She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 13:25 PM

Recently, the TV series "Love Without Regret" premiered at the Golden Theater of Oriental Film and Television Channel. This drama, which premiered in 2007, was directed by Lai Shuiqing and starred Du Chun, Gao Yuanyuan, Zhao Jing, and others. It tells the legendary story of the famous "Gao Family Cake Shop" in the Jiangnan pastry industry during the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, a reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News contacted actor Zhao Jing from the Shanghai Film Actors Troupe. After several rounds of communication, they finally agreed to conduct an interview. This year marks her 50th anniversary in the entertainment industry, and there is also a replay of old dramas, which is one of the reasons why she agreed to be interviewed.

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

When I saw Zhao Jing in the reception room on the first floor of the Shanghai Film Actors Troupe, she was wearing a blue ethnic style shirt, a thin purple scarf, and frameless glasses, exuding an elegant temperament. Recalling his artistic career, the actor born in Liaoning and raised in Henan sighed, "Fate arranged for me to go to the Shanghai Film Studio."

My first time filming a movie, I played the role of husband and wife with Dashi Chang

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Fifty years ago, in 1973, Zhao Jing had not yet graduated from high school and had already started working.

Zhao Jing was born beautiful from a young age, with watery eyes. She was born with talent for acting. When Zhao Jing was a child, she watched the outdoor movie "Heroes and Daughters" with her mother on the playground. Others praised her for being beautiful and looking like Wang Fang in the movie. Zhao Jing's mother said, "What's the use of being beautiful? You need to have skills." Zhao Jing's parents both work in enterprises and institutions, and none of them follow the path of literature and art. Moreover, in that era, literature and art were seen as "dyeing vats." It was said that the propaganda team teacher wanted to take her to the Henan Provincial Quyi Troupe, but her parents strongly opposed it. The teacher went to her house three times in a row to do ideological work, and only then did the mother reluctantly agree to let her brother take her to handle the procedures.

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Quyi is the starting point for Zhao Jing to become a professional actor. But back then, she was confused about what a professional actress was, and everything seemed to be pushed away.

When Zhao Jing was a child, she studied drama, dance, and almost became a ballet dancer. Learning ballet is very difficult. She remembers when she was nine years old and went to the Cultural Palace to practice. She made a leg hugging gesture, lowered her head, and only thought about why the teacher didn't ask everyone to lift their heads, as if she was about to die there and no longer see her parents. She waited and waited, waiting for the teacher to say "okay". She breathed a long sigh of relief, grateful that "I'm still alive".

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Zhao Jing has a pleasant voice and standard pronunciation. It is recommended that her teachers in the Quyi Troupe also take note of this. Quyi mainly focuses on rap, with high language requirements, clear speech, and a very important breath. During her time in the Quyi Troupe, Zhao Jing not only practiced basic opera skills every day, but also practiced tongue twisters such as "White Stone Pagoda, White Stone Pagoda, and White Stone Pagoda", and learned to sing Henan Zhuizi and Dadiao tunes. Quyi performances only require a place, and she has been in the provincial Quyi troupe for over two years. She often goes to the countryside to perform, and the transportation is often frame trucks, tractors, and large trucks, all of which are outdoor. The actors bring their own luggage, live outdoors, and don't feel tired. "Having a car to sit in is already very happy."

19-year-old Zhao Jing dreams of going to Beijing. In 1976, the National Quyi Festival was held in Beijing, and just as she was busy with it, a filming team from Shanghai knocked on her door. Back then, Shanghai Film Studio was planning to produce "A New Daughter in My Village". After the film was released, it was renamed "New Wind Song". The screenwriter comes from Henan and writes about the local customs and traditions of Henan. Director Zhao Huanzhang decided to go to Henan for filming and also selected actors there. At that time, they almost traveled all over the cultural and artistic units in Henan Province, but couldn't find a suitable one. The driver who drove for them suggested, "There is a place that is not open to the public, you can go and see it, but don't have too much hope." It was precisely the Henan Provincial Quyi Tune Conference.

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

That day, Zhao Jing, who was taking a nap, was awakened and said, "There is a filming team coming to choose actors.". She washed her face and didn't prepare anything, so she went to meet Zhao Huanzhang and others. Zhao Jing recalled, "At that time, I knew nothing about making movies and thought it didn't matter. I just had the idea that I wanted to go to Beijing and participate in a Quyi performance." She sang a tune on site, and the next day, the production team notified her to go to the hotel to audition. She had a rehearsal in the morning, and the director asked her to take a break. She had to wait until the light was good at 3 pm in the afternoon before auditioning. After having lunch, Zhao Jing found a room to take a nap. When filming started, the director smiled and said, "This little girl really dares to sleep. You're not nervous either. Did you forget all of this line?" "I didn't forget!" She opened her mouth and just finished. Zhao Huanzhang was very satisfied with Zhao Jing's performance and instructed her not to cut her hair until the production team notified her to try on makeup.

