What is the deep meaning? Shanghai's "seniors" gather again

Release time:Sep 22, 2024 05:46 AM

The 36th Shanghai Mayor's International Entrepreneurs Advisory Meeting will be held today. The annual Pujiang meeting, on this platform that reflects and witnesses China's reform and opening-up process, will once again establish intellectual links with the world, gathering global wisdom, global solutions and potential cooperation opportunities.

Shanghai is the frontier of China's reform and opening up and an international metropolis with deep global connections. It is accelerating the construction of an international economic, financial, trade, shipping and technological innovation center, and fully playing a leading and demonstrative role in promoting Chinese-style modernization.

The “five centers” all have the adjective “international”, which means that this city must always keep a global mindset and embrace the world, both in its macro-development orientation and in its specific development process, so as to better represent the country in global cooperation and competition and shoulder its due strategic mission.

Two months ago, the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee clarified the goal, vision and implementation path of further deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization, and re-deployed high-level opening up. For Shanghai, facing the new global competition and cooperation situation, especially in response to the challenges faced by the current export-oriented economy, the way out is to reform and open up with greater strength and at a higher level, especially through pioneering reforms and leading opening up, to better benchmark and even lead the world's highest standards and best levels.

In such a context, it is of great significance both in the present and in the long run to do everything possible to access global resources, attract global elements, connect with global discourse, and better present an open, innovative, and inclusive urban character and image on a global scale.

The theme of this municipal advisory meeting is "Leading paradigm change, expanding openness and cooperation, and deepening the construction of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center in the new era." The combination of innovation and openness is particularly meaningful.

After ten years of efforts, the construction of Shanghai International Science and Technology Innovation Center has achieved a leap from "laying the foundation" and "building the framework" to "strengthening functions", and is currently entering a new stage where innovative vitality continues to burst out and innovative results continue to emerge. To release vitality and emerge results to a greater extent, we must make every effort to accelerate breakthroughs in the entire chain of scientific and technological innovation.

The acceleration of the entire chain cannot be carried out in a closed environment. It must rely on greater openness and coordination, and must be considered in the overall context of reform and opening up and in the trend of global competition and cooperation.

On the one hand, the core goal of further comprehensively deepening reform and opening up at a higher level is to activate the driving force of innovation and promote a new round of high-quality development through innovation, which goes beyond the circulation and exchange of factors in the general sense. On the other hand, since it is called an international open center, it must be a science and technology innovation center built in an open environment, and it should play the role of an important node or even a hub in global cooperation and competition.

Whether a city can seamlessly connect with the global technological innovation paradigm change in real time and keep on track in the midst of great changes will directly affect the innovation source capacity of the entire city. Obviously, without openness, none of this can be achieved.

Shanghai has previously made it clear that it must deeply grasp the general trend of international innovation, implement international science and technology cooperation initiatives, integrate into the global innovation network, strengthen international collaborative research on major scientific issues, deeply participate in global science and technology governance in fields such as artificial intelligence, and work with other countries to create an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory innovation environment, so that science and technology can better benefit mankind.

In other words, the city must not only grow itself through continuous openness and cooperation, but also contribute to the world through further openness and cooperation. This is the mission of Shanghai to build a science and technology innovation center and other "centers". Today, the in-depth exchanges at the Municipal Advisory Meeting will surely allow the city to further understand this mission and work harder for it.

What is the deep meaning? Shanghai's "seniors" gather again
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