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Now that it is becoming a reality, what are the new academicians busy with? Jian Zhimin: The science fiction "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" 150 years ago
Now that it is becoming a reality, what are the new academicians busy with? Jian Zhimin: The science fiction "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" 150 years ago

[Editor's Note] General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during a recent inspection in Shanghai that promoting Chinese-style modernization cannot be separated from the strategic support of science and technology, education, and talents. Shanghai must be a good leader in this regard and accelerate its progress towards a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence. . Efforts should be made to cultivate a large number of cutting-edge talents with a sense of mission and create good conditions for them to display their talents. The additional election of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2023 was recently announced. A total of 18 scientific and technological experts in Shanghai were elected. What are they busy with recently? Jiefang Daily·Shangguan News launches a series of dialogue reports to listen to their scientific stories and their experiences on technological innovation. [Introduction to Jian Zhimin] He has been engaged in teaching and scientific research of marine geology for a long time, and has achieved systematic innovative results in the study of the ancient oceans of the Western Pacific and the paleoclimate of East Asia, especially in

The first batch of 12 national first-class cultural relics collected by the Qian Museum were released, ranging from bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree certificates from China and the United States to Qian Xuesen, Chiang Ying's mandarin duck genealogy
The first batch of 12 national first-class cultural relics collected by the Qian Museum were released, ranging from bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree certificates from China and the United States to Qian Xuesen, Chiang Ying's mandarin duck genealogy

Today, December 11, is the 112th birthday of Qian Xuesen, an outstanding scientist renowned at home and abroad and the founder of China’s aerospace industry. From Jiaotong University to MIT and Caltech, he has a full set of "bachelor's, master's and doctoral" degree certificates from prestigious schools in China and the United States, as well as a wedding invitation from his wife Jiang Ying, as well as "two bombs and one satellite" awarded by the party and the country. The first batch of 12 national first-class cultural relics collected by Qian Xuesen Library were released at the Qian Xuesen Library that day. Statue of Qian Xuesen. Photo by Xu Ruizhe A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that the first batch of 12 cultural relics in the collection were identified as national first-class cultural relics, the earliest of which is about 90 years old. Including the undergraduate diploma awarded to Qian Xuesen by the National Chiao Tung University, and the first-class scientific scholarship of the Chinese Academy of Sciences awarded to Qian Xuesen for his book "Engineering Cybernetics" by the Science Prize Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

How to speed up the curve, but only two companies are among the top 100 in the world, and China’s medical device market is second only to the United States
How to speed up the curve, but only two companies are among the top 100 in the world, and China’s medical device market is second only to the United States

To alleviate the problem of "difficult and expensive medical treatment", the medical cost of medical equipment cannot be underestimated. In terms of market size, China has become the world's second largest medical device market after the United States. However, on the list of the top 100 global medical companies, with Medtronic, SC Johnson and Siemens as the top three, only two Chinese companies are on the list. At the 2023 China Health Equipment and Technology Conference and the 3rd China Health Management International Forum held in Shanghai these two days, medical devices became a major topic, and experts from government, industry, academia and research offered suggestions on how to accelerate the curve. Health medical equipment technology innovation and regulatory scientific exchange. Medical devices are an important pillar of the country's biomedical industry and are currently in a golden period of development. A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, my country's medical equipment industry developed rapidly, and the market size increased rapidly.

National Art Fund Project "Horse Culture on Fur Paintings" National Tour Exhibition Opens in Shanghai
National Art Fund Project "Horse Culture on Fur Paintings" National Tour Exhibition Opens in Shanghai

On December 9, the first national tour of the National Art Fund project "Horse Culture in Fur Paintings: Arts and Crafts Works Exhibition" opened at the EMI Museum of Art in Shanghai. The exhibition took three years to prepare and will be toured in five cities including Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Yining and Urumqi. At the opening ceremony, the national intangible cultural heritage Twelve Muqam-Daolang Dance live performance promoted and popularized Chinese horse culture. As the 2022 communication and exchange promotion funding project of the National Art Fund, the exhibition mainly uses fiber art fur paintings as the creative carrier, with ancient and modern Chinese and foreign horse culture stories are the theme of creation, and the exploration and protection of horse culture and art are the main line of creation. The more than 120 works on display not only integrate excellent traditional culture, but also absorb modern artistic concepts and exclusive research results, generating a kind of both Old and young, alone