Zhao Jing went home and told her mother, "I'm going to make a movie." After watching her for half a day, her mother said, "That's all for making a movie. Is that so easy?" Then she said, "Can you do it?"

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

In order to play the role of a rural daughter-in-law well, Zhao Jing first had to settle down and eat and work together with the local rural residents. Other veteran actors on the same cast include Feng Chunchao, Ding Yi, Xie Yibing, and others, all of whom have extensive filming experience. For the sake of realism, people ask the common people to wear clothes on their bodies and give them their own clothes to wear. The filming location of "New Wind Song" is in Gongxian County, Henan Province, with a high temperature of 40 degrees Celsius in summer and a dry climate. Many crew members from Shanghai have fallen ill due to the unsuitable environment, but no one has complained.

Zhao Jing plays a director of a kiln in the film, and there is a scene where she stands on a nearly two-story aqueduct to pick up bricks. Therefore, she practices picking up bricks every day. The director also tried to help her break away from the habit of being a theatrical actor. Zhao Jing practiced ballet when she was a child. When she sat down, she habitually tilted her toes outward. Whenever this happened, Zhao Huanzhang would come over and gently kick her, and she immediately realized that she needed to correct herself.

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Da Shi often portrays her as a married couple in movies, and Zhao Jing, who has never been in a relationship before, is unable to portray the feeling of being a married couple when facing "Teacher Da". In movies of that era, there were few intimate scenes, and the most intimate action was when the wife pretended to hold an iron while joking between husband and wife, trying to smooth out the wrinkles on her husband's face. In this scene, Zhao Jing always couldn't pass the psychological hurdle. "Just treat me like your big brother, don't call me a teacher. Whenever you have the word 'teacher', it feels like it's a layer apart." Da Shichang taught her, and senior actor Xie Yibing tried to guide her and finally filmed this scene.

"A new actor is being watched by the entire production team in such an environment." Zhao Jing followed her wherever she went, curiously observing everything around her. The first time she made a movie, what impressed her the most was the behind the scenes personnel on the set. The lighting engineer stands under the bright sun, holding a reflective panel that is two meters long and one meter wide. Some even hold huge lighting fixtures and stand on the high stairs to illuminate the actors. In order to capture better shots, photographers can kneel down and even lie on their backs to take photos. When they get up, they are covered in dirt. "They work very hard, and it's the first impression they give me when making movies," Zhao Jing respects the lighting masters and likes to chat with them during breaks, becoming good friends. They said, "Zhao Jing, you are really kind. Ordinary people look down on our work." Zhao Jing said, "Respect is mutual. First of all, you need to respect yourself, respect your profession, and others will also respect you." The masters were convinced. Many of the old lighting professionals in the film privately called Zhao Jing "Goddess", and now they have met, they are still very friendly.

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Zhao Jing said, "I was very lucky that those selfless old artists gave me a lot of help when filming my first play. It was this play that helped me establish the correct values and artistic views - everything starts from the characters and the play, everything serves the characters, and restores life. Thank you to all the old actors from the Shanghai Film Studio and Shanghai Film Actors Troupe, who have helped me follow this correct path all the way to today."

Fate has arranged for me to go to the Shanghai Film Studio

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Before the filming of "New Wind Song" was completed, the Shanghai Film Studio offered an olive branch to Zhao Jing. Faced with the opportunity for others to break their heads and compete, she declined. On the one hand, Zhao Jing felt that she had not yet figured out what she would do in the future. "At that time, I was even thinking about how to apply the methods I learned from making movies to performing folk arts."; On the other hand, Shanghai is a strange city, where she cannot understand Shanghainese, is not accustomed to eating, and is far from home, making it difficult for her to make up her mind.

After the "New Wind Song" ended, Zhao Jing was seconded by Emei Film Studio to shoot the film "Ice Mountain and Snow Lotus" in Garze, Xizang, and then seconded by the Pearl River Film Studio to shoot "Ling Yunzhi". The Shanghai Film Studio has never given up on this good seedling. Although Zhao Jing is not from a professional background, she has talent and skills. Her performances are naturally relaxed, her personality is friendly and willing to endure hardships. She is also tall and has a grand image, which is exactly what Shanghai Film Studio lacks in "Big Green Clothes".

