Chat with Han Qide at "Qimingde": The Way of Life Now. Reporter | China | Qiming

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 23:46 PM

[Biography: Han Qide, born in 1945 in Shanghai, graduated from the Department of Medicine of Shanghai First Medical College in 1968. He is a pathophysiologist, an academician of the CAS Member, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of Developing Countries, a professor of Peking University, and a doctoral supervisor. He is the seventh and eighth presidents of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the chairman of the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth Central Committees of the Jiusan Society, the vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the tenth and eleventh National People's Congress, and the vice chairman of the twelfth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He is now the honorary chairman of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology.]

On that sunny day, in the open air courtyard of the Liberation Daily with clear grass and wind, facing numerous guests such as 89 year old Wen Yumei and young people wearing T-shirts, Han Qide took the stage to deliver a speech, opening his speech with "Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection": "Today, 'the wise have arrived, the young and the long have gathered'..."

If you pay attention, you will notice that this day is exactly the same day that many people remember as the Lanting Yaji - March 3rd. On this day, ancient people would gather together, go for a spring outing to pray for blessings and eliminate misfortunes. The Orchid Pavilion called it "the practice of making water vessels". On site, it was also the opening of the commemorative exhibition for Chinese medical educator and public health expert Yan Fuqing.

Later, I saw Mrs. Han Qide and Yuan Ming, honorary president of Yanjing School of Peking University, who came to Shanghai to attend the Lanting Forum of "Chinese path to modernization and the World", and I knew that her WeChat name was exactly "Lanting".

She said, "Teacher Han likes calligraphy." Then she talked about the word "gentleman" in China, which is difficult to translate in a foreign language.

That day, she was always with her middle school classmates, high school classmates, and class monitor Han Qide, listening to him talk freely without saying much. But she always takes it seriously, engages in contemplation together, and occasionally reveals a common language. The reporter joked about their relationship, and 78 year old Han Qide pursed his lips with joy, with a childlike innocence on his face.

He, who had difficulty with his waist, sat on the specially prepared backrest and remained serious all the time. Last year's physical examination showed 32 abnormalities and 5 suspicious tumor shadows in him. Over the years, his series of views have attracted attention: aging is inevitable but can be delayed, learning to "age and be happy"; I am ready to die, learn to face death; Healthy individuals should not excessively screen for cancer early and oppose excessive medical treatment; The elderly require more systematic analysis when seeking medical treatment, focusing on the construction of geriatric medicine and community general practice; Oppose excessive rescue, there is no need for everyone to be "covered in tubes and innocent to endure hellish torment"; Advocate for both inventing new drugs and proving that old drugs are of good quality and affordable price; Calling for the integration of medical care and funeral services to be connected from a cultural perspective; Advocating for "medical warmth," "humanistic medicine," and "narrative medicine," and valuing the patient's psychological "three values." He is full of energy and behaves normally. He has been targeted for physical training for four consecutive years, and his photo of showing off all his muscles has "caused everyone to exclaim.".

After sitting down, he smiled and said, "Let's talk and chat.". So the reporter experienced an unprecedented immersive chat, and later decided to break away from the interview outline. Unconsciously, after more than three hours of the originally planned one hour interview, he answered the last question seriously and stood up steadily.

The way to university lies in Mingmingde. He has been practicing and thinking for many years, and it seems that he can be called "enlightening virtue". In addition to his 15 years of experience in vice national level positions, honorary chairman of the National Association for Science and Technology, and honorary president of the Chinese Medical Association, he has been sincerely waiting for more than three hours. In fact, he is a pathophysiologist who has made significant breakthroughs, a doctor who combines scientific spirit and humanistic care, an ordinary person with "5 suspicious tumor shadows", an elderly person who travels thousands of miles and is nearly 80 years old, and a condensed reflection and expression of his life experience.

He pondered carefully before answering the first question.