Help Shanghai become an international event capital, and develop a long-term volunteer talent pool to serve the Summer Olympics qualifying competition
Help Shanghai become an international event capital, and develop a long-term volunteer talent pool to serve the Summer Olympics qualifying competition

According to the Olympic Movement Reform Roadmap, the first Olympic Qualification Series will start before the Paris Olympics next year. It will become an important qualifying event for freestyle BMX, break dancing, skateboarding and rock climbing. It is also a brand-new combination of sports and urban culture. Festival type series. Among them, the Shanghai Station of the Olympic Qualification Series is scheduled to be held on the bank of the Huangpu River from May 16 to 19, 2024, and the Budapest Station will be held on a local university campus from June 20 to 23. Olympic Committee official announcement poster. Participate in the Olympic Games and build an event capital, with volunteer service first. In order to cooperate with the pace of building Shanghai into a world-famous sports city, the Shanghai College Student Sports Event Volunteer Training Base was established at Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology on the 9th to provide professional event volunteer service training and establish sports event records.

How to play parent-child games? How to solve parenting problems? "Parenting gas station" relieves parents' "care anxiety"
How to play parent-child games? How to solve parenting problems? "Parenting gas station" relieves parents' "care anxiety"

"Why is my baby so full of energy and can't stop all day long?" "Why is my baby's feeding and defecation time irregular? It's hard to predict." "Why does my baby always vomit it out when adding new complementary foods? Does he not like to eat them? "... Faced with these continuous problems of new parents, Ma Shiwei, deputy chief physician of Shanghai Maternal and Child Health Center and national second-level psychological counselor, has already been "prepared" - Over the weekend, the 2023 Shanghai Scientific Parenting Guidance Charity The event "Children's Gas Station" special event was held in Huangpu District. More than 1,500 families with children aged 0-6 in the district participated in 92 games in an activity area of ​​nearly 3,000 square meters. At the same time, they had face-to-face interactions with 9 leading experts in the fields of education and medicine. , learning, nearly 300 professional teachers from kindergartens in the district participated in the guidance. exist

Xuhui creates more open learning spaces, designs good courses at home for residents, and walks culturally with the digital map
Xuhui creates more open learning spaces, designs good courses at home for residents, and walks culturally with the digital map

Community residents can search for historical memories and discover artistic treasures during cultural walks without traveling far; encourage young college students to serve the community, participate in community innovation competitions, and design dynamic and high-quality public welfare courses at their doorsteps for residents... Recently, the 18th Xuhui District Learning Festival in 2023 opened, combining the construction of 15-minute community learning circles to create more open and zero-distance learning spaces. Xuhui District Lifelong Education Humanities Walking Digital Map "Hui Map" is a humanities walking digital map that integrates multiple elements such as history, culture, and art, and involves multiple learning points such as museums and pocket parks. "Hui Map" will launch new cultural walking routes every year to lead everyone to appreciate Xuhui, and also create a column for exploring pocket parks to showcase the cultural heritage through various forms such as text, pictures and videos.

The prototype of the story is actually..., "She is 'Jiaojiao'!" The new female anchor entered the Shanghai Jiao Tong University news broadcast room
The prototype of the story is actually..., "She is 'Jiaojiao'!" The new female anchor entered the Shanghai Jiao Tong University news broadcast room

"I heard she is 'Jiaojiao'." On December 8, on the official video account of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, a new news anchor was broadcasting campus information live. She stands upright, expresses richly, and has a natural demeanor. Without prompting, you would not be able to tell that this live news broadcast is different from the past, because the female anchor is not a "real person", but a "virtual person". She is the first virtual digital human anchor launched by Jiaotong University Fusion Media Platform. Virtual digital human news anchor. Judging from the news footage, the anchor is well-dressed, and his body movements and facial expressions appear very natural. When broadcasting the news, his voice is fresh and smooth, showing the style of a professional anchor, and even his lip movements are very similar to those of a real person. What is even better than a real person is that as long as no wrong information is entered, the virtual anchor will not make mistakes and does not need to rest. He is satisfied.

