What does the atypical summer file explain?, Audiences spontaneously save box office for "bad movies", expecting the highest drop in tap water | Box office | Audience

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:59 PM

After 13 days of release, the box office exceeded 1.3 billion yuan, and the previously unpopular "Fengshen Part 1" won the box office championship for several consecutive days, relying on the audience's "tap water" to make a comeback. However, the most anticipated film of the summer season, "The Amazing Family," suffered a double loss in box office and reputation.

This "hottest summer slot in history", some practitioners and fans have found that predicting box office performance based on audience viewing intentions seems to have failed in the past.

"The promotion of film ticket marketing will indeed have a significant impact on box office, but the decisive factor is still the quality of the film." In the view of some industry insiders, as the film market enters a competitive situation of close combat, film quality will become increasingly important.

The most people "want to see" fall from the altar in just 3 days

In July, surrounded by a host of competitors, including the Hollywood blockbuster Mission Impossible 7 and the co production movie Giant Teeth Shark 2: Abyss, the comedy movie Superpower Family, with Shen Teng and other "Happy Fried Dough Twists" as its backbones, still topped the list of summer movie "New Movie Wants to See" in ticket shopping, ranking first with 830000 "Wants to See". In the eyes of some cinema executives, this is not surprising. "Whether at home or abroad, comedy films are popular movies in the summer season, and they are suitable for all ages."

According to industry insiders, when observing the box office of a movie, one generally needs to look at the difference between the overall box office ratio and the film production ratio. "The larger the difference, the more potential it has." On the day of its premiere on July 21st, "The Superpower Family" received 36.8% of the film production ratio, "indicating that the cinema is optimistic about this film." However, the overall box office ratio is only 33.9%, and the two differences are actually negative, which has disappointed many industry insiders. One day later, while the proportion of film production still reached 30.1%, the overall box office proportion further dropped to 18.0%.

"Super Family" was once the most "wanted" movie for viewers before the summer season, but the results were not satisfactory

What does the atypical summer file explain?, Audiences spontaneously save box office for "bad movies", expecting the highest drop in tap water | Box office | Audience

Douban, the movie "Super Family," only scored 4.3 points at the opening and has plummeted to its current 4.0 points, causing many theaters and audiences to lose their expectations for the film. After its premiere weekend, the overall box office share of the film has dropped to 7.5% and continued to decline, while the proportion of screenings in theaters will gradually shrink to below 10%. After only three days of release, the most anticipated movie in the summer season quickly fell, which has made many industry insiders sigh, "Nowadays, the film market is in close proximity, and competition is so fierce."

Similarly to "The Supernatural Family," there was also "The First Episode of Fengshen," which was released a day earlier. On its first day of release on July 20th, the film only received 17.8% of the total film production, accounting for 26.3% of the overall box office. However, on the second day, the film production increased to 28.2%, and the overall box office ratio was only 22.7%.

Audiences spontaneously rescue "bad movies"

Unlike the rapid decline after the first weekend of the release of "The Amazing Family," "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" also embarked on a comeback journey at the same time. On July 22, the single day box office of the film exceeded 100 million yuan, with a total box office ratio of 25.6% despite a 22.5% ranking. The next day, the single day box office increased to 130 million yuan, earning 26.7% of the box office with an 18.8% ranking, achieving a reversal and continuing to become the champion of the single day box office.

Before its release, the first installment of "Fengshen" was not well received and there is evidence to follow. The film was rumored to have been filmed ten years ago, and the investors faced controversy. Some viewers even thought that the film was already abandoned. Over the past decade, China's consumption habits and film market have undergone tremendous changes. "This type of costume fantasy blockbuster is not the mainstream in the current film market, and too many bad movies have consumed the reputation of this type of film." Mr. Lin, who has been working in film promotion for many years, said that movies like "Asura", which were released within three days and then withdrawn, make audiences feel ridiculous about "Eastern fantasy". "Legend of the Gods" with a rating of 2.9 on Douban and various online big movies have lost this traditional IP. A Bilibili uploader summed up in the video "Cured My Domestic Blockbuster PTSD", "Seeing a domestic movie with a 'fantasy and fantasy myth+luxury lineup', I instinctively feel like it's also 'colored garbage'. If this movie still promotes its preparation for more than ten years, it's even more emotional fraud."

