Today's data selection: A new wave of price reductions has emerged in the automotive market; Artificial intelligence can steal passwords through keyboard sound, travel | number of people | price reduction

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 19:36 PM

The number of domestic tourists in the summer will exceed 1.3 billion

According to the prediction of the China Tourism Research Institute, the number of domestic tourists is expected to reach 1.331 billion, accounting for 20.18% of the total number of domestic tourists for the year, during the period from July to August, when students in primary, secondary, and tertiary schools have the most concentrated holidays.

In Beijing, this summer, the China Science and Technology Museum is loved by children for its rich exhibits and strong scientificity.

Jiangsu Huai'an launched the "One Shrimp, Two Gardens, Hi Tour Huai'an" summer night consumption activity. At the Huai'an Canal Gate, the lights accompany the millennium old canal, and the lively lobster feast opens with enthusiasm. Dozens of different flavors of lobster have a strong aroma, earning praise from diners on site.

In Xichang, Liangshan, Sichuan, the 8th Liangshan Yi Torch Festival attracted thousands of tourists. Clusters of fireworks bloomed in the air, illuminating the night sky of the city.

At the Bai Autonomous Prefecture Museum in Dali, Yunnan, exhibition halls such as "Bronze Artifacts and Cultural Relics Exhibition" and "Nanzhao Dali National Cultural Relics Exhibition" have attracted a large number of tourists to visit. According to statistics, from July 1st to August 9th, the number of visitors to the museum reached nearly 60000.

Artificial intelligence can steal passwords through keyboard sounds

Reference News recently published an article on The Times website titled "Artificial Intelligence Can Steal Passwords by Listening to the Sound of Your Keyboard". The summary of the report is as follows:

Experts from Durham University, Surrey University, and Royal Holloway College London pressed each of the 36 keys on an Apple MacBook Pro laptop keyboard 25 times and recorded the sound. Then, this information is input into the artificial intelligence program, so that the latter can recognize the sound pattern of each key.

Then, they placed an iPhone 17 centimeters away from the same Apple laptop to record someone typing. They successfully inferred the typing content with an accuracy of 95%. When they recorded using Zoom conference software, the accuracy dropped to 93%.

"Each key emits a unique sound, which can be recorded to infer which key is being pressed," said one of the authors of the research paper, Ihsan Toreni from the Cybersecurity Center at the University of Surrey

Toreni said, "We are using the most advanced model currently available, which allows you to experience the tremendous progress that artificial intelligence models have made in accuracy over the past five years. This progress has increased accuracy from around 70% to near perfect levels." This means that the technology used to implement "edge channel" attacks is now widespread.

A new wave of price reductions in the automotive market

On August 11th, the new car making force, Geely Krypton, announced a limited time price equity policy for Geely Krypton 001, with a price reduction of 30000 to 37000 yuan. New energy brands such as Zero Run Automobile, Chery New Energy, NIO, and Nezha all announced price reductions or subsidies within the month, sparking a new round of price wars. In addition, veteran automaker SAIC Volkswagen has lowered prices for its nine SUV models, while "Rolling King" Tesla has also launched related discounts. August has always been a relatively low season for car sales, and a large number of car companies choose to launch promotional activities at this time, starting the "golden September and silver October" sales peak season ahead of schedule. At the same time, the approaching pressure on annual sales may also be the reason why some car companies choose major promotions.

How to understand weak credit data?

On August 11, 2023, the People's Bank of China released monetary and financial data for July 2023. Social financing added 528.2 billion yuan, with a previous value of 4.22 trillion yuan, and Wind expects 1.12 trillion yuan; The stock of social financing increased by 8.9% year-on-year, with a previous value of 9.0%; RMB loans increased by 345.9 billion yuan, with a previous value of 3.05 trillion yuan, and Wind expects to increase by 848 billion yuan; M2 increased by 10.7% year-on-year, with a previous value of 11.3%.