Please take the postgraduate entrance examination with confidence! | New observation on education, please recruit graduate students with confidence! security,security department
Please take the postgraduate entrance examination with confidence! | New observation on education, please recruit graduate students with confidence! security,security department

"Teacher, how many days a week do you have to work?" "Hello, classmate, you have to work 1.5 to 2 days a week." A piece of campus information "Recruitment for "Management Trainees" of the Security Office is open" unexpectedly made it out of the circle. From December 4 to 17, during the recruitment period for the "student assistant manager" position, students from Shanghai Jiao Tong University applied for consultation as usual. However, the selection conditions for "full-time graduate students" and the subsidy amount of "1,800 yuan/month, paid for 12 months per year" have caused some people in the society to "think wrongly." Peaceful Jiaotong University. "What? The Security Office of Jiaotong University only recruits graduate students?" "What! Graduate students of Jiaotong University work as security guards?" "Security guards of Jiaotong University only earn 1,800 yuan per month?" Therefore, this on-campus notice became a hit for "100,000 yuan" . Clarifying the facts may be just a small thing, but the big thing behind it is the concept of talent.

The Shanghai Blockchain Base Station provides cross-school course selection services for 39 universities, and more than 15 million people have opened accounts in the Yangtze River Delta Credit Bank.
The Shanghai Blockchain Base Station provides cross-school course selection services for 39 universities, and more than 15 million people have opened accounts in the Yangtze River Delta Credit Bank.

Mutual recognition of learning results and transfer of credits across provinces. A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned on the 7th that more than 15 million people have opened accounts in the Yangtze River Delta Credit Bank based on the open university system of three provinces and one city, successfully realizing the co-existence and sharing of digital learning files of 15.2 million learners in the four places. It has also provided big data services for learning archives to 45 universities in the Yangtze River Delta region, provided credit transfer for more than 120,000 undergraduate and junior college students in the Yangtze River Delta region, promoted mutual recognition and exchange of lifelong learning results among regions, and achieved cross-regional talent training results. It is reported that with the operational support of the Yangtze River Delta Credit Bank, the blockchain base station in Shanghai has provided fast and orderly cross-school course selection services for 39 universities in Shanghai; the Anhui Credit Bank has realized the cross-school selection of more than 9,000 course resources. Share; Jiangsu Open University reference

Shanghai will build no less than 100 child-friendly school pilot schools and by 2025, adhere to the principle of putting children first
Shanghai will build no less than 100 child-friendly school pilot schools and by 2025, adhere to the principle of putting children first

By 2025, Shanghai will build no less than 100 child-friendly school pilot schools, taking into account kindergartens, primary schools, and middle schools. On the basis of the construction of pilot schools, each district will increase construction efforts in batches every year. By 2028, more than 60% of the city's schools will meet the construction requirements; by 2030, more than 90% of the city's schools will meet the construction requirements; by 2035, the city's schools will meet the construction requirements. Complete the task of building child-friendly schools, make the concept of child-friendly schools deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, form a child-friendly school brand that matches the modern international metropolis, and create a Shanghai sample and Shanghai path of child-friendly schools. Recently, the Municipal Education Commission issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Child-Friendly Schools in Shanghai" to promote the construction of child-friendly schools. "Implementation Plan" implements the concept of child-friendly and realizes school education

It should be written with 'emotion'", Ding Shenyang: "An excellent cursive work
It should be written with 'emotion'", Ding Shenyang: "An excellent cursive work

"People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes. It's difficult to do this in ancient times. I hope that people will live forever, and we can share the beauty of the moon thousands of miles away." "The rocks pierced the sky, the waves crashed on the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up. The mountains and rivers were picturesque, and for a moment "How many heroes." "There are so many beautiful people in the country that they have attracted countless heroes to bow their waists. They are all gone, but it depends on the present day." ", a classic verse fragment from Mao Zedong's "Spring Snow in Qinyuan". These verses, either whole poems or couplets, are frequently used when Ding Shenyang, a national first-class artist and chairman of the Shanghai Calligraphers Association, creates cursive scripts. Ding Shenyang said that he likes this kind of bold and romantic poetry, which is more in line with the free and unbridled creative characteristics of cursive script and reflects his spirit.

