to participate in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", and jointly tell the story of the "the Belt and Road".

The third is to focus on the mission of promoting Chinese path to modernization in Shanghai, combine the strategic requirements of building a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence, and plan to create a brand of new culture that demonstrates the colorful culture of the "the Belt and Road", diversified civilizations, shared destiny, and jointly create the future.

To be frank, compared to international metropolises with global influence, Shanghai still lacks large comprehensive international cultural and museum complexes such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Louvre in Paris, the British Museum in London, and the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. This dream may become a reality step by step in the process of jointly building the "the Belt and Road", taking the opportunity to better play the leading and driving role of the "bridgehead".

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