International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:34 AM

On July 24th, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra launched a new menu for the 2023-24 music season, which includes a total of 92 performances of various types such as symphony, opera, chamber music, and crossover performances. Among them, the orchestra performed 57 times and visiting artists performed 35 times. As the power of Chinese music gathers once again, international musicians return in an explosive manner, allowing audiences to listen to the world in Shanghai and the world to hear China.

The resident artist for the 2023-24 music season is cellist Gautier Kapson. In addition, conductor Eichenbach, Di Tuva, violinist Augustine Dumei, tenor Ian Bostridge, soprano Olga Pelegateco, violinist Madian, pianist Pierre Laurent Aimar, Stephen Hoff and Deng Taishan will all visit. They will light up the starry sky of the music season together with many Chinese musicians such as Yu Long, Wang Jian, Shui Lan, Ye Yongshi, Lv Shaojia, Yang Yang, Huang Yi, etc.

The opening concert of the new music season will be held on September 10th, with music director Yu Long as the baton, and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Chief Liu Ming and pianist Zuo Zhang as the soloists. The concert will commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of this composer with Rachmaninov's "Third Piano Concerto".

International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International

Commander Eisenbach

Commander Charles Ditois

Resident artist Gothie Kapson

International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International

Yu Long, Music Director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, said, "In this season, we can once again listen to the pleasant music of the world's top artists, as well as feel the surging energy released by China's new forces, and experience the countless phenomena of art crossing time, space, and borders."

"Shanghai! Shanghai!" World premiere, global band relay

In recent years, Shanghai Symphony has collaborated with outstanding international composers to showcase the long history and traditional culture of the Chinese nation through notes, and has incubated multiple works such as "Table Tennis Concerto", "Beijing Opera Moments", and "Dunhuang". The oratorio "Shanghai! Shanghai!", jointly commissioned by conductor Yu Long, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, and New York Philharmonic Orchestra, was written by renowned composer Aaron Zigman and led by Pulitzer Prize winner and playwright Mark Campbell. It was a cross national production with the participation of several top tier global actors.

International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International

In November, "Shanghai! Shanghai!" will have three consecutive performances in four days, led by tenors Ben Bliss and Arnold Livingston Gais, low baritone Shen Yang and Andrew Dewan, soprano Zhang Rose, Diana Newman, and soprano Zhu Huiling. It tells the story of how the Jewish and Chinese people overcome difficulties together, using music to cross barriers and convey the brilliance of human nature. In February next year, Yu Long will direct the New York Philharmonic Orchestra to perform this work in New York. Subsequently, internationally renowned orchestras such as the Berlin German Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of the UK will also relay performances. DG Records will also record "Shanghai! Shanghai!" for the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and distribute it globally.

Zhou Ping, the head of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, said, "Only by constantly performing and modifying can a musical work gain true vitality.". In addition to "Shanghai! Shanghai!", several original works commissioned by the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra will also be performed again this season. The sci-fi opera "Seven Days" by Howia and the symphonic dance piece "Legend of the Great Sage" co created by Liu Sola with the Beijing International Music Festival will both make their debut at the Beijing International Music Festival in Shanghai.

Yu Long, Music Director of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra

International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International

Overseas Musicians Return, Masters and Newcomers Gather

Two old friends of Shanghai music fans, conductor Dietois and Eisenbach, will lead the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra to present Dvorak's "From the New World" Symphony and Tchaikovsky's "Fifth Symphony" respectively. The Singapore Symphony Orchestra's laureate conductor, Shui Lan, once again took on the baton and presented Sibelius's Second Symphony.

The old friends of violinist Augustine Dume and cellist Wang Jian will reunite on the Shanghai Jiao Tong stage to collaborate with Mozart on the Symphony Concerto in E-flat major. Piano master Stephen Hoff, who has received 4 Grammy nominations and 8 phonograph awards, will join forces with Yu Long to challenge the two heavyweight piano concertos "Besan" and "Boyi". In addition, Stephen Hoff will also play Scriabin, Liszt, and his own work "Homesick Sonata" in the solo concert. Deng Taishan, winner of the gold medal in the 1980 Chopin Piano Competition, reappeared his style when he won the championship with Chopin's Second Piano Concerto. In addition, the legendary pianist will bring Frey, Debussy and Chopin's classical solo music.

International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International

Tenor Ian Bosterich

Pianist Stephen Hoff

Pianist Deng Taishan

International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International

While introducing Western musicians, Shanghai Jiao Tong insists on providing a stage for outstanding Chinese artists in China and around the world. Three generations of Chinese artists, including Ye Yongshi, Lv Shaojia, Ye Cong, Huang Yi, Yang Yang, Yuan Ding, Sun Yifan, Qian Junping, Zuo Zhang, and Liu Ming, will take turns presenting their masterpieces.

In addition, the highly individualistic Icelandic pianist Olavson, the cello champion Feng Yongzhi of the 16th Tchaikovsky International Music Competition, the youngest cello champion in the history of the "Little Chai Competition" Li La, the 18th Xiao Competition champion Liu Xiaoyu, and the new generation of pianists born in the 2000s Wang Yalun, these outstanding young musicians who have galloped on the international stage, will also appear on stage one after another.

Unprecedented masterpiece premiere, expanding music landscape

International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International

In the new season, cellist Steven Iserlis will perform Brahms. The teacher of violinist Ning Feng and German violinist Anteyer Weiterhaus will bring Bach's "Unaccompanied Violin Sonata and Suite". Pierre Laurent Aimar, the first French piano master to interpret the music of contemporary Hungarian composer Ligeti, will perform alternating exercises by Ligeti and Chopin at the same concert to pay tribute to Ligeti's centenary. In 2017, Russian piano master Vilsalaze, who left a deep impression on fans of Shencheng music, will also hold another solo concert.

According to incomplete statistics, the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra has completed over 300 Chinese and foreign premieres so far. In 1911 alone, China premiered 10 works including Beethoven's "Egmont Overture", Tchaikovsky's "Sixth Symphony", and "1812 Overture". In the 2023-24 music season, more than a hundred years later, the band continues to sketch the side profile of musicians with lesser known masterpieces outside the regular repertoire, expanding the live music experience for fans.

Gothier Kapson will bring the cello concerto "The Distant World" by contemporary French composer Didier with conductor Ye Yongshi. German baritone singer Thomas Ball and conductor Huang Yi, who will soon be the music director of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, will present Shostakovich's "Michelangelo Poetry Suite", both of which are Chinese premieres.

International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International

John Adams, the representative of 21st century American opera, was inspired by Beethoven's music to create "Absolute Creation", and Grammy nominated composer Zhou Tian, who drew inspiration from Dai dance to create "In an Instant", will both be performed. The Spanish Pebo Puppet Troupe will be led by Zhang Lu on Children's Day, presenting Stravinsky's "Petroshka" in the form of a puppet for the first time on stage in China.

Stravinsky's Petroshka

In addition, the Shanghai Chamber Music, Music Map Classroom, and Evening Peak Concert will continue to be performed, covering different audience groups. The pre-sale tickets for the new music season will also resume sales on July 25th after three seasons of stagnation.

International musician's "explosive" return, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra's new season unveiled: 92 performances Shanghai Symphony Orchestra | Music | International
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