Millions of tons of "dry waste" every year can be turned into green fabrics. This first-ever T-shirt is actually a recycled lunch box! After eating takeaway
Millions of tons of "dry waste" every year can be turned into green fabrics. This first-ever T-shirt is actually a recycled lunch box! After eating takeaway

After eating takeaway, where do the used lunch boxes go? Will these white dry garbage cause plastic or microplastic pollution? You may not expect that at the Advanced Low-Dimensional Materials Center of Donghua University in Songjiang University Town, Shanghai, the dark and light T-shirts for the first time in the new product look and feel like ordinary T-shirts, but they are actually recycled lunch boxes. With quick-drying properties. Garment samples on display. From takeout lunch boxes to quick-drying T-shirts, behind this magical material cycle are takeout platforms, plastic recycling companies, fabric processing companies, designers and brands, as well as material scientists, who have worked together to open up this technical route and allow the first The advent of low-carbon polypropylene fabric made from recycled lunch box materials provides a high-value recycling scenario for take-out lunch boxes, which also reduces carbon footprint and environmental pollution accordingly. Wear a T-shirt to receive a low-carbon certificate.

Shanghai Film School promotes the construction of a global film and television creation center, and Shanghai Theater Academy joins the International Federation of Film and Television Schools
Shanghai Film School promotes the construction of a global film and television creation center, and Shanghai Theater Academy joins the International Federation of Film and Television Schools

A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that the International Federation of Film and Television Schools, established in Cannes in 1955, recently voted at its annual meeting and unanimously decided to accept the Shanghai Theater Academy as one of its more than 180 member units from various countries around the world. Among the members of this alliance, there are both internationally renowned professional film schools and film and television schools of famous comprehensive universities. Materials from the Center for Translation and Introduction of Chinese and Foreign Drama. Photo by Liu Jiaqi Therefore, the Shanghai Film School, which is based on film and television, and the "academic school" represented by Hu Ge and others, can bring greater help to the construction of Shanghai as a global film and television creation center. Li Zhenlin, director of Shanghai Theater Experimental Film Studio and dean of the School of Film and Television, said that "Flowers", which Hu Ge and Wong Kar-wai have been working on for four years, has finally "opened" and may become one of the biggest cultural events next year. This is based on Jin Yu

Ministry of Education: There are no strict requirements for students’ homework during illness, and prevention and control of epidemic diseases in winter schools should be done well
Ministry of Education: There are no strict requirements for students’ homework during illness, and prevention and control of epidemic diseases in winter schools should be done well

Recently, the Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Preventing and Controlling Epidemic Diseases in Winter Schools", deploying local education administrative departments and schools to effectively prevent and control epidemic diseases in winter to ensure the health of teachers and students and the normal order of education and teaching. It emphasized that services for sick students should be strengthened and there would be no mandatory requirements for students’ homework during their illness. The "Notice" focuses on six aspects of work requirements. Attach great importance to the common prevention of multiple diseases. Fully understand the current work situation and significance of epidemic prevention and control in winter, adhere to bottom-line thinking and joint prevention of multiple diseases, and respond to the possible overlapping epidemic periods and alternating epidemic peaks of multiple epidemic diseases according to the time and situation. Make scientific and effective responses according to local conditions, solidly implement various prevention and control measures, and do our best to protect the lives, health and safety of teachers and students. Strengthen monitoring and early warning intervention.

