What is the plan for exchanging specialty products?, Exchange a box of seafood for a fake courier tracking number platform | netizen | specialty

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 10:45 AM

Four bags of butterfly pastry from an international restaurant and a Disney Lingna Belle pendant were exchanged by citizen Wu Wei for cured meat, several large packets of snacks, and the mascot of the Universiade, the panda "Rongbao", sent by Chengdu netizens. She was very satisfied with this exchange, "there was the pleasure of receiving items, the experience of opening blind boxes, and the joy of exchanging with strangers."

"Exchange of specialties" is becoming a new fashion on the Internet social networking platform. Strange netizens contact each other and send home specialties. Yesterday, on social media platforms such as Xiaohongshu, "finding special products to match" became a hot topic. In the eyes of young people who are passionate about this path, this is an opportunity to learn and experience the customs of living in a different place, as well as an experience of rediscovering the charm of their hometown.

However, not everyone has the same enjoyable exchange experience as Wu Wei. On social media, many people roast about the unequal value of the special products they bought. Some even said that they were cheated and were blackmailed by the other party after sending out the special products.

Why do young people rekindle their enthusiasm for barter when the Internet can almost buy global goods?

There are many posts searching on various social media platforms and exchanging specialties. When some netizens post, they will directly share the specialties they plan to exchange. In the comment section, some people respond with pictures, and others publicly disclose their city, "What do you want to order?" There is even a netizen who has not returned to France for 4 years, online soliciting local specialties for exchange. Before returning to China, she will live stream a video to purchase French specialties and bring them back for exchange, so that she can "eat all the beautiful rivers and mountains in 20 days after returning to China.". On Xiaohongshu, some people are looking for relatively fixed "specialty partners", while others are starting to build WeChat groups to exchange specialties. Liao Jing, a citizen engaged in art education, participated in two exchanges of specialty products. "On the one hand, you can obtain truly local specialty products, and on the other hand, you don't have to bear the premium of tourist attractions."

Wu Wei, who works in an Internet enterprise, has always been concerned about various social trends on the Internet, and the "exchange of specialties" once worried her. However, as she flipped through various exchange posts, she felt a sense of eye opening. "For example, some people hope to exchange city brand pastries for dried bamboo shoots, mushrooms and other mountain goods." Some netizens also shared their hometown life with pictures and videos, "I may not go to these places in the short term, but if the exchange is successful, it will give me a brief experience of local life." Although Wu Wei bought the bacon and snacks from the supermarket, the other party specially sent a shopping video, emphasizing that "the supermarket is a place where we often go", and the product production and production are also in the local area. Ms. Qiu, a resident of Chengdu who has participated in the "exchange of specialties" three times, once made a video of the process of smoking sausages and sent it to a Qingdao netizen. The netizen returned a photo of the sunset by the seaside, along with a shell that came with the package.

What is the plan for exchanging specialty products?, Exchange a box of seafood for a fake courier tracking number platform | netizen | specialty

Seals are also one of the popular specialties for exchanging

The exchanged items are not limited to specialty foods, but also include local tourism and cultural and creative commemorative stamps, urban specialty souvenirs, etc. "At first, what I wanted to exchange was' Rong 'Bao." Wu Wei remembers that he used the' Chuansha specialty 'Lingna Beier to gain recognition from the other party, and both sides added some special foods -' equal value 'is a major principle for exchanging specialties. On social media platforms, many netizens choose a value range of around 200 yuan. However, Ms. Qiu bluntly said, "We can't be too concerned about it." "Since it's an exchange of goods, how can there be complete equivalence?"

For Wu Wei, this attempt to exchange specialties is also a process of re experiencing his hometown. "I've been thinking about what specialties can be found in Shanghai? What specialties can't be bought online now?" She searched and found that there are also many specialty products in Shanghai. "In some exchange posts, there is a debate about whether Butterfly Crispy is from an international restaurant or a Harbin food factory." In order to buy Butterfly Crispy, she rushed to the scene to queue after 7 o'clock in the morning, "feeling the joy of Uncle and Aunt's enthusiasm for queuing." After finally getting it, she found that the shelf life was only 3 days, so she had to buy it online and put it in a gift box again. ". For this reason, she also took photos of queuing and explained to the other party that "sincerity is the ultimate skill" is another principle of exchanging specialty products.

However, not everyone involved in exchanging specialties feels sincere. On social media platforms, many netizens have expressed their experiences, stating that in addition to being underweight, there are also some people who are not accustomed to the local conditions.

On the social platform, some netizens in northern cities posted roast that the specialties they exchanged with Hunan netizens were too hot to eat, and the other party said, "Why can't we exchange them with Hunan people instead of Cantonese?" Then roast that the specialty they bought at a high price was only the cheap goods they bought in group.

In addition, some businesses also sell unsold goods in their hands by exchanging specialty products. Nanyang, Henan is famous for its jade carvings. Some netizens exchanged their hometown specialties for a local bracelet and jade pendant. However, when a few hundred yuan special product was sent out, I only received one bracelet, and the other party said they were "losing a lot" and would not send out the jade pendant again. However, the netizen discovered after appraisal that the bracelet is made of quartz stone, and the market price is much lower than the item they sent out. After searching, it was found that the other party was actually a WeChat merchant selling such products.

What is the plan for exchanging specialty products?, Exchange a box of seafood for a fake courier tracking number platform | netizen | specialty

And more seriously, it also involves illegal activities. Yesterday, a news item hit a hot search on Baidu. A netizen from Chaoshan, Guangdong participated in the exchange of specialty products for the first time. He spent 380 yuan to send Chaoshan specialty products to the other party, but the other party sent two packets of tissues. According to reports, multiple people have reported being deceived by the same person. A netizen from Zhejiang posted that they sent a box of green crabs and yangmei juice via cold chain express delivery in exchange for a fake tracking number, and the other party even cancelled their account. On social platforms, such "lightning protection posts" and "roast posts" are everywhere.

Zhejiang netizens posted claiming to have been scammed while exchanging specialty products

Liao Jing and Ms. Qiu both stated that when choosing an exchange partner, they will check the other party's social media page. "If it is a netizen who has been posting and recording their life content, the credibility is higher." They also suggest paying attention to information protection during the first transaction, and it is best to inform the other party of their plans before purchasing to prevent future disputes.

Despite being very satisfied with the first exchange, Wu Wei does not intend to continue trying. After being reminded by her mother, she found that the vast majority of the exchanged specialties were food. "Who can take responsibility if there are any problems with eating?" She also found that from the controversial "pin for villa" policy back then to the current exchange of specialties, "a beautiful vision does not always bring beautiful results." This exchange experience actually made her more concerned about her feelings in reality. "I tried queuing up and also wanted to see the other party's supermarket."

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