But there is a high degree of compatibility between them, and Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture come from different realities | society | culture

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:31 AM

Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture have different origins, but there is a high degree of compatibility between them. The premise of integration is compatibility, and only by mutual compatibility can organic integration be achieved.

Paying attention to social reality is a prerequisite and condition for the mutual compatibility between the basic principles of Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture——

Marxism, as a scientific theoretical system guiding the struggle for the liberation of the proletariat, observes economic and social development from the perspective of real and specific individuals, and scientifically points out the general laws of human social development; The excellent traditional Chinese culture is also a philosophical system that focuses on the real living conditions of people and is a way of entering the world.

The so-called accession to the world refers to a thought or theory that focuses on social reality as its research object, applies its own theory to society, focuses on life, personnel, and reality. In Chinese culture, whether it is the positive Confucian thought of entering the world, or the negative Taoist thought of entering the world, and even the thoughts of Legalism, Mohist school, Military school, Xingming school, Zongheng school, Nongjia school, and Zajia school, all advocate paying attention to world affairs and valuing personnel.

Compared to others, religious civilization regards birth as its highest pursuit, places hope for a better life in the illusory future, and makes people become appendages to certain external things, or submit to mysterious rulers, or obey the arrangements of heaven; The so-called rational civilization, although considering the pursuit of truth as an essential characteristic and focusing on nature, society, and human beings themselves, always seeks the fundamental basis for settling down outside of human beings due to its abstract theory of human nature, and also has the symptoms of being born.

Marxism is influenced by Western cultural traditions, but it does not belong solely to the West. Marxism, as a thorough materialist, made a comprehensive, historical, and objective analysis of the development of nature, human society, and human thinking, established a materialist view of history, and made transforming the world the fundamental purpose of its philosophy. It advocated for religious liberation, political liberation, and human liberation, breaking free from the shackles of Western religious civilization and breaking through the narrow boundaries of scientific and technological centrism.

Focusing on people and their existence, as well as their liberation, is the convergence point between the basic principles of Marxism and the excellent traditional Chinese culture——

Chinese culture, known for its ethical civilization, advocates "seeking inward", "seeking self", and "seeking peace of mind" in dealing with the relationships between humans and nature, humans and society, and humans and humans; If you can't find it, do nothing but do nothing. You won't deliberately throw dissatisfaction and contradictions out, or even criticize others.

Chinese excellent traditional culture pays special attention to the unity of human and nature. In the face of difficulties and disasters, contradictions and conflicts, whether it is at the economic, political, cultural, social, or natural ecological levels, we always advocate an attitude of tolerance and forgiveness, constantly striving, absorbing, innovating, and developing, standing firm in human existence and development, and making a decision from human inner nature.

Marxism also pays attention to people, focusing on the existence and development of real and concrete individuals. Marx said, "As long as theory is thorough, it can persuade people. The so-called thoroughness is to grasp the root of things. However, the root of people is themselves." The ultimate goal of Marxism is to achieve free and comprehensive development of people, and to achieve human liberation, which is fundamentally consistent and related to the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

From mutual fit to organic combination, it is not a simple linear relationship or mechanical external connection, but a comprehensive, organic, internal, and unified combination of theory and practice. We cannot talk about the "second combination" without Marxism, nor can we view Marxism as an unchanging and rigid dogma; We cannot replace Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture, nor can we completely abandon it under the pretext of the existence of dross in traditional Chinese culture.

From mutual integration to organic integration, it is necessary to grasp not only the points of integration, but also the lines and surfaces. The focus and key is to grasp from the perspective of worldview and methodology, combine from the intrinsic essence, and connect from the root, fully absorbing the nutrients of the "roots" of excellent traditional Chinese culture, in order to enrich and develop the "foundation" of Marxism in the 21st century.

Furthermore, in traditional Chinese culture, especially in the pre Qin period, the various schools of thought placed people in a very high position, such as "what the people desire, heaven will follow it", "heaven regards oneself as the people, heaven listens to oneself as the people", and "the emperor and heaven have no relatives, but virtue is auxiliary". As a result, the three elements of "destiny," "respect for morality," and "protecting the people" can be connected, which is highly in line with the purpose of Marxist political parties and has important implications for the long-term governance of our party.

In addition, moral education in excellent traditional Chinese culture also plays an important value guiding role. The Confucian philosophy of "moral governance" and "ritual governance" emphasizes "guiding with virtue and aligning with propriety"; The Taoist philosophy of "governing by inaction" emphasizes the importance of returning to simplicity, adapting to human development, and not acting recklessly; Legalism advocates "valuing the law rather than righteousness", pioneering the concept of "governing the country according to law"; The Mohist school takes "promoting the benefits of the world and eliminating the harms of the world" as its own responsibility, interpreting theories such as valuing virtue, valuing unity, universal love, non aggression, heavenly consciousness, understanding ghosts, non happiness, non destiny, and frugality, which derive from moral cultivation such as self-cultivation, self-discipline, prudence, and sincerity.

In short, Marxism is not a dogma, but a guide to action. The modernization of Marxism in China is the result of the great practice of the Chinese people led by the CPC and the continuous absorption of the rich nutrition of the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

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