It is expected that Fengxian will usher in its first comprehensive tertiary hospital in the first half of 2025, and the structure of Xinhua Hospital’s Fengxian campus will be capped

Release time:Apr 23, 2024 20:07 PM

On September 26, the Fengxian campus project of Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, one of the city’s “Five Major Livelihood Projects in Five New Towns,” completed its structural capping after two years of construction. It is expected to be completed in October 2024 and put into operation in the first half of 2025. By then, Fengxian District will usher in its first comprehensive tertiary-A teaching hospital, which will specialize in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, tumor, maternal and child critical care, etc. to strengthen the shortcomings of suburban medical resources.

The first phase will have 600 beds and will be built into "three major centers"

In April 2021, the Xinhua Hospital Fengxian Campus project proposal was officially approved by the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, and the site was selected at the junction of Dongfang Meigu Avenue and Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway. Construction started on October 15, 2021, with a total construction area of ​​133,495 square meters. The first phase of construction will have 600 beds. In 2022, it will be included in the national provincial regional medical center construction project.

According to the plan, Xinhua Hospital Fengxian Campus will focus on regional medical and health needs and disease spectrum characteristics, and build a comprehensive hospital with outstanding professional advantages in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular, tumors, maternal and child critical care, etc., to strengthen the shortcomings in medical resources in the region. board, injecting new momentum into the construction of the regional health system. In the future, Xinhua Hospital Fengxian Campus will be built into "three major centers" - a regional diagnosis and treatment center for complex and difficult diseases, a high-level and excellent medical talent training center, and a high-precision biomedical research and development center.

"The first phase plan of Xinhua Hospital's Fengxian Campus has a total of four individual buildings, including a medical complex, a behavioral experiment center and supporting facilities, etc." Cheng Ming, deputy director of Xinhua Hospital, said that the first phase of construction will focus on cardiovascular medicine, digestive medicine, etc. Internal medicine, respiratory medicine, etc., strengthen the disciplines of cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, general surgery, etc., take into account the development of ophthalmology, neurology, nephrology, gynecology and pediatrics, etc., comprehensively improve the professional level and comprehensive treatment capabilities in the region, and further highlight difficult and critical diseases and characteristics of rare disease diagnosis and treatment.

According to reports, Xinhua Hospital will strive to build several disease diagnosis and treatment centers that have reached the advanced level in Asia, focusing on the construction of six major centers and the construction of two major characteristic platforms. Among them, Xinhua Hospital Fengxian Campus will play an irreplaceable and important role.

Take a step forward to make high-quality medical care "indistinguishable" between urban and rural areas

It is reported that Xinhua Hospital was founded in 1958 and was the first comprehensive hospital designed and constructed by Shanghai after the founding of New China.

From Xinhua Hospital undertaking the construction assistance task of Chongming District Central Hospital more than ten years ago to the construction of Xinhua Hospital Fengxian Campus in 2021, Xinhua Hospital has gradually entered the era of "multi-campus" from "single campus". In the past ten years or so, Xinhua Hospital has promoted Chongming District Central Hospital from a second-level hospital to a third-level hospital through the export of experts and comprehensive assistance. More than 30 doctors above the deputy director level have been working in Chongming all year round to provide services to local residents. While providing medical services, a lot of exploration and practice have been done according to local conditions, and it has become a benchmark project for the sinking of resources of large domestic medical institutions. The hospital also took the lead in establishing the Northern Pediatric Medical Consortium and the Xinhua-Yangpu Medical Consortium, forming a pattern with Xinhua as the leader, second- and third-level medical institutions as the platform, and community health service centers as the extension, integrating high-quality medical resources. Radiate into the community and play an active role in promoting the implementation of hierarchical diagnosis and treatment.

"This is a long-awaited project for 'Xinhua people'. We strive to better plan the discipline construction, carry out discipline layout at a higher level, base ourselves on Fengxian, and serve patients in the Yangtze River Delta and even the country." said Sun Kun, president of Xinhua Hospital, Fengxian Hospital Based on the development ideas of "one body and two wings, intelligent connectivity, platform support, and subject integration", the district will be based in Fengxian, serve Shanghai, and radiate to the Yangtze River Delta, "taking a step outward to allow high-quality medical resources to radiate wider."

It is understood that as one of the five major new cities in Shanghai proposed in the "Shanghai Urban Master Plan 2016-2040", Fengxian New City will be built into a comprehensive service-oriented core new city on the north shore of Hangzhou Bay in Shanghai, serving the southern wing of the Yangtze River Delta and the development of Pudong. An important gateway hub, it has become the node center of the Yangtze River Delta and the urban sub-center of Shanghai.

It is expected that Fengxian will usher in its first comprehensive tertiary hospital in the first half of 2025, and the structure of Xinhua Hospital’s Fengxian campus will be capped
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