The benevolence of a great doctor

The reason why Yan always perseveres in doing something is because the benevolent concept of "serving the people" is behind it

Han Qide: The great physician is benevolent. After graduating from university, he worked as a resident physician and soon went to South Africa with Chinese workers, entering a gold mine. This is not easy, there were many mine victims at that time. Later, he returned to China after studying abroad and started working at the Yali Hospital in Changsha. He soon realized that medical treatment alone was not enough, and public health was also necessary. At that time, when doctors opened clinics, it was profitable, and public health was purely a service. But he went abroad to study public health for the second time, and later at Shanghai Medical College, he emphasized public health so much at all times. He also introduced some public health experts who have returned from studying abroad, such as Professor Su Delong, who specializes in epidemiology, all of whom have real skills. So medical professionals are very strong in this area. At that time, doctors working in Shanghai were not allowed to practice outside at the same time and had to be full-time. Medical professionals in Shanghai are rigorous, students work hard, and are not allowed to have romantic relationships. Resident physicians are not allowed to get married, and they have a 24-hour duty system with low income. I think the reason why Yan always perseveres in doing something is because the benevolent concept of "serving the people" is behind it.

The Origin of History

In fact, all human knowledge is historical knowledge, and all knowledge is the accumulation of history. Humans not only rely on genetic inheritance, but also on cultural inheritance

Han Qide: I used to be too busy studying, going to the countryside, and doing research. Later in 2003, during the SARS outbreak, I worked at the National People's Congress and the National Association for Science and Technology. The association organized promotional exhibitions, and I studied the history of infectious diseases from scratch. I also gave presentations on the past, present, and future of infectious diseases at CCTV10. At that time, I was a villain, but I really became interested in it from now on. After retiring from the position of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in 2018, I devoted more time to work in the fields of medical history and scientific history, and established the Department of Science, Technology and Medical History at Peking University.

Chat with Han Qide at "Qimingde": The Way of Life Now. Reporter | China | Qiming

I have been interested in history for a long time, especially after stepping out of business and engaging in some social activities, I gradually discovered that many things have their historical roots. Reading more books, I increasingly realize that all human knowledge is actually historical knowledge, and all knowledge is the accumulation of history. Upon further reflection, the reason why humans are different from other species is that they have memories, only humans can recall the past. Human beings not only rely on genetic inheritance, but also on cultural inheritance. Slowly read more history books, and I feel that they are very enlightening for today. Many medical events also have historical implications, and China's history of infectious diseases has always been a major social event. In the world, infectious diseases also change the entire situation, and Napoleon's final failure in the war was related to the epidemic. Before 1949 in China, not to mention remote areas, even places like Suzhou were affected by an infectious disease, and people from each village disappeared. Before the reform and opening up, there were particularly many liver cancer patients in Nantong. Later, it seemed to be related to aflatoxin because it was common to eat moldy peanuts locally, but it was not confirmed in the end. Looking back at the situation of infection from history and searching for historical materials can still inspire research on the incidence of liver cancer.

I understand that reading history will broaden our perspective on people, human society, human civilization, and social development. In medicine, when looking at patients, it is important to understand their past history. People, ethnic groups, and countries often need to look for their historical origins in order to understand what they are doing now. Why do different places perform differently on the same thing? Because of cultural differences. Why are cultures different? It is formed by history. After understanding these veins, it will be much clearer today.

The tip of an iceberg

The historical origin of medicine is actually a response to pain

Han Qide: How did medicine come about? Because people can get sick and suffer, as long as there is society, there will inevitably be people who care. Gradually, people will come out to help, and there will be people like divination, fortune telling, jumping gods, and priests. From now on, it seems that they don't have any real treatment options, but everyone still agrees that if they have a disease, they will still come to them. The historical origin of medicine is actually a response to pain.