The crew of "Fengshen Part One" at the Shanghai Film Festival

However, the first installment of "Fengshen" scored 7.7 points on Douban, followed by a slight increase to 7.8 points, which surprised many viewers who did not include the film in their viewing plans. Citizen Wu Jun only walked into Poly International Cinema a week after the movie was released to watch, "On weekdays at 9 pm, the audience was surprisingly full."

What does the atypical summer file explain?, Audiences spontaneously save box office for "bad movies", expecting the highest drop in tap water | Box office | Audience

On social media and social circles, there are many ordinary viewers who spontaneously spread rumors about "The First Episode of Fengshen". Some netizens shouted, "You vote for me, Taishi will return to court next year." "If you don't vote, I won't vote, and Yin Jiao will have no head from now on." Some netizens also made posters to "help Taishi Wen return to court as soon as possible." Some netizens shared ticket stubs not only for themselves, but also with their parents and friends.

Wu Jun has also been participating in social media discussions recently, and he hopes that friends who have had doubts like him can enter the cinema, "it is indeed a good movie.". "The first plot has not yet unfolded, and the exciting battle between gods and humans is still ahead." Audience Lu Wei, who watched the film at the Green Space Colorful City store of Shanghai Film Studio, and many netizens, are worried that they will not be able to see the subsequent plot, and hope that the film can return to production and continue production.

"The last time the audience spontaneously promoted a movie was in 2015's' The Return of the Great Sage '," said Mr. Wei, who produced a video promotion on social media. The audience also expressed their disgust with those shoddy domestic films and TV dramas.

Who is more important, marketing and quality?

Many viewers are willing to "tap water" because the promotion and marketing of "Fengshen First Episode" are too misleading for this movie.

"In early July, I saw a netizen discussing that this was a bad movie. I wanted to watch a video for comments, but upon checking, the movie had not been released yet." Mr. Wei walked into the cinema with the feeling of watching a bad movie. "Many people had already recognized it as a bad movie for so long before its release, which was related to marketing errors. For example, the special effects of" Immortal Realm "and" Shen Gongbao's Head Changing "in the trailer were nothing to the audience who had experienced the baptism of visual effects blockbusters. What moved people about this movie was not the special effects and big scenes, so it was better to edit and promote the character's growth and emotions well."

Before its release, Lu Wei was very averse to the film. "At the beginning of the movie, Daji actors were not allowed to show their faces, and mysterious marketing of beautiful women has long been outdated." What Lu Wei didn't like the most was a trailer in which Daji licked King Zhou's chest in the bathtub. The clip was widely shared on short video platforms, asking, "Is this kind of bad fun something that big movies should have?"

What does the atypical summer file explain?, Audiences spontaneously save box office for "bad movies", expecting the highest drop in tap water | Box office | Audience

After being pulled by her family to watch it, she realized that this scene was very necessary in the drama and was completely different from the effect presented in the short video. "Instead of creating fanciful previews, it's better to discuss' King Zhou is a hero or a tyrant 'and' Daji is a beauty disaster or a survival in troubled times'. The audience is constantly growing, and down-to-earth atmosphere does not equate to vulgarity."

Homemade poster by netizens for "Assisting Taishi in Returning to Korea"

For example, some industry insiders say that the promotion of "The Disappearing She" was done quite well. When the film was released, it was linked to social topics. "Couples watch" The Disappearing She "and" Watching a movie with romantic girlfriends "made netizens happy to" play jokes ". However, the parties involved in the pregnant woman's Thai cliff fall case expressed that the film company actively approached her to discuss authorization, which further sparked a wave of goodwill.

Director Wang Baoqiang's "In the Octagonal Cage" focuses on "sincerity", reviewing his personal experience, and reflecting on the failure of his first film, which resonates with the audience towards Wang Baoqiang from a grassroots background. "Connecting with the audience and creating the first wave of topics is the focus of film marketing and promotion, which is crucial for box office success."

Despite the hustle and bustle of netizens, the professional version of Cat's Eye predicts that the box office of "Fengshen Part 1" will be 2.4 billion yuan. "The Disappearing She", which grossed 3.5 billion yuan at the box office, has seen its rating on Douban drop from 7.5 to 6.4.

Mr. Lin believes that in the long run, the quality of movies remains the most important. "For example, the box office of 'Fengshen Part 1' may have started slowly, but word-of-mouth can lay the foundation for the second and third films. Although some low-quality films may seem to be successful at the box office, they may not necessarily have a positive effect on the creators' subsequent works."

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