Just last month, it was renamed and appeared on the stage of the National Center for the Performing Arts. This Shanghai original master play went to Tsinghua University and Beijing Dalian for three performances.
Just last month, it was renamed and appeared on the stage of the National Center for the Performing Arts. This Shanghai original master play went to Tsinghua University and Beijing Dalian for three performances.

On the occasion of the 10th National Constitution Day, on the evening of December 4th and today, Shanghai teachers and students brought the youth version of the original drama "The Stand" to Tsinghua University for two consecutive performances, which resonated with audiences of all sizes. Tomorrow, there will be a performance at Peking University. A reporter from Liberation Daily and Shangguan News learned that a month ago, the professional version of the original large-scale drama "Lei Jingtian" was renamed "Stand" and was performed at the National Center for the Performing Arts for three consecutive performances. It received good reviews and also set the stage for this youth version of the drama tour. Kick off. Students from Tsinghua University and affiliated schools watched the performance. "On National Constitution Day, it is very meaningful for us to perform again. We will always remember the oath." said Du Yongqiang, a student from Huazheng Communication College who plays Lei Jingtian. It is reported that this law-themed drama performed at Tsinghua University and Peking University was produced by East China University of Political Science and Law and was composed entirely by Huazheng students.

Master at Fudan | Quan Zenggu’s “slash life”
Master at Fudan | Quan Zenggu’s “slash life”

Obtained an undergraduate degree in philosophy from Stanford University in just two years, pioneering the study of the history of Western philosophy in China. He was once the director of the Foreign Languages ​​Department of Fudan University, and served as the director of the library of Fudan University with his wife... This year is a well-known philosopher, Fudan University It is the 120th anniversary of the birth of Quan Zenggu, professor of the University’s Department of Philosophy. What kind of person is Mr. During the pursuit, reporters from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News discovered that he was a "all-rounder" who learned both ancient and modern times and was well versed in both China and foreign countries. The currently popular "slash life" is a perfect way to describe his wonderful life. [Stay all day in the Harvard Library] Quan Zenggu is a descendant of Quan Zuwang, a famous historian and writer in the Qing Dynasty. The oldest existing library in China, "Tianyi Pavilion", contains the ancestor of Quan's family. of cultural heritage. In 1923, he went to the United States to study in the same boat as him.

Looks like a bug outside? Famous teachers such as Chen Mo put more blame on parents. The family is like a dragon, and the "epidemic baby"
Looks like a bug outside? Famous teachers such as Chen Mo put more blame on parents. The family is like a dragon, and the "epidemic baby"

Have you also noticed that many children have two different looks at home and outside: at home, they are like a dragon, lively; outside, they are like a worm, timid? Some people say that this is a kind of social anxiety among the "epidemic babies" born in the past three years. Is that true? Recently, Chen Mo, an expert in child and adolescent psychological education, a special supervisor of the Psychological Counseling Center of East China Normal University, and the former secretary-general of the Basic Education Professional Committee of the Shanghai Psychological Association, attended the class at the Qibao Huangdu Neighborhood Center in Minhang. Parents share how to help their children grow up healthily, with sharp humor and to the point. Chen Mo started the class. "Children are very outgoing at home and are afraid of socializing outside?" Teacher Chen Mo reminded parents not to pay too much attention to and protect their children at home. We should make good use of "housework"

This innovation competition demonstrates the enthusiasm of young people to change their lives and encourages children to discover "golden ideas" from life
This innovation competition demonstrates the enthusiasm of young people to change their lives and encourages children to discover "golden ideas" from life

"How did you come up with this idea?" "Have you done any preliminary research when doing this questionnaire?" "Whose life do you hope to change with this idea of ​​yours?" This past weekend, a lively random question and answer session Held at the Zhangjiang Science Hall - the final evaluation event of the 39th Pudong New Area Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition was held here. 48 experts and scholars from Jiaotong University, Tongji, East China Normal University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai University of Science and Technology and other units served as final judges and evaluated the contestants. Students' scientific and technological creativity will be randomly questioned, students will give impromptu responses, and finally the outstanding winning works will be selected. After preliminary selection, 309 projects were shortlisted for the final evaluation of the Youth Science and Technology Innovation Competition , and a total of 385 students participated in the competition's final evaluation exhibition event. The content of the competition includes two series: competition and exhibition review, with a total of 5 activity sections. The competition series includes