Later in the 19th century, infectious diseases were so severe that some preventive measures were gradually found. In 1854, cholera broke out in London, England. John Snow's investigation found that there was a particularly concentrated concentration of patients in a certain area, and their drinking water came from the same source. Cutting off that source of water alleviated the condition. Later, the cholera outbreak in London was controlled by changing the water supply. This is the earliest form of public health. In the 15th century, the Black Death was only known to be concentrated together, but gradually became known to be isolated. Ships and people from outside Spain had to be locked up on the island for a few weeks. This can also be said to be prevention, but the cause of infectious diseases is still unknown. In the late 19th century, Pasteur discovered that infectious diseases were related to bacteria under the microscope, and gradually learned that different infectious diseases were caused by different bacteria. In 1796, cowpox was invented, the world's first truly effective and safe vaccine, and more vaccines gradually emerged thereafter. These are all different from medical treatment. To prevent infectious diseases, we need to talk about "hygiene", which is a very interesting term. It is not a medical concept, but it belongs to water supply, excretion, bathing, diet, and so on. Hygiene can be said to be primary prevention.

Now chronic diseases are the main focus, and how to prevent them has not been thoroughly studied. The foundation of treating diseases requires understanding the human body, which gives rise to basic medicine. The discovery of pathogens in infectious diseases and how to prevent them, such as Professor Wen Yumei's research on hepatitis B vaccines, is called preventive medicine. But preventive medicine only addresses a part of disease prevention, and what truly prevents diseases is public health. It requires preventive medicine, but more importantly, it relies on public governance. The etiology of chronic diseases is not yet well established, and the probability of solving it is not yet as precise. In medicine, research on prevention is far less effective than treating diseases. Of course, treating illness is still the tip of the iceberg. Fundamentally speaking, people always get sick and eventually die. We can only prevent them from getting sick and getting what they deserve.

We need to mobilize everyone to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Bad lifestyle habits have a certain reward mechanism, such as smoking, and some people even prefer to get sick, which is related to values. So prevention is not only a scientific issue, nor is it just a matter for doctors and patients, but also related to the entire economy, society, education, and living conditions. This is also why prevention is much more difficult than cure.

Han Qide: Technological development, such as heaven, can be skipped if not prepared. People can't wait, whether they get sick or not, they usually have to see a doctor, and the doctor has to say something and do something. In fact, many diseases are not solely cured by medical technology, but also have a self-healing part of the human body. Some diseases are also difficult to cure. So it's important for doctors to provide comfort.

Han Qide: Being a doctor is understandable, but often too busy to understand the last two sentences. Some people are treating every day and gradually become "technical first", forgetting that comfort actually works, comes first, and can be done at any time.

The Coin of Life and Death

[Unknown life knows death, unknown death knows life is one thing, life and death are one thing, this is life. Choices are infinite and uncertain, and if they are all utilitarian choices, the more choices one makes, the more troublesome they become]

Han Qide: It is indeed difficult, and it seems to be seen as facing an impossibility. I think the key is, what is the goal? If no one is afraid of death, that's impossible. Faced with the unknown, the fear of death is innate and determined by the human species. Will birds be afraid of death? I believe they don't know, but of course, how do you know if you're not a bird. People are different from other species because they have cognition, memory, language, and even history. So people will know death, know what life is, and think about the meaning of living. It is impossible to know what is going on in death, and only the idea of living is generated. It is important to consider what is going on in life.

But I think, whether from an academic or practical perspective, the most fundamental question about death is, what are you doing to live? Why are you alive? What is the meaning of your life? Most people don't think about it. Confucius said, "I don't know life, how can I know death?" He was also afraid, and careful consideration made some sense. What is the significance of knowing that one is born to die, insignificant, and fleeting? It can only be what you believe and feel on your own. As I live to this day, I feel very happy to live in this world doing things for others and having someone's approval. Some people also believe that in order to earn money, holding a copper plate when dying is a way of life that makes them happy. You always have to think that I have come, I always have to leave, and turn around to live towards death. Heidegger said, without understanding death, one cannot understand life. This also makes sense. In fact, it is two sides of a copper plate. How to know death without knowing life, how to know life without knowing death, and life and death are the same thing. This is life.

The most fundamental and philosophical principle is to understand life. After many organisms have multiplied, life becomes meaningless, so some will eat or die. But people are different, they have to learn from birth, have culture to pass down, and leave something behind for the future. What does this mean to you? This is the significance for future generations, essentially a culture, a consciousness formed by human society. This is also a story that people come up with and tell. Believe it, believe it. Believe nothing and live a tiring life.

