The Forbidden City's ban on commercial photography has attracted widespread praise: DSLR cameras are also not allowed? Where will travel photography go? Ge Ge | Commercial | SLR Camera

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:52 PM

There was a joke on the Internet: "Every time the first snow falls in Beijing, the gate of the Forbidden City is crowded with Ge Ge."

In recent years, commercial filming has been occupying various cultural and museum venues and public cultural facilities. This joke is about many people who make appointments for commercial filming to enter the Forbidden City to take beautiful photos dressed in ancient costumes.

Recently, the Palace Museum released a new "Notice for Visitors to the Palace Museum", which includes several measures targeting various popular "commercial photography" and "internet celebrity photography". Many tourism enthusiasts and netizens have almost applauded this, hoping that other cultural venues and even parks and green spaces can actively follow up; But there are also business enthusiasts who worry about being "accidentally injured". "Some originally obscure attractions or corners are discovered by photography enthusiasts, and banning professional photographers may not be a good thing."

Wearing Hanfu to check in on ancient buildings such as the Forbidden City is loved by young people, especially on snowy days

Who will define commercial filming?

The Palace Museum has recently released the latest visitor guidelines and will begin implementation from June 30th. In the "Notice for Visiting the Courtyard" section of this document, Article 4 clearly states that "it is prohibited to conduct self media live streaming and recording activities in the exhibition hall", "it is prohibited to use flashlights, selfie poles, and support photography equipment to shoot in the exhibition hall", and Article 6 stipulates that "commercial filming and other non visiting activities are prohibited" without permission.

The Forbidden City's ban on commercial photography has attracted widespread praise: DSLR cameras are also not allowed? Where will travel photography go? Ge Ge | Commercial | SLR Camera

In addition, the Forbidden City Museum's Catalogue of Prohibited Items in this notice also explicitly prohibits multiple items related to "commercial photography" and "internet celebrity photography" in recent years, including "all wheeled tools with transportation and loading functions, such as picnic carts, camping vehicles, hand trailers, luggage with seats, trailers, etc." and "auxiliary climbing tools, such as cables, ropes, ladders, high stools, etc." Luggage boxes, selfie poles exceeding 1.3 meters, etc. are also prohibited from being carried.

"What are the standards for commercial photography?" After the new regulations of the Forbidden City were introduced, Ms. Hu, a financial practitioner who is enthusiastic about taking photos in museums and art galleries around the country, expressed concern. "Actually, many photography enthusiasts now have complete equipment, but taking photos is only for personal appreciation and social media release, not for commercial photography."

Like many museums, art galleries, and public cultural facilities, the Palace Museum has long explicitly prohibited the carrying of large filming equipment and the use of photography studios for wedding dresses, photography, and other photo shoots. However, with the rise of various "travel photography" and "commercial photography" projects, many commercial photography studios are playing the "edge ball" by packaging the clothing used for filming into luggage boxes, and then changing clothes for filming after entering the venue.

In order to take better photos, various incredible props have also been released: in March this year, "beautiful women in spring have all climbed trees" became a hot topic on social media, and it turned out that many people brought their own ladders to take photos. In order to accommodate luggage, reflective panels, tripods and other equipment, the campsite vehicle has also become an essential equipment for commercial photography.

During the cherry blossom season this year, many people in Gucun Park took photos with ladders, which sparked controversy

Ms. Du, a citizen who has previously consumed commercial outdoor shooting, told reporters that a local outdoor shooting starts at a fee of at least a thousand yuan. When entering places where commercial photography is strictly prohibited, photographers will communicate information with consumers in advance, and when asked by staff, they will answer, "It's just friends coming to visit and take photos.". Previously, a gallery on the Bund explicitly prohibited "commercial filming", but after someone filmed on-site and then attached commercial advertising content to the images through software, the gallery had to "shout from afar" and demand that the publisher delete the corresponding commercial shooting content.

