At the age of 94, Yu Yi published a revised collection of over 6 million words: The Practice of "Grassroots Teachers" Facing Realistic Problems

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 06:25 AM

On the morning of September 2nd, the revised version of the twelve volume and over 6 million word "Complete Works of Yu Yi" was first released at the Shanghai Library.

In 2018, the first edition of "The Complete Works of Yu Yi" was published, which is the first complete collection of top-level teachers in the field of basic education in China. In September 2019, Yu Yi was awarded the national honorary title of "People's Educator". At the age of 94, she still writes tirelessly, providing in-depth analysis of the current difficulties, causes, and solutions in education and teaching, and forming rich and unique educational insights. This comprehensive revision of the Complete Works of Yu Yi has added nearly 500000 words, with many articles, reports, and letters written in the past five years.

Faced with twelve new books, Dong Shaoxiao, Associate Professor of the School of Marxism at Shanghai Conservatory of Music and Vice President of the Shanghai Teachers' Research Association, couldn't help but sigh: "Each new book is like a brick of basic education, building a building of basic education in New China; it is also like a towering mountain. With 70 years of educational practice and exploration, Teacher Yu Yi has built a building of educational ideas. In the minds of many people, Teacher Yu Yi is the ideal of teachers, an ideal teacher, and she is also a mountain."

Yu Yi, who paid tribute to the on-site readers in the form of a video, said, "In the era of electronic information and artificial intelligence, the necessity and importance of paper culture dissemination have become increasingly prominent. However, in the survival and development of paper culture, unprecedented difficulties and challenges have been encountered. In this situation, Shanghai Education Publishing House has been able to revise and implement the education discourse planning of my grassroots teacher one by one, which I greatly admire."

94 year old Yu Yi Video Speech

"Teacher Yu is not only an author for publishing houses, but also a spiritual mentor for us to do educational publishing." Miao Hongcai, President and Editor in Chief of Shanghai Education Publishing House, put forward a confusion. "The Chinese education research community is more enthusiastic about introducing, introducing, and researching Western educational theories and ideas, but there is not much summary of the education practice and experience of the New China over the years. In recent years, we have consciously summarized the educational theories and experiences of basic educators who have grown up locally through publishing. We believe that this work is reliable. A simple logic is that the achievements of China's reform and opening up over 40 years are widely recognized, and this achievement is the work of our generation of Chinese people themselves." "Generations are cultivated by modern education in China. Therefore, it is our duty to summarize the theory of modern education in China."

At the age of 94, Yu Yi published a revised collection of over 6 million words: The Practice of "Grassroots Teachers" Facing Realistic Problems

On site, several editorial board members of "Complete Works of Yu Yi" shared their views on Yu Yi and her educational philosophy.

Chen Jun, a senior Chinese language teacher, principal of Shibei Middle School, and president of Shanghai Teachers Research Association, said, "Teacher Yu Yi is a loving elder and also a grassroots teacher full of vitality. Every word, every viewpoint, and every example of her is generated in the lively learning and life of the classroom, and it is in sync with the learning and growth of young people." The Complete Works of Yu Yi "is not written, but" grows "with the growth of young people. Every word and every word is a footprint of growth. In this ocean of more than 6 million words, there is a practical and pragmatic ideological line, rooted in practice and facing directly." "Realistic issues, Teacher Yu Yi's theory is not based on ivory towers, but on the face of educational reality and criticizing current problems."

In the eyes of Chinese language teacher Huang Ronghua, Yu Yi is like "Yuan Longping of the education industry", a "person who grows wheat and rice", and a "person who solves the food problem in the vast field of basic education". He particularly appreciates Teacher Yu Yi's view of classroom quality as a child's quality of life. "If our education loses life experience, it is a dead education. Whether it is Chinese language or other subjects, if there is no life experience in the classroom, it is a dead classroom. Teacher Yu said that the classroom is a song, and the classroom is a 'song field' for life growth. Student growth is not just a pursuit of scores. The rich teaching content, teaching forms, and teaching resources make Teacher Yu's classroom particularly nutritious."

"The most enjoyable thing is to listen to Teacher Yu telling stories and socializing," said Wang You, a senior Chinese language teacher, a teaching and research officer at Pudong Education Development Research Institute, and vice president of Shanghai Teachers' Study Research Association. Teacher Yu "has books in his heart and people in his eyes," has solid knowledge and excellent skills, and treats every student equally at the same time.

"In 2001, a TV station produced a program where a reporter interviewed Teacher Yu. In one breath, she shared the names of the 98 students she taught in the 1960s, telling the characteristics of the students. Over 40 years ago, these students have entered Teacher Yu's heart and left indelible memories." Lan Baomin, a special level Chinese language teacher and Secretary General of the Shanghai Teachers' Study Research Association, shared this impressive story with him. "The" Complete Works of Yu Yi "contains student-centered educational concepts and codes. Teacher Yu upholds the principle of 'education without discrimination, teaching according to individual needs'. She gives students indiscriminate love and adopts a differentiated approach." Teaching method. "

"We often say that higher education is the leader, and basic education is the cornerstone. The" Complete Works of Yu Yi "is an integrated embodiment of basic education ideas. Yu Yi's educational ideas and practices were born on this land of Shanghai. It is crucial for Shanghai to become a socialist modern international metropolis with world influence, and to cultivate advanced talents with advanced educational ideas." Wang Ronghua, Chairman of the Shanghai Education Development Foundation, said that Yu Yi has always said that she is a real grassroots teacher, and her people-oriented, contemporary, and practical nature are the most worth learning. "The times are developing, and 'how to be a teacher today' is an eternal topic. 94 year old Yu Yi is still facing the times and life directly." Facing problems directly and responding to the new concerns of the people and the education sector is the secret to maintaining the vitality of Yu Yi's educational philosophy. "

At the age of 94, Yu Yi published a revised collection of over 6 million words: The Practice of "Grassroots Teachers" Facing Realistic Problems
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