Han Qide: That's right. I may not have thought too deeply at first when I graduated and went to work as a grassroots doctor in the countryside. But when you really went to the service environment at that time and showed others that you were sick, they thanked you and were very sincere. Gradually, you would feel and gain the pleasure of doing things for others.

Chat with Han Qide at "Qimingde": The Way of Life Now. Reporter | China | Qiming

If everyone thinks they have their own interests, they actually can't take it seriously. Choices are infinite and uncertain. If they are all utilitarian choices, the more choices one makes, the more troublesome they become. I am still optimistic. Education is very important, especially basic education, with a focus on understanding life and society.

In 2011, Han Qide returned to the health center where he worked in rural Shaanxi in the 1960s and 1970s. The whole family of newborns rescued 41 years ago lined up to welcome him.

Diagnosis and treatment of acquaintances

If grassroots general practitioners can play the role of "gatekeepers", it is the most ideal in terms of accessibility, efficiency, and quality

Han Qide: I can understand very well. The medical service system in our country is an inverted triangle, and people even flock to large hospitals to seek medical treatment. This is a crucial point that is difficult to change and worth making a big decision to advance. Grassroots doctors have limited abilities and are naturally difficult to trust, but the less they are trusted and have no practical opportunities, the less their abilities become. To avoid this vicious cycle, it is necessary to shift the focus of medical work to the grassroots level. Yesterday I read a report saying that Shanghai encourages community health service centers with conditions to carry out appropriate "minor surgery" procedures, which can be done without any risks. Including signing a doctor, breaking down tasks, establishing fixed connections with large hospitals, empowering them, and doing a good job not only makes it convenient for the people, but also improves the quality of medical care. Most large hospitals are specialized, so if you're on the road, it's definitely advanced. Difficult and complicated diseases, how to perform surgery and what medication to use in the specialized field, indeed, it is more knowledgeable. But for most patients, the accessibility of community medical care is much higher for common diseases that usually require a little medication. In addition, after being a general practitioner for a long time, like me in the countryside for ten years, no matter what kind of illness, when I come here, I can roughly know what kind of problem you have. If I can't solve it, I will no longer invite experts in this field to see you, so I won't "seek medical treatment indiscriminately".

Han Qide: You have to believe that the human body is very complex, and diseases often involve many current specialties. If a general practitioner does well, their ability to identify diseases is the greatest, and they can solve most problems. In fact, community contracted doctors often have better diagnostic and therapeutic effects because they are more familiar with your overall situation. I have a deep understanding of this. Of course, grassroots general practitioners cannot do it all at once. General practitioners need to have a wide range of knowledge, establish trust with patients, and constantly improve.

Han Qide: This is indeed a problem. Nowadays, the division of departments is becoming more and more detailed, but when people get sick, it is not based on your division. Often, it involves several specialties, and it is difficult to say which department is most suitable for them to go to. Moreover, specialist doctors often disguise diseases in their own specialties, which can lead to misdiagnosis. The ideal is to first have a general practitioner see it, as their considerations are more comprehensive and can solve most problems. If a certain aspect requires further diagnosis and treatment, it can be continued by a specialist doctor. If grassroots general practitioners can play the role of gatekeepers, it is the most ideal in terms of accessibility, efficiency, and quality.

Education with a background color

[Our high school sophomore weekly meeting, with the homeroom teacher teaching us how to be a good person. That kind of class, I'm almost 80 years old now and will remember it for a lifetime. He actually talks about how to be a good person.]

Han Qide: When I was young, I didn't pay much attention. Now that I am 78 years old and closer to death, I naturally consider it. Furthermore, whether studying medicine, history, or philosophy, I have come to realize that all issues ultimately involve understanding life. The core issue in understanding life is death. With an increase in life experience, as I watch more, I think more.

Since I support organizing the Peking University Qingming Forum, I didn't prepare much for the first time. I mentioned that I am 73 years old and signed a pre death notice. My partner also signed a copy, saying, "I am ready, I will die well." It was cited as a title and attracted a lot of attention.

