Can AI become the "golden finger" of online writing? The first online literature model in the industry, the "Reading and Writing Clever Pen" publishing model | Creation | Wenda

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:21 AM

How does AI assist in online writing? On July 19, 2023, at the first "Yuewen Creation Conference", Yuewen Group released the first large-scale model in the domestic online literature industry, "Yuewen Miaobi", and the application product "Writer Assistant Miaobi Edition" based on this model. The aim is to create a new infrastructure for online literature creation for writers, including writer services, data operations, technical tools, etc., with the aim of relying on the platform and technology to empower and continuously help writers create good works.

"The landing of Yuewen Miaobi is the first step for Yuewen to embrace AIGC and promote new changes in the IP industry. Starting from Miaobi, we will continue to upgrade to an open and multimodal large model in the future, empowering the creative and IP ecology comprehensively with AIGC." said Hou Xiaonan, CEO and CEO of Yuewen Group.

The first domestic online literature model has been released

"This is the first large-scale model of online literature in China, and it will also be the model that understands online literature the most and writers the most." Hou Xiaonan said that upgrading AIGC empowers the original multimodal and multi category content platform, building a new integrated ecosystem of IP upstream and downstream, and becoming the medium - and long-term business blueprint for reading literature. The core of this is to connect "content+platform" through AIGC, to enhance the efficiency and quality of IP incubation and ecology. It is reported that the Writer Assistant Miaobi version has opened for internal testing and will gradually develop new features based on the iteration of large model capabilities in the second half of this year.

In the view of Huang Yan, Vice President of Yuewen Group, AI can solve some repetitive and laborious "physical labor" in the creative process of writers. "The core of the professional field of online literature is still the inspiration and construction of writers."

It is reported that Yuewen has accumulated more than 20 years of experience and expression methods in online literature creation, deeply understanding the logic and language style of online literature content, and can continuously assist models in producing content with online characteristics. Therefore, reading articles with clever brushstrokes and big models allows for a better understanding of the content and familiarity with the stories, characters, and worldview settings of various online works; Having a better understanding of creativity and creative techniques, one can write content with a sense of online literature; Understand more about "memes" and the "internet memes" formed during the interaction between writers and readers.

In the on-site demonstration, the Yuewen Miaobi Big Model answered several questions related to well-known works such as "Qing Yu Nian", "Dao Gui Gui Xian", and "Full time Expert", as well as the "Golden Three Chapters" of online literature. The model covered plot content, character introduction, work recommendation, industry knowledge, etc., and was superior to the general model in terms of accuracy, comprehensiveness, and summarization of answers, reflecting the charm of "online literature Bai Xiao Sheng".

Huang Yan introduced that the writer assistant's clever pen version has four major functions: worldview setting, character setting, scene description, and combat description. "Worldview setting is one of the important contents in the early preparation of online literature creation, involving multiple details such as force value, map, and sect power. The writer's assistant's clever pen version of the worldview setting function will enrich the writer's worldview setting and generate large sections of content to supplement and improve details. However, the spiritual core and evolutionary direction of the worldview still need to be grasped by the writer himself."

Can AI become the "golden finger" of online writing? The first online literature model in the industry, the "Reading and Writing Clever Pen" publishing model | Creation | Wenda

Previously, "Xianyu Juntou", a writer who had tried the author assistant Miaobi version, believed that in terms of scene description, AI has a larger vocabulary and richer description, but it cannot control the rhythm of online articles and readers' satisfaction. "I believe that as long as I find a way to use it, it can greatly improve the writer's writing efficiency. Now, I use Miaobi as an auxiliary tool for material and vocabulary, allowing me to avoid getting stuck in describing scenes due to specific adjectives."

"AIGC is an important driving force for the IP industry in the next five years." Hou Xiaonan said that AIGC has brought new creative modes, just like upgrading from manual driving to assisted driving for human liberation. However, "AIGC will not replace writers, it is the golden finger of creation, and the protagonist will always be writers." Hou Xiaonan emphasized.

Upgrade creative support measures

Over the past year, Yuewen has continuously cultivated the creative and content ecology. Among them, the Reading Starting Point Creation School provides various forms of training courses for hundreds of thousands of online writers; At the same time, copyright protection has been strengthened, and more than 70000 works have been sued for copyright protection. We have also independently developed an anti piracy system, which has basically solved the chronic problem of automated mass piracy in the industry. Many popular titles such as "Dao Gui Yi Xian", "Ling Jing Xing", "Deep Sea Ashes", and "The Ring of Destiny" have continuously broken platform records. In just the first half of the year, Yuewen has produced 7 new books with millions of reviews, and the number of newly added works with an average order of over 10000 has increased by 120% year-on-year; The growth of young writers on the platform is rapid. Among the top 500 writers in 2023, writers born in 1995 and 2000 saw a year-on-year increase of over 50%.

At the Reading and Writing Creation Conference, the Reading and Writing Group also released multiple newly upgraded creative support measures. For example, in terms of writer services, we will provide precise services for writers at different stages, from newcomers to experts, committed to helping the growth and development of online literature creation throughout its entire lifecycle, with the ultimate goal of forming a content ecosystem that is conducive to the rapid growth of potential writers, diverse tracks, and high-quality works with more IP centripetal force.

Yang Chen, Vice President and Editor in Chief of Yuewen Group, elaborated on the upgrade of data services, including effective reading data, recommended display effects, and tracking and tracking rates. "Fine and transparent information guidance can help authors, especially new authors, to do a series of multiple-choice questions in their creative careers.". A billion level multi track support plan was also released on site, including reality, science fiction, fantasy and other tracks; And introduced the upcoming IP incubation and operation modules, including full process expert support for IP incubation, expanded forms of IP promotion, and an IP experience enhanced by AIGC's multimodal capabilities. Hou Xiaonan revealed that in the first stage, Yuewen will apply AI to online comic editing, and in the future, it will comprehensively explore AI applications in the development chain of audio, comics, animation, and derivatives.

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