Shanghai is exploring a new model for social medical services: “Super MDT” provides patients with one-stop services from diagnosis and treatment to claims settlement

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 19:59 PM

Shanghai is exploring a new model for social medical services: Recently, Donglei Brain Hospital provided interdisciplinary and cross-industry “super MDT” to a patient with lung adenocarcinoma and brain tumor. From patient surgical plans, treatment and rehabilitation to insurance claims, multiple experts work together to provide patients with one-stop services. Professor Song Donglei, the founder of the hospital and a well-known neurosurgery expert, said that this model will be applied and promoted in the hospital in the future.

The MDT model has been introduced in my country for nearly 20 years. The goal of this multidisciplinary consultation model is to save patients from traveling back and forth and allow experts to "surround the patients" to jointly solve clinical problems. Compared with traditional MDT, the super MDT attempted by Donglei Brain Clinic this time covers multiple "roles": in addition to neurosurgery, neurology, radiology experts, attending doctors, etc., there are also genetic scientists from pharmaceutical companies. In the past 10 years, The first doctor who previously performed lung cancer surgery on the patient, and the patient’s insurance agent.

The super MDT was organized by Huo Junfeng, director of the Brain Malignant Tumor Academic Center of Donglei Neurology and neurosurgery expert, and took about an hour. On the basis of protecting patient privacy and ensuring that relevant operations comply with existing laws and industry standards, detailed medical records are synchronized with all participants through a shared screen, and the basic situation is introduced by the bedside doctor.

It turned out that after the patient suffered from lung adenocarcinoma surgical treatment 10 years ago, he received no special treatment and no regular review. In August this year, I sought medical treatment due to numbness and weakness in one limb, and was diagnosed with metastatic tumor from lung cancer in the left frontal lobe.

Fortunately, preoperative PET-CT showed that there were no metastases in other systems of the patient's body. The patient completed this difficult surgery at Donglei Brain Department, and the results were very successful: the tumor was completely removed without causing any nerve damage or side effects, and the patient was able to go to the toilet alone the night after the surgery. What is gratifying is that the patient's genetic testing found an EGFR-19 deletion mutation, and multiple corresponding drugs are available for clinical use.

Throughout the super MDT, in addition to clinical experts introducing treatment options, researchers from the new diagnosis and treatment technology team introduced new immunotherapy technologies that have entered Phase III clinical trials and listed treatment options for patients. Genetic testing engineers are responsible for interpreting genetic testing results and providing drug classification options for targeted treatments. Rehabilitation therapists and nutritionists provide personalized plans based on the patient's physical condition and treatment needs. Insurance brokers are responsible for interpreting commercial insurance policies and providing professional claims advice.

Families of patients are also invited to participate. The expert team will introduce the overall follow-up treatment plan, and answer questions about the start time of treatment, treatment duration, and the patient's history of adverse drug reactions. Afterwards, family members will also receive a complete record.

Huo Junfeng said that for difficult and complicated neurosurgical diseases, super MDT has obvious advantages. It greatly covers the problems that patients may encounter during the treatment process and provides more comprehensive answers. The participation of multiple experts also makes the formulation and implementation of treatment plans more efficient and accurate. Listening to the process of super MDT is also a good learning opportunity for young grassroots doctors. Song Donglei finally said that in the future, the hospital will promote more "super MDT" and summarize the cases and publish them in a book for reference by people in the industry.

Shanghai is exploring a new model for social medical services: “Super MDT” provides patients with one-stop services from diagnosis and treatment to claims settlement
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