Actually, I didn't make much sense that time. This prompted me to think deeply and give a second lecture on "Understanding Death". I put a lot of effort into understanding and explaining the ideal of the Tao. The next time I talk about "Life and Death in Harmony", I will have a deeper understanding of the humanities and a much higher level of attention. This has inspired me again that the issue of death cannot be solved solely by reason, and of course, sensibility must also be based on reason. Last year, I felt like I had already talked about it all. Let's talk about aging related to death, and combined with my own situation, what is aging? How to differentiate between aging and disease? What kind of mentality should one hold? This year's theme is "Death can be warm" and more challenging. I used the keyword "gift". Since it is a mutual gift between the deceased and the living, it can be warm. I finally quoted Mr. Li Zehou's words, indicating that facing the fear of death cannot rely solely on reason, but also on perception. The issue of death is difficult to shake and is still taboo for most people. But as the Qingming Forum sees increasing attention and participation in comments, not only the elderly but also young people are giving a lot of feedback. A group of young people said they had never thought about it before, which sparked thinking. Although facing something that can hardly be changed, one must always do it. After doing it, it was found that it had no effect at all.

Han Qide: Relying on economic and social development. Just like health problems, medical services solve some of them, while others focus on education, life, and the environment. Starting from primary education, balance between mind and body is too important. In fact, looking back, many outstanding talents are mostly from their parents who are relatively open-minded and do not give too much pressure, allowing for personal freedom and development. Especially when parents themselves fail to solve the problem and demand that their children take responsibility. The literacy of parents is very important for a nation. They may not necessarily have knowledge, but they must be knowledgeable.

Han Qide: I really don't know. She is from Jiading. My father grew up in Shanghai and my grandfather came to Shanghai from Ningbo.

Han Qide: We all grew up in Shanghai. She came to Shanghai at the age of three months and stayed with her grandparents. We are in the same class at Shanghai No. 62 Middle School, Chongqing North Road.

Yuan Ming: He is our class monitor. We were greatly influenced by our homeroom teacher, Mr. Mao. He came from Anji, Zhejiang and requested to progress to Shanghai. Our family was wealthy but they pursued their ideals. During our sophomore year meeting, our homeroom teacher taught us how to be a good person. I still remember that he talked about the style of the times and gave us a worldview. That day he still had a stomach ache. I remember someone leaning over the desk, with one corner pressing against his stomach. That kind of class, I'm almost 80 years old now, I'll remember it for a lifetime. He is actually talking about how to be a good person, quality education, and not in the name of big things. The teacher should have said that they have provided us with a base color. Later on, we went to college with completely different majors and different life experiences in the future. But when we think about the problem, it's all this kind of education that sets the tone. Looking at many things, especially as we get older, they become more and more similar.

Chat with Han Qide at "Qimingde": The Way of Life Now. Reporter | China | Qiming

Han Qide: The focus of basic education should not be solely on learning knowledge and taking exams. We cannot talk to children about what college students need to learn, but talk to college students about the morals they should learn and abide by in elementary school.

Han Qide, a skilled ping pong player.

Racing brakes

Science is just one type of human knowledge and intelligence system. Science is still evolving. I also feel that science cannot solve all human problems

Han Qide: Our country has special circumstances and development stages. Developed Western countries have always had a strong emphasis on culture and technology. The two wings are based on humanities, and humanities sociologists are dominant. There must always be limitations on science, and technology cannot be fooled. Our country used to have no technology, but now we need to vigorously promote the spirit of science.

Han Qide: The nation is not independent, the country is not prosperous and strong, and being suppressed by others is not enough. It is necessary to accelerate the development of technology. The West is facing the ultimate question of whether science can solve the ultimate problem. We need to promote science, believe in science, and strengthen our understanding of the true essence of science.