Let learning become a way of life, the new version of Shanghai Learning Network is launched, Shanghai National Lifelong Learning Activity Week begins
Let learning become a way of life, the new version of Shanghai Learning Network is launched, Shanghai National Lifelong Learning Activity Week begins

Shanghai is a global learning city, and it is also the first in the country to propose the concept of building a learning city. On the 3rd, the 19th Shanghai Municipal Lifelong Learning Activity Week opened in 2023. With the theme of "Make Learning a Lifestyle", this activity week comprehensively demonstrated the new normal and new lifelong learning for Shanghai citizens in the new era. Style. Since 2005, Shanghai has held 18 consecutive National Lifelong Learning Activity Weeks to promote the in-depth development of lifelong education in the city. In order to further deepen the work of citizens' lifelong learning and humanities walking and enhance its attraction to citizens' learning, the Shanghai citizens' lifelong learning and humanities walking cartoon characters were released at the opening ceremony of the activity week, and a new version of Shanghai Learning Network was launched. Shanghai citizens' lifelong learning and humanistic walking cartoon characters are released. The opening ceremony started with the micro video "Building a Lifelong Learning System,

The General Secretary encouraged teachers and students in colleges and universities to promote the integration of education, science and technology talents, and there were many university projects at the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition
The General Secretary encouraged teachers and students in colleges and universities to promote the integration of education, science and technology talents, and there were many university projects at the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition

At the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Exhibition that General Secretary Xi Jinping visited recently, Shanghai Jiao Tong University's "deep sea, all-weather, resident floating research facility" was one of the exhibits as a major national science and technology infrastructure planning project. A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned that the Deep Sea Science Facility is the world's first large-scale marine scientific research platform and will provide extreme research methods for marine science and engineering research. In this regard, Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Deep Ocean Scientific Facilities Construction Headquarters, which is intensively engaged in the construction, is very excited. All members of the command said, "We will live up to our entrustment and shoulder our mission bravely. We will build deep-sea scientific facilities with high quality through solid work, and strive to create a 'national weapon' in the marine field, so as to promote high-level self-reliance and self-reliance in marine science and technology." Promote the high-quality development of the marine economy and contribute to the strength of universities

Aiming to find "patient capital" and "long-term capital", the first phase of 1 billion yuan, Fudan Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Funds was launched
Aiming to find "patient capital" and "long-term capital", the first phase of 1 billion yuan, Fudan Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Funds was launched

In the investment world, the Yale University Fund of Funds is legendary, with an annual return of 10.9% in the past ten years, 3.0% higher than the average return. Focusing on the long term and being patient are among its core principles. On December 3, the "Fudan Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Funds" jointly initiated by Fudan University, local governments, state-owned enterprises and market-oriented institutions was launched. The first phase totaled 1 billion yuan. Its goal is to guide the sub-fund to become " “Patient Capital” and “Long-Term Capital.” What are the highlights of Fudan’s fund of funds focusing on “technological innovation”? A reporter from Liberation Daily and Shangguan News conducted an exclusive interview with Sun Pengjun, the head of Fudan Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Funds. [Not just the money, but more importantly the empowerment behind it] The so-called "fund of funds", that is, the "fund of funds", does not invest in specific projects, but is a specialized investment "sub-fund"

The dream of tennis sets sail from Qizhong Tennis Center, and the "Tennis Masters" for primary and secondary school students in Shanghai begins
The dream of tennis sets sail from Qizhong Tennis Center, and the "Tennis Masters" for primary and secondary school students in Shanghai begins

