Is "All for One" a "topic movie"?, Netizens for "Burning Winter" Actors Still Unable to Win Box Office Despite Snowfall | Video | desperate

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 08:29 AM

The film Burning Winter, which was just released on Qixi on August 22, was on the scene of the Shanghai roadshow. Many social media and short video platforms were invited to make publicity online. Some short video bloggers even made a "snow" for the actors on the scene.

However, these actions did not seem to bring more market recognition to the film: according to the data from the Lighthouse Professional Edition, the box office of the film on Qixi Festival on August 22 reached 360 million yuan, led by the 15 day old "All or Nothing", which accounted for 45.1% of the total box office, with nearly 163 million yuan, followed by "School Dad", which focuses on parent-child education. "Burning Winter" ranked fifth and only grossed 15.211 million yuan at the box office.

"In the past, it used to create buzz at the box office, but now movies with good box office results are just buzz." In the eyes of some industry insiders, this year's leading summer box office "buzz movies" such as "The Disappearing She" and "All in One Thing" are becoming a trend in the film market.

At the roadshow, internet celebrities "snow" the actors

"Today is the Qixi Festival. In order to make the film atmosphere more adequate, I want to give Mr. Qu Chuxiao a snow." On August 22, the scene of the Qixi Festival film "Burning Winter" at the Shanghai Roadshow surprised many audiences: a Tiktok Internet celebrity trotted onto the stage after being called by the host, took out the prepared spray bottle, waved and sprayed it, "artificially snowfall" on the head of actor Qu Chuxiao, and shouted: "Zhang Wansen -- oh no, Han Xiao's old iron is snowing." Later, the scene was widely spread on social media and short video platforms, and was also equipped with a Soft female voice, "Zhang Wansen, it's snowing".

"Burning Winter" Shanghai Roadshow Live Netizens "Snowfall" for Qu Chu and Xiao

The character played by Qu Chuxiao in the movie "Burning Winter" is named Han Xiao, and Zhang Wansen is the character name of Qu Chuxiao in the TV series "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Star". "Zhang Wansen, it's snowing" is a meme of the drama. After the "snow", the four main creators were asked to "pinch their faces and compare their hearts" together as "Qixi gifts for all our friends on site".

Is "All for One" a "topic movie"?, Netizens for "Burning Winter" Actors Still Unable to Win Box Office Despite Snowfall | Video | desperate

Burning Winter, directed by Chen Zheyi, was shortlisted in the "One Kind of Attention" competition unit of the 76th Cannes Film Festival. The frequent appearance of "old iron" on the roadshow scene made many audiences feel embarrassed.

"This approach is actually a common practice for many film and television dramas, actively providing some materials for dissemination." Mr. Wen, who is engaged in cultural product marketing planning, revealed that when providing services for the promotion of film and television dramas, they usually provide information such as interesting events during the filming period and the level of filming dedication of the actors. At the roadshow site, various "unexpected" situations are also arranged, relying on the interaction of the main creators to create momentum. "Inviting bloggers and internet celebrities now is more convenient because they also have their own KPIs and will design topics and interactive content for traffic."

Why not take photos of hot topics instead of focusing on them?

On the day of Qixi's release, Burning Winter arranged an intensive roadshow schedule in Shanghai: there were many scenes of Burning Winter with the label of "post screening meeting" on the ticket shopping software. The main creators went to the Red Star Movie World in Minhang District at 17:37 from UME Cinema in Huangpu District at 16:32, to the IMAX store in Hong Kong Hui Yonghua in Xuhui District at 17:50, and to Poly International Cinema in Pudong New Area at 18:52.

It seems that the hard work of the main creative team has not been rewarded at the box office: this year, the total number of Qixi films has reached 432000, setting the record of Qixi films in Chinese film history, but "All or nothing" accounted for nearly half of the box office, while "Burning Winter", which has the experience of "gilding" at the film festival and has the support of charismatic actors, only ranked fifth.

In the past, relying on on-site "creating topics" to promote has become increasingly ineffective. Mr. Wen candidly stated that there is a very obvious trend in this year's summer film season, which relies on creating topics for promotion rather than just being a "topic movie". "The first of the Qixi Festival's" All in One "is a very popular telecom fraud in recent years, and the second" Learning Dad "is a parent-child education problem, and many people have something to say." In his opinion, now relying on online celebrities and bloggers to create gimmicks, the validity period is very short, and the attention is difficult to open. "During the release cycle of film and television dramas, continuous promotion is necessary. Movies like 'All in One' and 'She Who Disappears' themselves have their own topics, and social trending topics can reach more people who don't usually pay attention to movies."

This summer's high box office movies, popular videos, and social topics have mostly surpassed the movies themselves. Taking "The Disappearance of Her" as an example, it made 91 hot searches on the chart on its premiere day on June 22, and reached 133 hot searches on its opening weekend. On June 26th, the box office of the film experienced a reverse decline, with 214 hot search topics.