The Forbidden City's ban on commercial photography has attracted widespread praise: DSLR cameras are also not allowed? Where will travel photography go? Ge Ge | Commercial | SLR Camera

"As the management, it is not possible to clearly define 'commercial photography', but these large equipment may affect other visitors and have the suspicion of infringement, so it is reasonable to prohibit them from being carried." Some industry insiders said that the updated visit notice of the Palace Museum has added various types of 'equipment' required for commercial photography in recent years to the list of prohibited items to be carried. "Do not entangle whether it is' commercial photography 'or' personal photography '. Equipment that affects other visitors, has hidden dangers of damaging exhibits and facilities, and cannot be brought in. This is the' fundamental solution '."

Where will business photography and travel photography go?

"As a benchmark for domestic cultural and museum venues, the regulations of the Forbidden City have a very advocacy effect." Mr. Xu, a cultural and museum industry insider, strongly agrees with such regulations: "The essence of many commercial photography is not to visit exhibitions or appreciate cultural relics, but to make these precious exhibits and museum and art museum facilities the background, which is putting the cart before the horse."

Last year, when the Yu Deyao Art Museum held the Nara Meizhi solo exhibition, a notice board was set up outside the exhibition hall to remove the word "professional" from the originally prohibited "professional photography and video equipment". However, the Nara Meichi Personal Art Museum located in Nagasawara City, Japan, also does not allow photography in many places. Ms. Su, who used to work in a gallery, understands this rule, "In addition to preventing interference from photographers with the work and other visitors and buyers, there is also consideration for avoiding copyright infringement."

However, more ordinary tourists are troubled by the prolonged occupation of scenic spots by commercial photographers, which affects the normal visiting process. "When we arrived at the scenic spot, everyone wanted to take photos, but many commercial shoots dominated the best spots for a long time." Qin Ying, who works at a private enterprise, went to Gucun Park with friends in March this year to admire cherry blossoms and witnessed the famous scene of "all the beautiful women in spring have climbed trees". "The standard configuration is a campsite car, one or two suitcases, and a ladder. A photographer is responsible for taking photos, and one or two assistants help lift reflective panels." Qin Ying recalled that she once tried to wait for a photo of a blooming cherry blossom, but was persuaded by an assistant to leave. "We drove in the park for two hours, and they were still taking photos there."

The corner tower of the Forbidden City has become a gathering place for many photography enthusiasts

The Forbidden City's ban on commercial photography has attracted widespread praise: DSLR cameras are also not allowed? Where will travel photography go? Ge Ge | Commercial | SLR Camera

"In fact, many scenic spots are discovered and photographed by professional photographers before becoming popular online. If professional photography is prohibited, will it bury these discoveries?" Mr. Yue, who works part-time in commercial photography, felt a bit aggrieved. "We only exist when the market exists."

After more than two years of commercial filming, he gradually felt pressure from the public. "One night while shooting on the Binjiang Trail, it didn't completely occupy the road, so someone insisted on standing in front of the camera. We asked him to give way, and he asked us to get the shooting approval. If we could get it, he would give up." In Mr. Yue's opinion, perhaps commercial and travel photography should also further broaden their thinking: "Previously, the Forbidden City didn't allow wedding photos to be taken, but later some photographers found that shooting corner towers outside the Forbidden City was very beautiful. But I'm worried that once we discover that the angle is beautiful and attract more people to take photos, it won't be enough for us professional photographers."

"If the market does exist, can we consider meeting different needs at different prices?" Ms. Du remembers visiting the Forbidden City when she was a child and being able to directly dress up and shoot inside. The He Art Museum located in Shunde, Guangdong, prohibits the use of SLR cameras with a body and lens exceeding 15 centimeters for photography, but has set a dedicated "camera day". "Can some scenic spots or cultural facilities charge higher fees for commercial photography than ordinary tourists, establish requirements for shooting areas, time, etc., and protect the facilities while meeting different needs?"

Mr. Yue also stated that for clients who are passionate about shooting special styles, he will consider places like film and television bases in the future. "We need to use our professional skills to capture beauty, while also constantly innovating new shooting scenes and methods."

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