27th Liberation Book List | "The Great Way is Connected": The Integration of Marxism and Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture The Chinese Nation | China | Marxism

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 00:08 AM

The integration of Marxism and China's excellent traditional culture has a very significant, deep and decisive impact on the successful promotion of the great cause of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation led by the CPC, the vitality of Marxism and scientific socialism in contemporary China, which accounts for a quarter of the world's population, and the modernization of Chinese civilization. The integration process and brilliant achievements of the "second combination" over the past century are a significant practical basis for enhancing our cultural confidence and self-improvement.

The second combination is another ideological liberation, opening up vast space for theoretical innovation. The theoretical logic and century long integration practice of the "second combination" have been fully explained and deeply interpreted in "The Great Way is Connected: Marxism and Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture". We can see from it that the two are in line with each other, achieving mutual success, and striving in both directions in the great journey of building modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

We see that Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture are interconnected. Position determines viewpoint and method. Representing the position of "belonging to the heart," "belonging to the heart," and "direction of the heart," it has the most fundamental, fundamental, and decisive significance in human understanding and theoretical systems. Because of "common aspirations", there is "unity of ways"; Because of the same frequency, it resonates. The unremitting pursuit of Marxism for the happiness of the proletariat and the working people, the fundamental stance of seeking liberation for humanity, and the core pursuit and fundamental stance of the excellent traditional Chinese culture of "the journey of the great road, the world is for the public" and "the people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and peaceful" are completely consistent. The two are "closely connected" and "heart to heart" in the depths of their souls, destined that once they meet, they will definitely "combine" and must "combine".

We can see that Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture are in harmony. Marxism was born in Western capitalist countries and is a product of industrialization and industrial civilization. The purpose of the weapon of criticism is to transform it into a powerful force for transforming reality. Due to various reasons, Marxism did not succeed in guiding the proletarian revolution in its birthplace and developed capitalist countries in the West. Sharp "weapons" urgently require new "bright swords"; The glorious truth urgently needs to open up new paths for realization. While Marxism urgently needs a "historical transition", colonial and semi colonial countries such as Russia and China, which have relatively backward industrial and capitalist development, also urgently need to find new revolutionary guiding ideas due to the lack of means to save the country and the people. It can be said that Marxism was in sync with the revolutionaries of Russia and China. In modern China, there is an urgent need to break the historical dilemma of "national humiliation, people's suffering, and civilization's dust", and enable advanced Chinese intellectuals who are eager to learn scientific theories to resolutely choose, embrace, and follow the glorious truth of Marxism through the inspiration of the October Revolution.

27th Liberation Book List | "The Great Way is Connected": The Integration of Marxism and Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture The Chinese Nation | China | Marxism

We see that Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture complement each other in the same direction. In the materialist dialectics of Marxism, everything in the world is moving, changing, and developing, and there is no unchanging truth. The application of the basic principles of Marxism must always be based on the historical conditions of the time, and the Marxist theoretical system itself must constantly develop with practice and the development of the times. In the thousands of years of progress of the Chinese nation, "Hundred rivers returning to the sea" has become the basic way and cultural habit of the development of Chinese civilization, actively learning and borrowing from foreign civilizations, daring to self develop and innovate. Being humble, walking towards the light, actively embracing and absorbing all advanced and reasonable elements, and resolutely abandoning all outdated elements in oneself are the common characteristics of Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture. On the basis of internal and spiritual connection, the common characteristics of being good at learning, adapting to changes, and seeking change make it easy for Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture to identify with each other, move towards each other, and walk into each other. Looking back at history, as soon as Marxism entered China, it consciously or unconsciously embarked on a journey of sinicization, despite its twists and turns, striving and resolutely to "carry Chinese characteristics in every expression, that is, to apply it according to Chinese characteristics", deeply absorbing the great spirit and rich wisdom of the Chinese nation, vividly presenting distinct Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style. On the other hand, after absorbing the essence of Marxist thought, traditional Chinese culture has activated many vibrant and excellent factors and endowed them with new contemporary connotations, undergoing a systematic, profound, and transformative transformation of the times, radiating new vitality.The discourse system and practical achievements of the theoretical innovation achievements of the CPC, such as "the greatest concentric circle", "the awareness of the Chinese national community", "two consolidations", "co construction, co governance and sharing", "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", "the common values of all mankind", "a community with a shared future for mankind", "self revolution", can be seen that the essence of Marxist ideology and the essence of excellent traditional Chinese culture have achieved organic connection and deep integration on the Chinese soil. The result of the "second combination" not only achieved Marxism, allowing the tree of Marxism to deeply take root in China and bear fruitful flowers, but also created traditional Chinese culture, freeing it from the dilemma of "civilization dust", walking on the path of cultural modernization, and achieving Phoenix Nirvana through creative transformation and innovative development.

We see that Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture are "harmoniously integrated". Marxism is based on modern industrial civilization, created on the basis of inheriting all excellent ideological and cultural achievements of humanity, revealing the general laws of human social development and the special laws of capitalist operation, and pointing out the direction and path for the liberation of the proletariat and all humanity. It is the most scientific and advanced theory. The excellent traditional culture of China has lasted for thousands of years, creating a long and splendid Chinese civilization that has widely radiated and deeply influenced the world. Its core values include "maintaining harmony and peace," "upholding propriety, righteousness, integrity, and integrity," "emphasizing benevolence, valuing the people, upholding justice, advocating harmony, and seeking great harmony." It emphasizes overcoming the vulgarity and jungle rules of "selfishness, self-interest," and "the law of the jungle" among all people, groups, and countries, and most embodies that "people are the spirit of all things," showcasing the brilliance of human nature, and therefore, it is the most enduring and vibrant human culture. Due to the fundamental positions of "serving the people" and "serving the public", as well as the similarities in many basic viewpoints and methods such as emphasizing dialectics, emphasizing practice, following the masses, and seeking unity, Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture have a strong internal driving force, mechanism of action, and vast space for mutual integration. The integration of the two is a historic and leapfrog integration that transcends agricultural civilization and industrial civilization, as well as Eastern civilization and Western civilization. On the basis of actively drawing on and absorbing the sum of human knowledge from capitalist modern civilization, we work together to explore higher-level socialist modern civilization; It is the fusion of water and milk, complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses, and working together to revitalize and promote new things, creating an organic and unified new cultural life form through a chemical reaction formula.

For over a hundred years, the integration of Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture has allowed modern civilizations such as Marxism and industrial civilization originating from the West to "grow new leaves and bloom new flowers" on the old tree of Chinese civilization that has been around for more than 5000 years; The socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, which is formed by the integration of Marxism and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, has become the unique cultural form of Chinese path to modernization in the world, integrating the "Ma Family", the "Chinese Family" and the "Modern Family". This new form of human civilization, which has created a new miracle of the development of human society and integrated the backbone of the ancient and modern, the central and western, the socialist core, and the modern social philosophy, mechanism, and methods, is a great contribution of the CPC, the Chinese people, and the Chinese nation to all mankind, and a great contribution of Chinese wisdom to human civilization.

The book "The Great Way is Connected: Marxism and Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture" is authored by China Youth Publishing House

27th Liberation Book List | "The Great Way is Connected": The Integration of Marxism and Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture The Chinese Nation | China | Marxism
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