On December 2, the Shanghai Primary and Secondary School Tennis "Masters" reignited - the 2023 Shanghai Primary and Secondary School Tennis Championships kicked off at the Qizhong Tennis Center in Maqiao, Minhang District. More than a thousand young players swung and competed here. Your own "Masters Tournament". The Shanghai Primary and Secondary School Tennis Championships was held for the first time in 2017 and has been held for six consecutive years. The competition is divided into primary school groups A, B, junior high school groups and high school groups. This year’s event attracted more than 242 schools and 1,184 students to participate. After six years of accumulation and development, it has now developed into the highest level and largest student tennis event in the city, and even the largest student tennis event in East China. The competition venue is arranged at Qizhong Tennis Center, so that the young players can continuously call it "professional". The competition venue is the annual ATP1000 Masters

95% of China’s top 100 companies are located east of the Hu Huanyong Line. New top 100 global science and technology innovation centers: 23 cities in China and 26 cities in the United States.
95% of China’s top 100 companies are located east of the Hu Huanyong Line. New top 100 global science and technology innovation centers: 23 cities in China and 26 cities in the United States.

Since General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed in October 2013 that "Zhongguancun needs to accelerate its march into a scientific and technological innovation center with global influence", the construction of China's scientific and technological innovation center has gone through 10 years. So, what is the status of China’s science and technology innovation center on the global map? On the 2nd, the Global Innovation and Development Institute of East China Normal University released the "Top 100 Global Science and Technology Innovation Centers" and the "Top 100 China Science and Technology Innovation Centers" at the 2023 International Science and Technology Innovation and Development Forum, mainly focusing on the global concentration of innovation elements and the global scientific research. From the five dimensions of leadership, global source of technological innovation, global driving force of industrial change, and global supporting force of innovation environment, the scientific and technological innovation development status of 140 cities around the world and 295 cities at prefecture level and above in China was scientifically evaluated. Select all separately

Which major will you choose in the future? Jianping Middle School’s University Academic Camp allows students to get to know themselves and find their “favorite”
Which major will you choose in the future? Jianping Middle School’s University Academic Camp allows students to get to know themselves and find their “favorite”

"If you don't climb a mountain, you don't know how high the sky is; if you don't go to a deep stream, you don't know how deep the earth is." In the golden autumn, a group of Shanghai students walked out of the campus with joy and went to various parts of the motherland to find their dreams for the future - not long ago, 220 sophomore students from Jianping Middle School went to five places to start a week-long study trip. At top universities in Beijing, Tianjin, Xi'an, Wuhan and Shanghai, they walked into laboratories to listen to professors' lectures at close range, sat in classrooms to experience college students' classes, and wandered around campus to feel the strong university atmosphere... In high schools where every second counts During the period, a whole week was spent for the children to search for their "dreams." Yu Xiaozhen, the principal of Jianping Middle School, said that only when children have dreams in their hearts can they become the "best selves" in the future. Enter the laboratory to start career experience through in-depth professional experience

What's unique about him? Now he DIYs China's first wheelchair mountain bike, with video | Accidentally trapped him in a wheelchair
What's unique about him? Now he DIYs China's first wheelchair mountain bike, with video | Accidentally trapped him in a wheelchair

December 3rd is the International Day for People with Disabilities. Noel Joyce, an interactive media and business teaching instructor at NYU Shanghai, built China's first wheelchair mountain bike, using innovative design to realize the cross-country dream of people with disabilities. What’s unique about this wheelchair mountain bike? What's the story behind it? [Accidental disability] In Charleville Forest, County Offaly, Ireland, an 18th-century Gothic castle stands in an ancient oak forest. This land was a place where Joyce often visited when he was young, and it was also his favorite riding paradise. Joyce has loved cycling since she was a child. "Mountain biking allows me to ride in the forest, challenge more steep terrain, get close to nature, and appreciate different scenery." He said. As a teenager, Joyce worked at a local bicycle shop and honed his skills in bicycle repair. 14 years old

In line with the world-class ecological island style, Jiaotong University settled in Chongming? The new campus is actually a jointly built international college of agriculture and ecology
In line with the world-class ecological island style, Jiaotong University settled in Chongming? The new campus is actually a jointly built international college of agriculture and ecology