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

When Zhao Jing was filming in the studio of the Shanghai Film Studio, "idle people" always surrounded her one after another. Although everyone claimed to be passing by, they actually came specifically to see her. In order to persuade her to join the Shanghai Film Actors Troupe, the then head of the troupe, Tie Niu, traveled around Henan and even fell a big somersault, almost worrying about her life, which deeply moved Zhao Jing.

"Do what you do, love what you do" is what Zhao Jing's parents taught her. Determined to enter the Shanghai Film Studio and entrust herself to the film industry, Zhao Jing never regretted it.

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

After joining the Shanghai Film Actors Troupe, the care and patient guidance of many senior members of the troupe made Zhao Jing feel warm. On the wall of the conference room where the interview was held, there were photos of senior members of the theater troupe hanging one after another. Looking at these familiar faces, Zhao Jing was filled with emotions. "The theater troupe is a big family, and I have cooperated with 70% of the people here," she recounted one by one. "Teacher Wang Danfeng was very kind to me; during the recording of the Spring Festival Gala of the theater troupe, Teacher Zhao Dan took me with him; the teacher's performance as the director of the enemy intelligence department in" Crossing the River Reconnaissance "was really impressive, and she also gave me a lot of help." After a pause, Zhao Jing said, "Now I will be very sad to watch the movies that everyone has cooperated with.".

In 1979, the Shanghai Film Actors Troupe produced the first TV drama "The Girl Selling Big Pancakes", starring Zhao Jing, Guo Kaimin, Chen Yanhua, and others. This drama portrays Shanghai alleyway life, very down-to-earth. Zhao Jing's character had to carry a basket and go to the alley to sell, but when it was time to shoot, she found it difficult to shout out loud, and the more she acted, the more embarrassed she became. She suddenly realized her bottleneck, "When I was filming the first scene, I was not afraid of anything. Whatever you asked me to do, I did it. Later on, it seemed like the more I acted, the more I became concerned about the role."

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

She realized that actors cannot rely solely on their talents for the rest of their lives, and one day they will sit idly by. So, after filming for nearly 10 years, Zhao Jing, who was already well-known, decided to attend a film academy. In 1985, she was successfully admitted to the Performance Cadre Training Program at Beijing Film Academy, which fulfilled Zhao Jing's dream of going to university for many years. Her classmates include Tang Guoqiang, Guo Kaimin, Kou Zhenhai, Liu Xinyi, Song Chunli, Song Xiaoying, Wu Yufang, Jiang Lili, Zhao Na, and 22 others. "I'm not from a professional background. I've made so many movies and TV dramas, and I feel like I've run out of electricity. I need to recharge now."

Due to the limitations of the conditions at that time, she always regretted not having enough education when she was young. When I was a child, when I was reading something, my sister accidentally said, "Why are you so stupid? You can't recite a whole sentence." This voice echoed in Zhao Jing's ear for many years thereafter. Later on, when the theater troupe wanted to learn newspaper editorials, they needed someone to read the news. She volunteered and every time she read, she always had to read the feeling of "Central People's Broadcasting Station".

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Zhao Jing has benefited greatly from studying at the Film Academy. During the segment practice, the teacher asked her to play the role of Tigress in "Camel Xiangzi", and her role was played by the homeroom teacher Xie Yuan. "Can I do it?" She couldn't believe it, but after the teacher's rehearsal, the effect was very good during the segment exam. At noon during the exam, many people came into the auditorium with their rice bowls to watch. "I finally understood the teacher's intentions. If I were in a movie studio, I wouldn't even consider playing such a role. Through such challenges and attempts, I realized how much potential I had."

After "Love in the Pen", "I no longer want to shoot costume dramas"

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

On Douban, the movie "Love in the Pen" produced by Shanghai Film Studio in 1982 received a high rating of 8.6, with many praising the character selection, costumes, and props in the film for their Wei Jin style, allowing people to appreciate the beauty of traditional culture. The film also won the Foreign Film Award at the French Luwayan International Film Festival.

This is Zhao Jing's first time acting in a costume drama, and also the first costume drama filmed by the Shanghai Film Studio after the Cultural Revolution. Everyone has made up their minds to make it a classic and put in a lot of effort for it. Zhao Jing still remembers that "Love in the Pen" was directed by Yan Bili, a female director from Shanghai Film Academy, along with artist Jin Qifen and production director Tang Lixuan. Three senior female filmmakers gathered together, not to mention how impressive it was.

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

"The Love in the Brush" tells the story of Zhao Xuzhi, an ancient Chinese calligrapher, who fell in love with Wen Juan, the daughter of Qi Taiwei. With her encouragement, she traveled three times to learn calligraphy, guard against arrogance and impatience, and realize the true essence of calligraphy. Zhao Xuzhi also had a "rival in love" and Huan Shu, who was both skilled in both literature and martial arts. Interestingly, the actors Wang Bozhao and Chi Zhongrui played the roles of Xiao Bailong and Tang Sanzang respectively in the 86 version of "Journey to the West".

