Keep writing shining chapters of youth

Author:Randy Hahn
Release time:May 15, 2024 07:34 AM

【Key words】"China Youth May 4th Medal"

[Event] On the eve of the May 4th Youth Day, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the All-China Youth Federation decided to award the 28th "Chinese Youth May 4th Medal" to 30 comrades including Wang Chuanchao, and to 20 other comrades including the Youth Commando Team of the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway Project Department of the China Railway Fourth Bureau. The 28th "China Youth May 4th Medal Collective" was held by a youth collective. This is not only an affirmation of the winners, but also inspires and guides the young people to work hard, forge ahead, and join the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country with a high-spirited attitude of struggle.

What is youth supposed to look like? Everyone has their own answer. Youth is inherently colorful and full of infinite possibilities. But in outstanding youth, we can always find the same background.

Browse the list of winners of the 28th "China Youth May 4th Medal" and "China Youth May 4th Medal Collective". These are the post-80s, post-90s, and post-00s generation from all over the world, in different positions, engaged in different professions, and have different experiences. , showing a moving mental outlook.

This is the ambition of "to be at the top of the mountain and see all the mountains and small mountains at a glance". The Purple Mountain Laboratory's 6G key technology research team has achieved a number of important innovations in 6G network architecture, key technologies and 6G key device research and development, and has created many "global firsts" in key indicators. This is the tenacity of "a sharp sword is sharpened". Braving temperatures as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius and strong winds as high as level 10, the Wuhan University Antarctic scientific expedition team used their youth to measure the frozen land and achieved many "from 0 to 1" breakthroughs in the history of my country's polar scientific expeditions. This is the dedication of "the belt gets wider and you never regret it". Not afraid of the harsh environment and being far away from family and prosperity, Hong Meishu, the kindergarten principal of Yongxing School affiliated to Qiongtai Normal University, has been taking root in the southernmost school of the motherland for six years, using his youth to guard the "Southern Gate" of the motherland's basic education. They are born at the right time and move forward. The young people grow up through hard work day after day and experience the courage to overcome difficulties. Only then have they achieved impressive achievements one after another. This is the most beautiful thing about youth. background color.

No one will be young forever, but some people will always be young. As generations pass on, youth continues to write new shining chapters. Guo Xi, who won the 28th "China Youth May 4th Medal", is the third generation of sand controllers among the "six old men" of the "Model of the Times" three generations of advanced desertification and afforestation groups in Babu Sand Forest Farm. Starting in 2016, Guo Xi, who was born in 1985, took over the baton of desertification control from his father’s generation. In the past, the only way to control desertification was by using donkey carts to pull water. Later, agricultural vehicles or motorcycles were used to pull water. Nowadays, the third generation of desert control people represented by Guo Xi has innovatively adopted mechanical sand control, network sand control and other methods to make their work more precise. Efficient. On this basis, they also vigorously developed the sand industry and wrote the green legend of "windy sand turns into scenery, yellow sand turns into gold". It has increased from less than 3% to over 70%. This is a leap in the forest and grass vegetation coverage rate in the forest farm management and protection area, and it is also the answer given by youth. If we move forward bravely in the continuous struggle and run our own club well in the new era and new journey, our youth will be brilliant forever and tempered with a brilliance that will not fade.

Only when young people have ideals, dare to take on responsibilities, can endure hardships, and are willing to work hard can Chinese youth have strength and be full of hope for the development of the cause of the party and the country. On the eve of this year’s May 4th Youth Day, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a message to the young people, "Show youthful deeds, highlight youthful style, contribute youthful power in promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation, and strive to write a youthful chapter that is responsible for Chinese modernization." Today's youth stand on a higher platform and have a broader vision. Aim high, let your dreams keep pace with the times, let your youth resonate with your family and country, go to the place where the motherland and the people need it most, go through the ups and downs, grow your talents, display your ambitions, and make achievements, you will be able to shine with the brilliance of youth and create a colorful life.

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