Public information from the Chongming District Planning and Natural Resources Bureau shows that the design plan of Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s Chongming campus is being announced. So, Shanghai Jiao Tong University will settle in Chongming Island? Project renderings A reporter from Jiefang Daily and Shangguan News learned on the 1st that Jiaotong University will soon settle in the Dongtan area of ​​Chenjia Town, Chongming, with the International School of Agriculture and Ecology as the main body. According to the campus design plan announced yesterday, the Chongming campus of Shanghai Jiao Tong University covers an area of ​​approximately 350 acres, with a planned construction area of ​​159,576 square meters. The design plan follows the concept of the integration of science and technology and nature. In the future, an ecological, low-carbon, open space will be built An inclusive shared campus. It can be said from the project renderings that this painting style is highly harmonious with the world-class ecological island, without any violation. As early as five years ago, Chongming District and Shanghai Jiao Tong University signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement.

The Sunshine Sports League leads students to "get active" and encourages everyone to participate in 20 competitions in three months
The Sunshine Sports League leads students to "get active" and encourages everyone to participate in 20 competitions in three months

108 teams from 95 schools and more than 3,000 students participated - not long ago, a huge competition was held at Tongji Middle School in Yangpu District. This competition lasted from morning to afternoon. All primary and secondary schools in the district participated. The principals of all primary and secondary schools attended the competition. Many schools even conducted school-wide "auditions" for this purpose. After three years, the Yangpu District Student Sunshine Sports League primary and secondary school radio gymnastics competition resumed offline competition in 2023. This sport that all students "see every day" holds competitions, which brings vitality to the entire campus. This year, the Sunshine Sports League has added new projects and returned with a new "expansion" and upgrade. All students are encouraged to participate in various sports and "get moving" together. Elementary school baseball game. The “everyone’s game” behind the team competition is Yangpu District’s Sunshine Sports League this year

Shanghai's guidance on further promoting the development of childcare services will come into effect tomorrow, and all new kindergartens should offer childcare classes
Shanghai's guidance on further promoting the development of childcare services will come into effect tomorrow, and all new kindergartens should offer childcare classes

All newly built kindergartens should provide child care classes, and existing kindergartens should add child care classes through reconstruction, expansion, relocation, replacement, etc. according to the needs of school-age children in the area. Public kindergartens must open as many childcare centers as possible and should be open, and private kindergartens are encouraged to open inclusive childcare classes... Starting tomorrow, the "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Childcare Services in this City" will be implemented. By the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the city's permanent population will have no less than 4.5 nurseries for infants and young children under 3 years old per 1,000 residents, the proportion of all-in-one kindergartens will reach 85%, and the coverage of community childcare "baby houses" in streets and towns will be Reaching 85%, the Family Scientific Parenting Guidance Station has achieved full coverage in the community. At present, there are nearly 1,500 childcare service institutions of various types in this city, providing 66,000 childcare places. About 60% of kindergartens offer childcare classes, and nearly 70% of kindergartens offer childcare classes.

Benefit families and influence society. The culture of integrity on campus goes beyond the campus to create a good educational environment with integrity.
Benefit families and influence society. The culture of integrity on campus goes beyond the campus to create a good educational environment with integrity.

The teachers and students of Nicheng Kindergarten played the Red Allegro to start the rhythm of integrity. The children of Huinan Primary School acted out the story of Zhang Wentian’s integrity. The children of Donggou Middle School wrote down the honest words on their bookmarks. When the teachers and students of Xiangshan Middle School held a An exhibition of anti-corruption paintings with different painting styles... In this golden autumn, campus culture and party style and clean government education meet unexpectedly on the Pudong campus. On November 29, the Pudong New Area Education System’s 2023 Integrity Culture Publicity and Education Activities Summary Report Meeting was held. Nearly 300 representatives of party and government leaders and discipline inspection cadres from various grassroots party organizations in the New Area gathered together to review and summarize the New Area’s education system over the past year. Fruitful results have been achieved in the field of campus integrity culture construction. Five types of education work together to create a culture of integrity. At the conference, the Allegro performance from Nicheng Kindergarten was eye-catching. This section