What is science and what is its relationship with civilization? It is undeniable that the scientific revolution has brought about changes and progress in the entire human society. But there is still debate about what "science" is. The Chinese translation of these two words is quite problematic, as if science is a separate discipline. But in fact, science is not only a knowledge system, but also a paradigm for producing knowledge, a social structure, and a historical category. In my personal experience, a more comprehensive and accurate definition should be: science is an intellectual system and knowledge production process that inherits the rational tradition of ancient Greece, formed through the European scientific revolution in the 16th to 17th centuries, combining logical reasoning, mathematical description, and experimental testing, as well as corresponding social structures. I also want to emphasize that we must be clear that science is just one type of human knowledge and intelligence system. It has only been 500 years since the start of the scientific revolution in the 16th century, and science is still developing. I also feel that science cannot solve all human problems.

Han Qide: It can be calculated, it is basic. We used to translate Science as "gewu", but later it was rejected by everyone and we had to use the Japanese word for "science". Japan is right to use it. It was only introduced during the Meiji Restoration period, when Western science had already been divided into different disciplines, so it was called "science". However, in fact, it was only a scientific concept from the 19th century, which could easily lead to misunderstandings about science. The idea of seeking knowledge through physical examination was first proposed by Laozi and Taoism, and it is possible for it to develop into science. However, it did not exist later on. The idea of seeking knowledge through physical examination later became mainly about society.

Han Qide: Without knowledge of history, it is difficult to understand the present.

Blurred inspiration

In the quantum realm, people often find it impossible to obtain certainty and find methods to prove through experiments. In complex systems, the decomposed parts lose the characteristics that originally existed in the whole, and there will also be emergence and chaos. The study of complexity and chaos will be a breakthrough point for the disruptive development of science in the future

Han Qide: To a certain extent, China's "ambiguity" is actually very profound. From Newton to Einstein, modern science pursues determinism, strives to quantitatively express the laws of things through mathematics, and requires the use of experiments to prove new discoveries. But in the quantum realm, people often find it difficult to obtain certainty and find methods to prove through experiments. People are also increasingly realizing the limitations of reductionism methods. In complex systems, the decomposed parts lose the characteristics that originally existed in the whole, and there will also be emergence and chaos, which is particularly significant in life systems. I believe that the study of complexity and chaos will be a breakthrough for the disruptive development of science in the future.

I understand Musk's analogy, which is deduction. This is the basic method of science, which deduces new possibilities from what is known, and then proves them to obtain new knowledge. This method is relatively feasible and easy, but it is not easy to obtain disruptive discoveries. Musk often starts from the first principles of physics and deduces completely new hypotheses, which are often completely different from the ideas derived from analogy, illogical, but also in line with the most fundamental principles, thus often achieving disruptive innovative results.

Han Qide: After working as a doctor in rural Shaanxi for ten years, I was given the opportunity to further my studies in the Department of Cardiology at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical University at that time. I saw a patient with a myocardial infarction in the ward, but after being admitted, there was actually no effective treatment, so I felt that we still needed to conduct research. There happened to be a teacher who came to give a lecture. He was an elder in the field of pathophysiology in our country, and he fell in love with me. Later, he was admitted to his graduate school.

Han Qide: When the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated and adrenaline secretion increases, signals are sent to various organ cells. A protein responsible for receiving signals on cells is called the "adrenaline receptor". The adrenaline receptors on different organ cells are different, so they will produce different responses to sympathetic adrenaline stimulation. Previously, it was discovered that the adrenergic receptor β、α 1 α Two categories, β Receptors are further divided β 1 and β 2 subtypes. We just want to α Does the receptor also contain different subtypes? At that time, we observed and compared the effects of six different organs on α The response to 1 receptor stimulation was found to have significant differences, with drug sensitivity varying by hundreds to thousands of times. Therefore, we conducted a series of experiments to confirm from multiple aspects α 1 does indeed contain different subtypes. The research results were published in the journal Nature and had a significant impact, as the changes in receptor classification opened up a new field for the study of adrenaline receptors. For example, people quickly discovered the presence of α 1. The receptor is different from the heart and blood vessels, so we searched for a specific one that acts on the prostate α A receptor antagonist was developed to relax the smooth muscle on the prostate without affecting the heart and blood vessels. Finally, a new drug called Hale was developed to treat prostate enlargement. It is currently the best-selling drug for prostate treatment in our country, and I take it daily.

Han Qide: Yes, but conducting experiments is also very difficult.

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