The newly added social financing in July was significantly lower than market expectations and seasonal performance, with net financing from residents and corporate sectors being the main drag. In July, the net financing for residents was negative, a year-on-year decrease of 322.4 billion yuan. Short term loans are related to the slowdown in passenger car sales and weak consumption; Medium - and long-term loans have been impacted by sustained weakness in real estate sales and early repayment by residents. On the enterprise side, after excluding non bank financial institutions, the net financing decreased by 16.2 billion compared to the same period last year. After experiencing a credit surge in June, the long-term credit recovery of enterprises was slightly weak, and the insufficient demand remained prominent.

Looking ahead, the year-on-year growth rate of social financing stock may have bottomed out, but the slope of subsequent recovery still needs to be improved. The current recovery of credit demand for enterprises and residents still faces multiple challenges. On the one hand, although a series of real estate relaxation policies have been introduced one after another, they are mainly concentrated in second - and third tier cities, and real estate policies for high-energy cities are still under consideration; On the other hand, the demand for corporate credit remains weak, and the policy effect urgently needs to be further released.

Hawaiian wildfire has caused 93 deaths, US media: deadliest wildfire in a century in the United States

According to the Associated Press on the 13th local time, wildfires on Maui Island in Hawaii have caused at least 93 deaths, and the number of victims is expected to continue to rise. According to American media, this fire has become the deadliest wildfire in the United States for over a century. According to reports, local police have stated that the search and identification of the deceased is still in its early stages, and the number of deaths may increase. Rescue workers are still clearing the ruins after the fire, marking the houses with a bright orange X, and using HR markers when human remains are found.

Hawaii Governor Josh Green said, "We can only wait and provide support for those who survived. Our focus is on bringing people together as much as possible, providing them with housing and healthcare, and then starting reconstruction work." He said that at least 2200 buildings on Maui were damaged or destroyed, of which 86% were residential. The estimated loss of the entire island is close to 6 billion US dollars, and it will take "incredible time" to recover.

Emergency management personnel on Maui Island are searching for resettlement sites for people who have lost their homes. Local officials said on the 12th that up to 4500 people need shelter. According to previous reports, on the 8th local time, wildfires erupted and rapidly spread on Maui Island, the second largest island in the Hawaiian Islands with a population of over 100000, due to hot and dry weather and the impact of Hurricane Dora. US President Biden immediately announced a "major disaster" in Hawaii and approved federal support.

Today's data selection: All first tier cities officially declare their recognition of housing but not loans; The price of Chanel's classic handbag has exceeded 80000 yuan
Today's data selection: All first tier cities officially declare their recognition of housing but not loans; The price of Chanel's classic handbag has exceeded 80000 yuan

Which group of people in first tier cities benefit from all official announcements of housing recognition but not loan recognition? On September 1st, Beijing and Shanghai officially announced their acceptance of housing and non acceptance of loans. As of now, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou have all officially declared "recognizing houses but not loans". Wang Xiaoqiang, Chief Analyst of Zhuge Data Research Center, stated that the three departments have clearly promoted the implementation of "housing recognition without loan recognition", which is beneficial for the two types of homebuyers in hot cities: one is those who have a loan house in their permanent residence and are ready to sell it for a house; One type is the group of homebuyers who have a mortgage record in other cities outside their permanent residence but do not have a house locally. Wang Xiaoqiang stated that after the implementation of the policy, these two groups will purchase houses again based on the loan interest rate for the first home, which can reduce the cost of purchasing a house. For the market, she believes that "buying a house without buying a loan" is conducive to improving the release of sexual demand

Today's data selection: Jay Chou drove a tourism revenue of 2.88 billion yuan in Hohhot; India plans to ban sugar exports to India | concerts | tourism
Today's data selection: Jay Chou drove a tourism revenue of 2.88 billion yuan in Hohhot; India plans to ban sugar exports to India | concerts | tourism