Is "All for One" a "topic movie"?, Netizens for "Burning Winter" Actors Still Unable to Win Box Office Despite Snowfall | Video | desperate

At the beginning of the film's release, the hot search topic of the film was "The Lost Her, Zhu Yilong's Shaving Drama", "Wen Yongshan said that she would no longer worry about her beauty to limit the way of acting". By June 26, the hot search topic of the film that topped the list had become social topics related to the content of the film, such as "Renju", "Thai pregnant woman falling off a cliff case, people talking about her who disappeared from the film", "The Lost Her Deformity Show", etc.

During the Shanghai roadshow of "All in One's Name", police officers joined forces to promote anti fraud measures

"Movies like 'All for One' that can attract public discussion and attention can indeed drive greater passenger flow. In the past, movies adapted from events that have attracted a lot of attention, such as' Captain China ', have also done well at the box office. The manager of a cinema admitted that the key to' topic movies' is to seize the truly suitable topics in the ever-changing topics.".

"The key to topic movies is to have insight into society. After all, film production has a cycle, and 'riding on hot topics' is definitely lagging behind." In Mr. Wen's view, creators like Chen Sicheng and Ning Hao, who are considered to have a good sense of the internet, have observed social trends. "For example,' The Disappearing She 'has a female audience of 76.4%, and the content of the film captures contemporary women's doubts about marriage and love issues. Although' The fraud method in 'desperate gamble' is outdated and has also become a hot topic, the telecommunications fraud targeted in 'desperate gamble' is an important crime method nowadays. This film has received support and promotion from public security departments in many places."

The Short Video Controversy Behind "Topic Movies"

In the eyes of some industry insiders, the sudden rise of "topic movies" in this summer's season is related to the changes in the channels of film promotion and dissemination. "The current promotion relies more on short videos and social media, sinking into the third and fourth tier markets."

"This is the era of mobile Internet, and most people get information through WeChat, Weibo, Tiktok and other online platforms. Mobile phones are our access to the world." Xiao Fuqiu, Deputy Director of Elephant Dianying Publicity, believes that online publicity has become an increasingly important trend of film publicity. Chen Jin, data analyst of Lighthouse Professional Edition, said that some films in this summer were "highly topical and marketable", and their publicity in Tiktok and other channels yielded "excellent" circle breaking effects. At present, the cumulative number of topics broadcast on Tiktok has reached 14.123 billion, and the number of topics broadcast on All Risks has exceeded 19.1 billion.

Is "All for One" a "topic movie"?, Netizens for "Burning Winter" Actors Still Unable to Win Box Office Despite Snowfall | Video | desperate

The Thai pregnant woman who fell off a cliff case mentioned that "The Disappearing She" gained a good impression for the movie

"The short video marketing of movies is not just about editing so-called 'high burning' clips into short videos and putting them on the platform." Mr. Wen found that the key to marketing cultural products in the short video era is to stimulate users' sense of participation and expression, trigger an emotional explosion point, "a golden sentence, a glance, can be easily and quickly spread on the short video platform. As for these contents, their relevance to movies is actually not very important."

However, as box office revenue continues to rise, there has been a noticeable drop in word-of-mouth ratings for "The Disappearing She" and "All for One" films. In the eyes of some viewers, several movies are considered "qualified cinema films, but only qualified".

"Short video platforms require topicality. Does it cause more bad movies or make high-quality movies stand out?" Mr. Liu, the head of a cinema, although hopes that more high-quality "topicality movies" will enter the cinema and bring high box office, is also concerned that some movies rely on "topicality" to take shortcuts in marketing. "If you start by setting up a topic movie and then piecing together the hot topics and 'memes' on short video platforms, it is likely to have the opposite effect. From animated movies to comedy movies, countless genres of movies have already proven this." Mr. Wen also emphasized that short video platforms should be used for movies, not to adapt to promotional channels, "which is putting the cart before the horse."

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The documentary "Elephant Journey" will be released in 2024, and the migration journey of wild elephants in Yunnan will be brought to IMAX screen company | Production | Elephant Journey

IMAX, Singapore Beach Villa Film Co., Ltd., a production company under Blue Ant Media, and China International Communications Group Interpret China Studio announced on July 3 that they will jointly produce the documentary film "Elephant Journey". This film will document the migration journey of wild Asian elephant herds that began in 2020, presenting the habitat of wild elephant herds - the hidden scenery of Yunnan, China, and revealing the stories and little-known secrets between humans and wild elephants. The documentary film has a duration of approximately 90 minutes and is currently being produced in China using IMAX cameras. It is planned to be released in IMAX theaters in 2024. "Elephant Journey" not only presents the relationship between humans and wild elephants, but also records from a new perspective the well-known departure of 16 wild Asian elephants in March 2020

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Exploring new possibilities, not blindly copying dance dramas, dance drama documentary film "Eternal Radio Waves" started filming on July 1st in Shanghai | Documentary | Movie

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