Although this star studded movie is now regarded as a beautiful talk by audiences, it actually made it difficult to choose a male actor back then. "The director asked the cast to choose the male lead, and everyone thought that Wang Bozhao had a good image and a rebellious temperament of a famous scholar in the Wei and Jin dynasties." Zhao Jing recalled that at that time, Wang Bozhao had not yet graduated from acting, which was his first play. Once when everyone was discussing a script, they suddenly couldn't find Wang Bozhao. He actually went fishing by the West Lake. After being discovered by the three aunties, he was scolded severely and even fined to conduct a self-criticism throughout the group. "He is a very simple actor, and we later found out that he went fishing by West Lake to experience life. Even now, he has written a good hand."

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

The movie revolves around calligraphy, and the actors portray famous calligraphers. The director made a request to practice calligraphy, and Zhao Jing had a Guqin scene. The director also asked her to learn how to use every finger technique during filming.

At that time, Zhao Jing lived at the Shangying Factory Guesthouse at 595 Caoxi North Road, and woke up at around 5 o'clock every day to practice Zhao Mengfu's calligraphy for an hour. The production team also invited calligraphers Zhang Sen and Qian Maosheng to serve as calligraphy guides. "At that time, writing was really taught hand in hand, practicing both large and small scripts. It was a great pleasure to learn something every day at the Shanghai Film Studio."

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Ancient costume plays have requirements for both dialogue and performance. When participating in "Love in the Brush", the actors should eat with dignity, walk without bouncing or shaking their heads, walk like a traditional Chinese opera platform, and speak with Wei and Jin style. The hair bun of the Jin Dynasty was relatively high, and after making the headdress, it was very heavy. The Chinese style costumes in the film were also not comfortable for the actors. "Clothes are made of real silk and are prone to wrinkles. Just sitting or lying down like now is not enough. At the end of the day, the body needs to straighten up, and there should be a standing posture and a sitting posture." After the performance of "Love in the Pen", Zhao Jing couldn't help but swear, "I don't want to do ancient costume dramas anymore." But later on, she still did ancient costume dramas such as "Famous Xiang of the Tang Dynasty", "The Great Song Dynasty Sage King", and "Mother Eternal World".

When it comes to Zhao Jing, many people think of the 1984 movie "Red Skirts Pop on the Street". The film tells the story of Tao Xinger, a female worker and young model worker from a cotton mill, breaking free from the constraints of old ideas and boldly pursuing the beauty of life. Although filmed by Changchun Film Studio, it tells a story about Shanghai. Apart from Zhao Jing, Song Yining, who plays Ah Xiang, is also a Shanghai actor. There are many scenes in the film that reflect the real social style of Shanghai, such as the trend of going abroad, cutting off skirts, and the English corner of People's Park "cutting off English". At that time, the fashion designer specially made a skirt with a 180 degree hem. Zhao Jing had a graceful figure and walked gracefully and flexibly. "In movies of that era, everything started from the characters. The photographer followed the actors with a camera to shoot, and the flow of life was fully displayed in the photographer's filming."

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

Shooting in the Film Age

"Many articles on the internet claim that I started dating at the age of 22, but in fact, I don't know where I was when I was 22." Zhao Jing sighed, her life experience is not as family centered as speculated online. She devoted more time and energy to her beloved film career.

She is the screen goddess of the 1980s, Zhao Jing, a charming and charming actress in the Wei and Jin dynasties

During her 50 year career in the arts, Zhao Jing has appeared in more than 50 film and television dramas. She is not only Lin Xiaomei in "The Girl Who Sells Big Pancakes", Qi Wenjuan in "Love in the Pen", Tao Xinger in "Red Skirt in the Street", but also Luo Fang in "Fly, Football!", Ai Jinghua in "Cars and Horses", Empress Changsun in "Famous Tang Dynasty", and Empress Wang in "Mother Etiquette World". In recent years, there have been works such as "Zou Bihua", "Brave Memories", "I am a Doctor", "Nanyang Daughter Love", etc. Recently, I just finished filming "The Great Doctor at the foot of Kunlun Mountain".

Talking about the convenience of film and television shooting in the digital age, Zhao Jing couldn't help but recall the strict requirements for actors in the film age. When filming "Love and Death in the Demon Grottoes," director Song Chong once said, "Zhao Jing, you are all old actors now. Your film ratio is 1:1, so compare the saved films to young people." So, every time she was filmed, it was almost a passing, not a waste of film.

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