Jay Chou drove a tourism revenue of 2.88 billion yuan in Hohhot. From August 17th to 20th, Jay Chou's concert was held four times in a row in Hohhot, and the venues were fully booked. The concert not only ignited the sports stadium in Hohhot, but also ignited the entire consumer economy in Hohhot. The huge influx of people brought by performing arts activities penetrated into the cultural and tourism consumption chain of tourist attractions, hotels, catering, etc., and also ushered in a new peak of cultural and tourism consumption in Hohhot. According to statistics, the concert attracted a total of 184000 viewers, with out of town audiences accounting for over 80% of the total audience. Among them, influenced by the concert effect, from August 16th to 20th, Hohhot received 1.2617 million tourists and achieved tourism revenue of 2.88 billion yuan, which is 3.3 times the tourism revenue during the Dragon Boat Festival period. Successful prediction of geological disasters in China from January to July

Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have launched limited time free subway rides; Anesthesiologists Answering Will Anesthesia Make People Foolish Subway | Fuzhou | Data
Today's data selection: Multiple regions across the country have launched limited time free subway rides; Anesthesiologists Answering Will Anesthesia Make People Foolish Subway | Fuzhou | Data

On August 18, the limited time free subway ride was launched in many places across the country. The WeChat official account "Fuzhou Metro" announced that at the end of August, Fuzhou Metro Ring Line 4 will be put into operation for passengers. The full network transfer with the existing lines will bring unprecedented convenient traffic experience. To enable the general public to experience the various conveniences of subway transportation in the era of circular line transfer, cultivate green travel habits, promote the concept of green and low-carbon development, and further stimulate urban economic vitality. According to the work deployment of the municipal government, from August 28, 2023 to December 31, 2023, Fuzhou Metro will carry out the activity of receiving electronic consumption vouchers and enjoying free subway rides at night, on weekends and holidays; Citizens can also receive electronic subway bus annual card consumption vouchers and enjoy discounts on purchasing subway bus annual cards. Previously, the whole country included Ningbo, Nantong, Nanchang

Today's data selection: 40 reservoirs in Heilongjiang Province operate beyond flood control limits; Apple's market value may fall below $3 trillion in Shangzhi City | Floods | Reservoir
Today's data selection: 40 reservoirs in Heilongjiang Province operate beyond flood control limits; Apple's market value may fall below $3 trillion in Shangzhi City | Floods | Reservoir

Over the past few days, 40 reservoirs in Heilongjiang Province have exceeded their flood control limits. Due to continuous rainfall and the impact of upstream floods, the Shangzhi section of the Ant River in Heilongjiang Province has experienced floods beyond the guaranteed water level. Some sections of the river have also faced the risk of flooding, and many areas in Shangzhi City have experienced severe waterlogging. On that day, more than 200 officers and soldiers from the Harbin Detachment of the Armed Police Heilongjiang Corps rushed to the scene to carry out rescue operations upon receiving orders. Rescue team members boarded the assault boat and entered the flooded area. They shouted through the loudspeaker, built a rope passage, and one by one transferred the trapped villagers to the assault boat, taking them to a safe area. Data shows that as of 8:00 am on August 4th, a total of 9 hydrological stations in Heilongjiang Province have exceeded the guaranteed water level, and 40 reservoirs have exceeded the flood control limit. On the afternoon of August 4th, the Zhengzhou Housing Provident Fund Management Center reported that the minimum down payment for purchasing a new house with a Zhengzhou provident fund loan is 20%

Today's data selection: The summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan; Hollywood Actors Strike Boycott AI Subway | Market | Box Office
Today's data selection: The summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan; Hollywood Actors Strike Boycott AI Subway | Market | Box Office

Summer box office exceeded 9 billion yuan, according to statistics, as of now, the 2023 summer box office has exceeded 9 billion yuan, and multiple high-quality film works continue to stimulate the vitality of the film market. The recently released satisfaction survey results of Chinese film audiences show that domestic films "Chang'an 30000 Li" and "Octagonal Cage" received high satisfaction ratings of 85.1 and 84.5, respectively. The summer season saw a continuous increase in popularity driven by high-quality and high satisfaction domestic films. The summer passenger flow of multi city subways has surged: Beijing and Shenzhen have risen by one million, while Guangzhou has exceeded ten million. According to interface news, in the past month, the subway passenger flow in most cities has increased, and the overall subway passenger flow in the country has also been higher than the same period last month. Based on the 30 subway cities within the statistical scope, the overall passenger flow was 8950 last Friday